Batman: Dead End
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Batman Vs Joker Vs Aliens Vs Predator. Nuff said.
Saw it after reading Player Vs Player this morning, cool stuff. Though Batman's custom was a little tacky.
Batman Vs Joker Vs Aliens Vs Predator. Nuff said.
Saw it after reading Player Vs Player this morning, cool stuff. Though Batman's custom was a little tacky.
<sarcasm>But it must be quality if Scott Kurtz recommends it!</sarcasm>
How long is it?
I want my money back, though I don't expect a lot since I didn't pay anything.
The sad part is, i think the thing is actually worse BEFORE the Aliens & Predator show up. Speaking of which, why the hell isn't Fox suing whoever did this? DC Comics too for that matter...
I was in it for the pure concept of seeing Batman take on 3 different baddies. You knew it was gonna be cheesy ;p
At least it was better than the Aliens Vs Predator Vs Terminator comic.....
The Art of the Saber
Pretty cool one too if your in to martial arts.
I'll just dl the kung fuey thingy
I was left a bit confused after this one. After scouring through that whole site, my favourite one is the "Bobba Fett: Jedi Hunter" one. 'Cos it's just so freaking funny. But that Martial Arts one, art of the sabre, is good too. Although a sabre wouldn't stick in the ground like that, it would burn through. And i THINK he blocks the sabre with his hand in one part, and with his neck in another. Correct me if i'm wrong on that.