Another Marine Strategy

XandoXXandoX Join Date: 2003-08-19 Member: 19957Members, Reinforced - Gold
Hi there...

I made my thoughts about this strategy and before I could try it, I saw it while I was playing.
Then I tried it myself and it worked check this out!

I hate buildorders because every map needs another tactic, but even if I relocate I build these things first:
1 IP / 1 Armory / 1 Obsevatory
Tell your marines that all but one have to move to Doubleres, and one marine goes to the hive next to the base to check out if its their main hive. If it isnt their main hive, tell him to stay there and wait. If it is their main hive, tell him to move to another hive and stay there and wait. Just put a RT there.

Now your marines arrived at double res...
build 1 TF in a corner if possible, then build the 1st RT, put as much turrets as you can build for your current ress amount around the TF, at least as far away as the turrets can reach the 2nd RT(to kill those skulks).
Now build the 2nd RT....while you have been doing this, you should have researched Phase Tech.

Drop a Phase Gate at the DoubleRes and at the hive your marine is staying.
Build a TF in a corner and put turrets around it.
Wait till you have some ress and put more turrets at both places(or not thats your decision)
When you think its secure, move with your marines to the next RT, you should have enough ress to electrify it immediately. Get as much RTs as you find in the early game. I had 6 RTs at the beginning....the non-secured ones were electrified. Later you can build a TF there...

What now?
When its needed build a TF in base. I think it IS.
Build Armslab, upgrade Armory, build Protolab, research Motion-Tracking, research HA.
At Armslab, upgrade while your marines at fighting. They have to defend DoubleRes and the hive until they'll get HA.
Save res, you might have lost 2-3 of your RTs...if one is next to the base. Get it back and secure it.
And from now on: SAVE RES!

Once you have enough: drop HAs, HMGs/Shottys and Welders. Give at least one of your rines a GL, two are better. They'll keep onos away from attacking if you spam before your rines are getting in somewhere.
Its just crap when some of your rines walk alone and die.

Build RTs where your marines come along on their way to a HIVE. Dont secure it.
From now on you can command like you want.
I prefer searching a good position where I can siege a hive. Drop TF->upgrade, PG, as much turrets as I can drop. Some sieges and an Armory.

Once 2nd hive is down, secure it, and move fast to the next(you can recycle the Armory next to the hive now). Do it the same way.

And if a secure area is attacked, tell your rines that they shall USE PHASEGATE and defend immediately.
If you bear all these things in mind you cant lose. The main thing is: KEEP YOUR RINES TOGETHER!

Have fun with it.

/commander logout


  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    Unfortunately aliens WILL rush dbl res and their hives in order to spot out potential lockdowns and relocates.

    On all maps, one skulk can do this in a matter of seconds. Thus you better be a fast and effective builder, otherwise your Tfac goes down, and you lose dbl res. The res you've spent on a tfac, turrets, and medspam is all wasted, and the plan goes to tatters. Once that first skulk spots you, the whole lot will pour in.
  • XandoXXandoX Join Date: 2003-08-19 Member: 19957Members, Reinforced - Gold
    Jep, but they did lose.
    Not me alone used this tactic...there were some more successful commanders...
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    True but thats other commanders, other marines, other aliens, and other games.

    The problem with a dbl rush is that its EXPECTED, and you're so far from base that you're sending rines to their death. Skulks can be across the map in seconds, and while they're ripping the marines apart the gorges are putting up OC and suchlike. And if the gorge dies, well the OC stays there, heals itself, even builds itself. Not so for marine structures.

    I think you should only rush dbl res when you have the capacity to successfully hold it, and most of the time thats mid to end game.
  • SDJasonSDJason Join Date: 2003-05-29 Member: 16841Members
    i agree... EVERY WIN IVE EVER HAD COMMING.. i ignore the double res.. get my MARINES to ignore it... let the gorge waste all their damn res defending it.... take 5 rt's.. preferably in a line to a hive.... and elec the three that arent in base or hive....... Secure hive.. then Dual arms lab the upgrades until complete...(have advanced armory going too) as soon as level 3 upgrades are done.. usually 20 minutes into game....get heavy armor...

    From there its a walk in the park...

    The key is to tell ur marines to DEFEND WHAT YOU HAVE.. not rush out to give the aliens RFK

  • taboofirestaboofires Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9853Members
    It's actually easier to send 2 marines to the double res while the rest are causing trouble, a few minutes into the game. You can get and keep it, but it's not worth fighting an uphill battle for.
  • XandoXXandoX Join Date: 2003-08-19 Member: 19957Members, Reinforced - Gold
    edited August 2003
    I think the key is dropping a Phase Gate where you have to defend...
    It doesnt get you anything if you have some RTs on the map...they get rushed even faster than doubleres...
    its easier to hold doubleres than other RTs on the would have to drop a PG oder build a TF at every RT. Thats it not worth. The skulks kill every RT which isnt secured...
    my opinion is getting dres and defend can manage that, but you cant manage defending every single RT you have.. Thats the truth...
  • BerettaBeretta Join Date: 2003-08-16 Member: 19794Members
    It depends really, i will sometimes send 2 or so marines to double res, wait, if they get killed the gorges will think aah they want double res OC spamzor!!!!! however if they dont die pg tf rt spam <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Its win win apart from for the 2 rines if they die. Of course it seems a little over the top sticking up 20 turrets and 2 tf's etc for 2 res nodes, i prefer ones around the map
  • XandoXXandoX Join Date: 2003-08-19 Member: 19957Members, Reinforced - Gold
    As I said before...i think you wont be able to keep them...
  • BerettaBeretta Join Date: 2003-08-16 Member: 19794Members
    good point but generally if you cap them early they will earn more and 1 skulk or 2 is too slow to kill it before u recycle
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    Not with adren. And then you do have to wonder, why spend the res building them when they probably won't live long enough to make a profit in any form?

    To be honest, holding up 2 skulks for a minute doesn't sound close to a strategic gain, and neither does recycling RTs.
  • XSZXSZ Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20313Members, Constellation
    I agree with baretta, marines usually get shredded en route or at double res points anyhow. Just stick to capping other nodes around the map instead of feeding the aliens R4K.
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