Haze's Guide To Ns



  • twistedtwisted Join Date: 2003-09-10 Member: 20725Members
    I didnt see the mines in there.
    Could you add some info on them pls (damage etc) just to finish off the weapons <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    Sure thing, will do that as soon as I have time...but right now I dont. Actually I'm just lazy.
  • NiteowlNiteowl Join Date: 2002-09-04 Member: 1274Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    yeah, amazing guide, i copy and pasted with full credit to you into our own forums, with a link to this post. nice job ha.ze <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    Thankyou Niteowl. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->

    I'll finish this up...soon hopefully. I've been putting this off a long time, and I might not get this finished this weekend because I've got a book report due this Thursday. I'll finish it up soon, hopefully.

    Thankyou for the feedback, and any comments, and or suggestions, are greatly appreciated.
  • JDawgJDawg Join Date: 2003-09-15 Member: 20890Members
    Hey Niteowl,

    You shoud get the source from Ha.ze and make a more colorful post. If the Admins won't sticky it here maybe you could. Ha.ze, would that be ok if Niteowl got the source?
  • Cold_NiTeCold_NiTe Join Date: 2003-09-15 Member: 20875Members
    edited October 2003
    Yeah the weapon "Mines" is missing. You should add that when you get a chance a.k.a. when you decide to stop being lazy... <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • ZERGZERG Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13132Members, Constellation
    edited October 2003
    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
    Distress Beacon (Ability)
    Distress Beacon, which is commonly known as either "Distress," or "Beacon," spawns in all of your friendly soliders and yourself into the marine start. It is useful in emergencies when fending off an alien attack, and uses 35 energy out of the 100 that the obs starts with.
    Enery to Use:
    --Distress Beacon = 35 energy<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I believe Distress Beacon costs 15 res not energy. Or did I miss something? And I thought scanner sweep was 25 energy, not 15 energy but is that change from 2.1?

    Also, would be good if you included research times. Advanced Armory = 3 minutes. Upgrade level 1 = 1 minute, level 2 = 2 minutes, level 3 = 3 minutes.

    EDIT: "scaner sweep ... 25 res" to "25 energy" sorry for confusion!
    EDIT AGAIN: clarity issues, have a nice day <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • RaVeRaVe Join Date: 2003-06-20 Member: 17538Members
    Distress Beacon and Scanner Sweep have been changed into energy7 values,which Observatories pool.

    Distress == ? energy
    Scan sweep == 25 energy
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    Distress = 15 res
    Scan = 35 res

    I made this before I had that knowledge. It will be fixed at a time when its not 1:45AM in the morning. lol
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin--JDawg+Oct 10 2003, 04:05 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (JDawg @ Oct 10 2003, 04:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Hey Niteowl,

    You shoud get the source from Ha.ze and make a more colorful post. If the Admins won't sticky it here maybe you could. Ha.ze, would that be ok if Niteowl got the source? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    What do you mean...? I doubt colors will make it stickyable if thats what your saying. Just dont edit it without my permission, otherwise I dont care where you put it.
  • JDawgJDawg Join Date: 2003-09-15 Member: 20890Members
    edited October 2003
    <a href='http://www.freewebs.com/jd_zimmerman/pub/index.html' target='_blank'>merc_nsguide_v2.zip</a>

    <span style='color:orange'>Very cool NS guide by Mercenary:</span>

    <a href='http://www.freewebs.com/jd_zimmerman/pub/index.html' target='_blank'>http://www.freewebs.com/jd_zimmerman/pub/m..._nsguide_v2.zip</a>

    Sorry for the slow download speed for this natural selection manual. If someone has a better website for downloading please post it, and give credit to Mercenary. Warning, this guide is in beta form only! He said he'd update it soon and release it at this addres:

    <a href='http://www.unleashed.ws' target='_blank'>http://www.unleashed.ws</a>
  • a_civiliana_civilian Likes seeing numbers Join Date: 2003-01-08 Member: 12041Members, NS1 Playtester, Playtest Lead
    edited October 2003
    LMG rate of fire is 15 per second.
    Pistol rate of fire is capped at <s>something like 5 or 10</s> <i>7.5</i> per second.
    Knife rate of fire is 3 per second.
    Welder damage is approximately 70 per second.
    HMG rate of fire is 15 per second. Clip/magazine size is 125.
    Grenade launcher rate of fire is 1.5 per second.
    Shotgun rate of fire is 1.5 per second. Damage is 17 per pellet, 10 pellets per shell.
    Are you sure the jetpack doesn't refuel mid-flight?
    Heavy armor costs 15 resources, and it gives you 200 armor.

    Bite rate of fire is 1.2 per second.
    Parasite rate of fire is 3 per second. Damage is 10.
    Spike damage is 16, if I am not mistaken. Rate of fire is 4 per second.
    Spore damage is 7 per half-second. Rate of fire is 1 per second.
    Swipe rate of fire is 2 per second.
    Metabolize rate of fire is 1 every 1.5 seconds. Heals 20.
    Acid rocket rate of fire is 2 per second. Not sure about the exact damage, but 120 seems way too high.
    Gore damage is 90 (was 120 in 1.04). Rate of fire is 2 per second.
    Devour rate of fire is 1 per second.
    Stomp rate of fire is 1 every .75 seconds.
  • ApeApe Join Date: 2003-06-17 Member: 17448Members, Constellation
    Phwoar. Nice work, very comprehensive, very detailed.
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    Pistol isnt capped at anything, I dont believe civilian. Scripts <i>are</i> broken on NS. Flayra did it some how, because I reciently tried a script made for me (Nothing terrible, just right click makes you leap/blink) and it didnt work.

    Scripts are broken, there is no cap.
  • a_civiliana_civilian Likes seeing numbers Join Date: 2003-01-08 Member: 12041Members, NS1 Playtester, Playtest Lead
    <!--QuoteBegin--Ha.ze+Oct 24 2003, 08:28 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Ha.ze @ Oct 24 2003, 08:28 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Pistol isnt capped at anything, I dont believe civilian.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I think it is; I can't seem to fire as rapidly as I could in 1.04. I'll try to do some testing.
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    Alright cool. I know I can fire that thing faster than half a second.

    Maybe your just not used to having a pistol script... <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • MavericMaveric Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1101Members
    why isn't this bad-boy stickied?!?
  • Cold_NiTeCold_NiTe Join Date: 2003-09-15 Member: 20875Members
    It really should be, I think so at least. But Sticky-value is a matter of personal opinion I guess. Anyway, the Modertars have yet to give their opinion.
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    I probably have to finish it first, but i'm a bit short on time right now. I'm working on a project for school.
  • a_civiliana_civilian Likes seeing numbers Join Date: 2003-01-08 Member: 12041Members, NS1 Playtester, Playtest Lead
    edited October 2003
    Okay, I completed my testing. Pistol rate of fire is capped at 7.5 per second.

    To determine whether it was capped, I bound mouse1 to "+attack; wait; -attack; echo _;", and then switched to pistol and clicked as fast as I could until 9 bullets were fired. I then brought down the console and observed the number of _'s that were echoed. The number was much greater than 9.

    My method for determining what it was capped at was more complicated. I wrote a command that consisted of lots of "+attack; wait; -attack; wait;" sequences. I adjusted the number of those sequences until, when I was standing in a certain place and aiming in a certain direction (the length of the 'wait' command is dependant on either framerate or latency), it would fire 6 pistol bullets. I then used it with the LMG, and it fired 11 bullets. After subtracting the initial bullet (which is fired instantly, and thus should not be counted), the pistol's rate of fire appears to be half the LMG's rate of fire. Since the LMG's rate of fire is 15 bullets per second, the pistol's rate of fire is 7.5 bullets per second.
  • Cold_NiTeCold_NiTe Join Date: 2003-09-15 Member: 20875Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--a civilian+Oct 29 2003, 06:32 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (a civilian @ Oct 29 2003, 06:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Okay, I completed my testing. Pistol rate of fire is capped at 7.5 per second.

    I determined that it was capped by binding my mouse button to "+attack; wait; -attack; echo _;", and then clicking as fast as I could until 9 bullets were fired. I then brought down the console and observed the number of _'s that were echoed. The number was much greater than 9.

    My method for determining what it was capped at was more complicated. I wrote a command that consisted of lots of "+attack; wait; -attack; wait;" sequences. I adjusted the number of those sequences until, when I was standing in a certain place and aiming in a certain direction (the length of the 'wait' command is dependant on either framerate or latency), it would fire 6 pistol bullets. I then used it with the LMG, and it fired 11 bullets. After subtracting the initial bullet (which is fired instantly, and thus should not be counted), the pistol's rate of fire appears to be half the LMG's rate of fire. Since the LMG's rate of fire is 15 bullets per second, the pistol's rate of fire is 7.5 bullets per second. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Mad scripting 5kiLL5! This should be useful for any future tutorial as well. Hopefully people will make good use of this, and any other pistol testing that this might precede.
  • bliNkbliNk Join Date: 2003-10-04 Member: 21422Members
    nice guide, good job
  • deathst4rdeathst4r Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19365Members
    Good job, soldier! Keep it on!
  • DragonMechDragonMech Join Date: 2003-09-19 Member: 21023Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    Hey Civ - I'm not positive, but rumor is the cap has been reduced to 5 rounds/sec now. Check out the S&I thread 'Pistol Scripts.' Thats where I got the number from.
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    I'll finish the guide once 2.1 comes out.
  • a_civiliana_civilian Likes seeing numbers Join Date: 2003-01-08 Member: 12041Members, NS1 Playtester, Playtest Lead
    <!--QuoteBegin--Dragon_Mech+Nov 1 2003, 03:46 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Dragon_Mech @ Nov 1 2003, 03:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hey Civ - I'm not positive, but rumor is the cap has been reduced to 5 rounds/sec now. Check out the S&I thread 'Pistol Scripts.' Thats where I got the number from.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Before 2.0 was released, it was rumored that the pistol's rate of fire would be capped at 5 per second (it may have been in the changelog, but I'm not sure). I believe that's why many people think it's capped at that number.
  • Ashaman_JoeAshaman_Joe Join Date: 2003-11-11 Member: 22559Members, Constellation
    Not sure if you've tried this yet, but host a LAN game and turn on sv_cheats and mp_drawdamage. Play around with the weapons (use givepoints and spawnhive to get res and hives). This will show exactly how much damage your doing. You will not, however, see damage to players (there aren't any unless your using bots) and if you use splash weapons, you need to aim percisely.

    Great guide. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    Thanks, I'll work on this a little bit now because I'm bored out of my mind. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • George_the_gorgeGeorge_the_gorge Join Date: 2003-11-15 Member: 22933Members
    Your guide is really good, thank you for it, it helped me to be a lot less lousy player (once, as an onos, I was redemmed by a knife-wielding heavy marine with 3 turrets) and that is something <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    But I noticed that building times for both aliens and marines are missing, like how long does it take to build an armoury. Evolving and research/upgrade times too. They may be obvious to more experienced players but it would help us lousy players a lot, so we could decide better when and were to evolve and if that tf would be ready before the usual skulk initial rush.

    This detail put aside, your guide rocks. And good luck with your school project!
  • HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
    I dont have build times because I dont take the time to look them up. I do believe they are just a small detail that doesnt need to be known.
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