Amxmod And Ns 2.0

cgountaniscgountanis Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19314Members, Reinforced - Gold
<div class="IPBDescription">Need something more flexable... AMXMOD!</div> I run a cyber/gaming cafe and needed a customer controlable solution. Basically power tripin adminless solutions. I just wanted to help anyone who needs AMXMOD installed. I successfully have HLDS .1d, MetaMod 1.16.2 ( and AMXMOD 0.9.5 ( running on RedHat 9 using SUDO and SCREEN command in rc.local (loads HLDS at boot as non-root user). I cannot find a stats_logging plugin or the needed NS stats reporting module yet. I run PsychoStats ( for my DOD 1.0 and CS 1.5 statistics needs. PsychoStats 2.0 should be out soon for detailed stats reporting for NS 2.0. If the AMX modules don't come out for NS we can't have detailed damage and headshot reporting... but how important is that and does it even apply.

02:50:30 Currently loaded plugins:
name version author file status
[ 1] Admin Base 0.9 default admin.amx running
[ 2] Admin Votes 0.9 default adminvote.amx running
[ 3] Anti Flood 0.9 default antiflood.amx running
[ 4] High Ping Kicker 0.9.4 default high_ping_kicker.amx running
[ 5] Map Extend Vote 1.0 default map_extend_vote.amx running
[ 6] NextMap 0.9 default nextmap.amx running
[ 7] TimeLeft 0.9 default timeleft.amx running
[ 8] Welcome Message 0.9 default welcomemsg.amx running
8 plugins, 8 running

Everything works great! Basically you only need to know the amx_votemap or amx_votekick commands and your all set <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> Let me know if I can be of some assistance. I recommed AMXMOD over AdminMod anyday!

Check it out: HDC LINUX NS v2.0 Server:

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Happy GaminG!
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