Which is why All my Skins/models/worrk have somewhere on them "Toadie is god"
Moral of the Story: Watermarks ALL your Images, Put your name hardcoded somewhere in your flash animations, Make Your Skins easily identifyable as yours. 'Cause this is the internet, and NOTHING is sacred here. on the Same token, you have to trust people as far as you can throw them, but if you're not seeing result from your work bieng added, throw 'em
Moral of the Story:
Watermarks ALL your Images, Put your name hardcoded somewhere in your flash animations, Make Your Skins easily identifyable as yours. 'Cause this is the internet, and NOTHING is sacred here. on the Same token, you have to trust people as far as you can throw them, but if you're not seeing result from your work bieng added, throw 'em