Onos Redeem Vote



  • ForlornForlorn Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2634Banned
    Well, anyhow two things will happen if an onos can't redeem while eating:

    1. Devour will not be used
    2. Redeption will not be used

    I'm inclined to think 2 to be the norm. Why the hell must this upgrade be nerfed, when it wasn't really overpowered to begain with? Even when the onos could redeem when eating some dude, it really wasn't THAT overpowered or unfair... All the marines have to do is go on an offensive. Ever see an onos with redemption try and defend a base..? It's hilarious, watching him warp back to the hive only to be shot by invaders. He continues to warp around, usually around 3 times. You basically see an onos fly in circles, and then he dies. It's a really good reason as to why redemption can be weak as hell.
  • FrizzledFrizzled Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4424Members
    actually you can test it now if you find a server running the 2.01b patch ... most people still take redeem, but they just use the horn attack instead of trying to devour anyone.

  • alsteralster Join Date: 2003-08-06 Member: 19124Members
    Redemption is overpowered for onos who devour. 3 onos devouring with redemption = 3 HA gone in seconds. Redemption is ok with all other aliens. Nerf it for onos. Tip - don't be a onos and try to devour with redemption, get regeneration or carapace instead.
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