New Voice Pack
Not good enough for a custom title. Join Date: 2003-04-15 Member: 15533Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">yay for all...</div> After receiving some fairly good feedback from my last one (including a whole lan center hearing it played over a huge main system normally used for major matches), I've decided to do another one for 2.0, only this time replacing EVERYTHING (including weapons). I can do this now because i've got some decent sound editing stuff (i was just using basic windows recorder last time) so i can get the timing right on the weapons (it's harder than it looks). Anyway, here is what i've got so far:
Voices: Listed.
Acknowledged X 4:
1) Yeah yeah yeah, now shut up, I heard ya.
2) God, we have to do EVERYTHING your way.
3) Ok. I obeyed. I bet you're happy now, right?
4) Yeah. I did it. I risked my life FOR YOU.
Orders Required X4
1) I could do with some, you know, ORDERS!
2) Fine, no orders. Don't blame me when we lose.
3) Orders...Must...Have...ORDERS!!!!
4) An order a day keeps the Onos away!
Follow Me X2
1) Follow me or I KILL YOU MYSELF!
2) Follow me, but die first if we get attacked.
Covering X3
1) I'm covering you. OR AM I?!?!
2) Be my Human shield!
3) WATCH OUT!! Ahaha, just kidding, it's me. (Maybe add the alien chuckle sound in for a laugh? don't know)
Taunts X4
1) Man, that thing looks like my ex (throwing up sounds).
2) I've seen better looking things in a McDonalds kitchen...
4) Be Right Back, just gotta clean some alien off my boot.
Medpak X2
1) I'm really, really hurt. AHH NEED MEDPACK!
2) I think that alien bit my **** off. Can i have a new ****?
Ammo X3 (why the hell have 3 ammo and only 2 medpack?)
1) (Me doing poorly imitated gun sounds) *click click click* OH SH*T I NEED SOME AMMO! (that was the one people seemed to like the most from the last one)
2) Unless you want me to smack them, ammo please.
3) Guns Minus Bullets Equals a Dead me. Ammo. NOW!
In position X2
1) I got to your damn waypoint.
2) I'm whereever the hell i'm meant to be.
Alien Spotted X3
1) I saw sommat spikey with four legs. HELP!
2) Awww, cute doggy. AHHH! THAT'S NOT DOG!
3) Xen...Xenofor... spikey thing spotted.
Move out X3
2) Move out. I'm right behind you... using you as a shield.
3) You lot move out. I'll stay here and guard the, erm, ship.
All Clear X2
1) Apart from some cloaked aliens, all clear
2) This is clear. Although I THINK i saw an onos around here.
Weapon sounds: To be decided.
Right, I'm not too happy with those if i'm honest. They WILL sound better than they look, but i'm open to suggestions. Also, i'd like to see what people would want as weapons sounds. So throw in some suggestions. All noises in thos pack will be generated soley by my voice box. Yes, to those who never used the last one, it sounds like a stupid idea, but people liked it. It's meant to be so stupid it's funny.
P.S, just so I know, did anyone actually use the last one for more than a few days?
Voices: Listed.
Acknowledged X 4:
1) Yeah yeah yeah, now shut up, I heard ya.
2) God, we have to do EVERYTHING your way.
3) Ok. I obeyed. I bet you're happy now, right?
4) Yeah. I did it. I risked my life FOR YOU.
Orders Required X4
1) I could do with some, you know, ORDERS!
2) Fine, no orders. Don't blame me when we lose.
3) Orders...Must...Have...ORDERS!!!!
4) An order a day keeps the Onos away!
Follow Me X2
1) Follow me or I KILL YOU MYSELF!
2) Follow me, but die first if we get attacked.
Covering X3
1) I'm covering you. OR AM I?!?!
2) Be my Human shield!
3) WATCH OUT!! Ahaha, just kidding, it's me. (Maybe add the alien chuckle sound in for a laugh? don't know)
Taunts X4
1) Man, that thing looks like my ex (throwing up sounds).
2) I've seen better looking things in a McDonalds kitchen...
4) Be Right Back, just gotta clean some alien off my boot.
Medpak X2
1) I'm really, really hurt. AHH NEED MEDPACK!
2) I think that alien bit my **** off. Can i have a new ****?
Ammo X3 (why the hell have 3 ammo and only 2 medpack?)
1) (Me doing poorly imitated gun sounds) *click click click* OH SH*T I NEED SOME AMMO! (that was the one people seemed to like the most from the last one)
2) Unless you want me to smack them, ammo please.
3) Guns Minus Bullets Equals a Dead me. Ammo. NOW!
In position X2
1) I got to your damn waypoint.
2) I'm whereever the hell i'm meant to be.
Alien Spotted X3
1) I saw sommat spikey with four legs. HELP!
2) Awww, cute doggy. AHHH! THAT'S NOT DOG!
3) Xen...Xenofor... spikey thing spotted.
Move out X3
2) Move out. I'm right behind you... using you as a shield.
3) You lot move out. I'll stay here and guard the, erm, ship.
All Clear X2
1) Apart from some cloaked aliens, all clear
2) This is clear. Although I THINK i saw an onos around here.
Weapon sounds: To be decided.
Right, I'm not too happy with those if i'm honest. They WILL sound better than they look, but i'm open to suggestions. Also, i'd like to see what people would want as weapons sounds. So throw in some suggestions. All noises in thos pack will be generated soley by my voice box. Yes, to those who never used the last one, it sounds like a stupid idea, but people liked it. It's meant to be so stupid it's funny.
P.S, just so I know, did anyone actually use the last one for more than a few days?
And who will be doing the voice for these commands?
"Something smells...(sniffing sounds)... and it aint me."
Perhaps you should make that "You lot move out. I'll stay here and guard the.. erm.. armoury!"
And it'll be me who does all the voices, sounds etc. It's the whole point of the pack, to make it funny.
LMG: "Tatatatatatatatatat!"
Pistol: "Bang!!"
HMG: "Bratatatatatatatatatat!"
Shotty: "BOOM! YOUR DEAD!"
Welder: "phhhhssssssssssssssst......"
Knife: "Swish!"
......I dunno, I'm just bored right now....good ideas though.
1) Man, that thing looks like my ex (throwing up sounds).
2) I've seen better looking things in a McDonalds kitchen...
4) Be Right Back, just gotta clean some alien off my boot.
How about u change number 4 to "awww man i think i just s**t my pants"? haha dat would be cool
For aliens, well, one of them is already done for you...Lerk Farts. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->. Spores:"May not be silent, but damned deadly".
Spit could be "Hach....ptew!"
Stomp: "Stop, in the naaame of love!" or "Freeze!"(in Onos voice, of course)
Chuckle: "Man, he must have been eating chicken or something, cause HE WAS GOOD!"
Leap: "Rawr." Don't make it like a scream though. A simple Rawr.
Heal Spray: "Ugh!"(you know that sound...its R rated, sure, but it'd work)
Blink: Race car sounds. Preferable F1s, because they...well, they're a high-pitched "RRRRRRRRRRR". And by high pitched, I mean EEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR.
Metabolize: Ahh...
Xenocide: BOOM!
Acid Rocket: ":acid rocket noise: ITS GONNA BURN!"
Babblers: "Babble, babble, babble"(like a turkey, except with babble instead of gobble)
Umbra: "You can't get me!"
Primal Scream: "Rawr!" this time, make him sound a BIT excited
Devour: MMMmmm...
Charge: "RAWR!" REALLY excited rawr.
Theres my take for ya. Sorry it isn't in order.
"Aww man, i broke a god damn nail!"
"Eewww, i trod in alien."
You <b>have</b> to keep "Now there's something you don't see every day, thanks god." in, that's the Best. Taunt. Evar.
"Something smells...(sniffing sounds)... and it aint me." <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
i really like that idea
I was thinking of having 3 seperate packs:
marine voices (with the alien chuckle included, seeing as it's the only alien sound left)
Marine weapons
Alien Weapons.
Because, let's face it, No one wants to hear my voice as often as that. I got rid of the pack about 2 days after i finished it, i hate my voice <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> . Good ideas guys, keep em coming!
***EDIT*** The weapon sounds have to pretty short (most of them are under a second) because they replay each time the weapon is fired (although i'm not sure about blink, i'll have to test it). So if i recorded any long things for weapons, they would sound like a huge stutter until the last shot, which would play out full.
<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
eh babblers? where?
Also, do you want me to release the marine voices now, or wait until it's all done? (see my DEVOTION to fans? muahahaha)
As for the commanders voice, its really up to you i think.
If they are good, they'll get used im sure of it <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
<a href=''' target='_blank'>X_Stickman's Voice Pack MkII</a>
"Your the Magenta gerbils"
"Your the Fucia pussycats"
"Your the llamas, no go off and sit in a corner!"
for the waypoints
"(in a fake booming voice) AND GOD SAID MOVIST TO THINE WAYPOINTH!"
"(over a cheesey walky talky)be my pawn or i'll give you a nerf gun covered in super glue"
"(same as above) mve to certan de-- *static* I mean, free ice cream"
"Unless your not done sodomizing the armory, head to the blinky thingie"
Taunt Convo.
Alien-Voice says: You know how stoopid you look in that outfit?
Marine-Voice says: Ya, cause I got it from your mama!
Marine-Voice says: You call that tiny thing an Onos?
Onos says: ROAR! <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->
<!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->
Marine-Voice says: I got honky tonka toys bigger than you!
"Your the Magenta gerbils"
"Your the Fucia pussycats"
"Your the llamas, no go off and sit in a corner!"
for the waypoints
"(in a fake booming voice) AND GOD SAID MOVIST TO THINE WAYPOINTH!"
"(over a cheesey walky talky)be my pawn or i'll give you a nerf gun covered in super glue"
"(same as above) mve to certan de-- *static* I mean, free ice cream"
"Unless your not done sodomizing the armory, head to the blinky thingie" <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
How about...
God's-voice says: Waypoint set... OMG look! theres something behind you!