
US-cobra-VUS-cobra-V Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19339Members
i need some help to bind some hotkeys.

i know how to bind them but i need to know the wright commands/hotkeys/numbers.

the most important are health, ammo, hmg, HA, welder, shotty and some others.



  • mindzmindz Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18941Members
    edited August 2003
    as far as i know the hotkeys arnt working..but heres the info u need :


    --Marine Commander commands--
    (Should be very useful for commander keybinds, aliases, etc.)
    (Not TOTALLY complete -- it has all build menu functions, and "recycle building", but no upgrade buttons, as those would be very difficult to find. The pitfalls of trial and error.)

    Important Note: To build a structure/item, the proper menu must be open that contains it (Equip for Health, for example)

    Important Note 2: In order to use the commander commands, you must be sitting IN the command console. Also, the commands MUST be bound to a key to work -- they don't seem to work by typing them in console (which is slower than clicking anyway). Make a quick bind or two (or 24), and you're set to go.

    Scroll up (alternate) +scrollup
    Scroll down (alternate) +scrolldown
    Scroll left (alternate) +scrollleft
    Scroll right (alternate) +scrollright

    Build commands, in Menu Order:
    Basic Build Menu:
    Switch to menu: hotkey86
    Resource tower hotkey41
    Infantry portal hotkey40
    Armory hotkey48
    Turret Factory hotkey43
    Turret hotkey56
    Siege Cannon hotkey57
    Command Console hotkey58

    Advanced Build Menu:
    Switch to menu: hotkey87
    Observatory hotkey51
    Arms Lab hotkey45
    Prototype Lab hotkey46
    Phase Gate hotkey55

    Equip Menu:
    Switch to menu: hotkey88
    Ammo hotkey60
    Health hotkey59
    Mines hotkey61
    Scanner Sweep hotkey53
    Welder hotkey62
    Shotgun hotkey64
    Heavy Machine Gun hotkey65
    Grenade Gun hotkey66

    Heavy armor hotkey38
    Jetpack hotkey39


    also the config i spent a good while one which ended in me finding the hotkeys are not enabled, it works by hittin a charactoer between 1 - (=) then it tells you what menu your at and what item you will get if you hit the same key.

    eg hit 1 a menu says that im at equipment menu about to buy a medic .. if i want it i shud hit the same key , on the other hand if i dont want tht i can keep pressing keys till i find what i want .. then i need to reset commander cfg so that the binds are reset :


    //..mindz ns class // commander.cfg.
    // 06/08/03.
    //..irc: #mindzpwnz @
    //..web: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.
    bind "MWHEELDOWN" "exec commander.cfg" //..incase you press wrong button.
    bind "5" "res0"
    alias "res0" "hotkey86; developer 1; echo [ menu : buildings > res tower]; developer 0; bind 5 res1"
    alias "res1" "hotkey41; developer 1; echo [ building <> resource tower ]; developer 0; bind 5 res0"
    bind "6" "inf0"
    alias "inf0" "hotkey86; developer 1; echo [ menu : buildings > infantry portal ]; developer 0; bind 6 inf1"
    alias "inf1" "hotkey40; developer 1; echo [ building <> infantry portal ]; developer 0; bind 6 inf0"
    bind "7" "arm0"
    alias "arm0" "hotkey86; developer 1; echo [ menu : buildings > armoury ]; developer 0; bind 7 arm1"
    alias "arm1" "hotkey48; developer 1; echo [ building <> armoury ]; developer 0; bind 7 arm0"
    bind "8" "turf0"
    alias "turf0" "hotkey86; developer 1; echo [ menu : buildings > turret fact ]; developer 0; bind 8 turf1"
    alias "turf1" "hotkey43; developer 1; echo [ building <> turret factory ]; developer 0; bind 8 turf0"
    bind "9" "tur0"
    alias "tur0" "hotkey86; developer 1; echo [ menu : buildings > turret ]; developer 0; bind 9 tur1"
    alias "tur1" "hotkey56; developer 1; echo [ building <> turret ]; developer 0; bind 9 tur0"
    bind "0" "rad0"
    alias "rad0" "hotkey87; developer 1; echo [ menu : advanced > radar ]; developer 0; bind 0 rad1"
    alias "rad1" "hotkey51; developer 1; echo [ building <> radar ]; developer 0; bind 0 rad0"
    bind "-" "tur0"
    alias "arml0" "hotkey87; developer 1; echo [ menu : advanced > arms lab ]; developer 0; bind - arml1"
    alias "arml1" "hotkey45; developer 1; echo [ building <> arms Lab ]; developer 0; bind - arml0"
    bind "=" "pro0"
    alias "pro0" "hotkey87; developer 1; echo [ menu : advanced > prot lab ]; developer 0; bind = pro1"
    alias "pro1" "hotkey46; developer 1; echo [ building <> prototype lab ]; developer 0; bind = pro0"
    bind "1" "medi0"
    alias "medi0" "hotkey88; developer 1; echo [ menu : equipment > medi ]; developer 0; bind 1 medi1"
    alias "medi1" "hotkey59; developer 1; echo [ equipment <> medikit ]; developer 0; bind 1 medi0"
    bind "2" "ammo0"
    alias "ammo0" "hotkey88; developer 1; echo [ menu : equipment > ammo ]; developer 0; bind 2 ammo1"
    alias "ammo1" "hotkey60; developer 1; echo [ equipment <> ammo ]; developer 0; bind 2 ammo0"
    bind "3" "scan0"
    alias "scan0" "hotkey88; developer 1; echo [ menu : equipment > scan ]; developer 0; bind 3 scan1"
    alias "scan1" "hotkey53; developer 1; echo [ equipment <> scan ]; developer 0; bind 3 scan0"
    bind "4" "weld0"
    alias "weld0" "hotkey88; developer 1; echo [ menu : equipment > welder ]; developer 0; bind 4 weld1"
    alias "weld1" "hotkey53; developer 1; echo [ equipment <> welder ]; developer 0; bind 4 weld0"
    bine "e" "say_team >> mindz has taken control"
    developer 1
    echo [ executed <> commander.cfg ]
    echo [ <> 5-9. basic building <> 0+.advanced building ]
    developer 0

  • US-cobra-VUS-cobra-V Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19339Members
    thx. already had that list. but if they don't work i won't be doing much with it. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
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