Cpu Usage

auxiliaryauxiliary Join Date: 2003-08-07 Member: 19160Members
edited August 2003 in General Server Discussion
could anyone offer some suggestions or a guide to lowering the cpu usage on my linux NS server?

i have an athlon 1.33ghz machine with 1.5 gigs of ram. running debian 3.0. my NS server is running 14 players and uses 75-85% of my cpu all the time. i've been told on irc that this is normal and have had others tell me that something is wrong with my machine. i've been running CS on this machine for about the last 4-5 years and CS never peaked over 2-3% (yes i know CS uses alot less cpu) and i was hoping to get NS down to at least 25-40% cpu instead of 80.

any help would be appreciated. i'm just not sure where to go from here. i've tried 12, 14, 16, 20 players all use the same usage. i've also tried and servers.

edit: i've also ran the server completely blank with no plugins or mods. just straight hlds with NS.


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