Asteroid Impact
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<div class="IPBDescription">F*ck.</div> <a href='' target='_blank'>Clicky</a>
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The Dinosaurs got it, and we might be getting it too.
While the probability of such a catastrophy is slim, nevertheless its scary.
What do you think about such a discovery? Even if the population of world survived such a disaster, how would it impact us?
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The Dinosaurs got it, and we might be getting it too.
While the probability of such a catastrophy is slim, nevertheless its scary.
What do you think about such a discovery? Even if the population of world survived such a disaster, how would it impact us?
o Near Earth Object
LMFAO <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Kinda like a lottery ticket but winners lose.
Larry Niven also wrote an amazing series called Ring-World which was a big inspiration for Halo.
Yes, thank you. I used to worry about this crap all the time, and got extremely depressed, its best to just ignore it.
Heh, and if we use all our nukes we might be able to shift the asteroid away, but if we fail we'll have a HUGE *AND* <span style='color:green'><b>RADIOACTIVE</b></span> metior coming at us. <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
Like someone said in a movie:
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><b>We are truely f*cked.</b></span>
Honestly, I don't want to die old and grangly in my bed at the age of 100. I wanna die good or for a good reason/cause and this asteroid thing would sure pump up my excitement, fear, adrenaline, and make my life, well lets say... worth the living...
high five for the asteroid...
come baby, oh yeah, freaking come...I'm ready... Together....hell yeah....
Can't wait, bah 11 years... <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo-->
No, seriously though, I don't want to die at an old old age...
It is also my spirit that causes me to think like this..I don't use reason and logic on the choices I make, I use instinct and emotion...and sure regret it sometimes, cause it has made my life a world of shiat sometimes.
One day I want to go hurricane chasing or tornado chasing for a short living maybe...or na...actually..well...should I move to mexico and live the simple life or move to Mongolia and experience eastern civ....or...
ok bye.
Or like someone said on MIRC get the people from the Armageddon movie and use them to drill a hole and blow the asteriod in half >.<
Seriously, if an asteroid hit the earth, I wouldn't care. We all die somehow, it'd be cool to die in a cool way, not in a darn bed or falling down a flight of stairs or something.
Those were the Mayans.
Naturally, our tabloids make armageddon predictions yearly.
1) I don't believe the asteroid will hit Earth. It is too early to tell, and alot can happen in the timespan. The chances are too low (lower than a royal flush).
2) If it is to be determined to be on a collision course with us, naturally, we'll send a powerful bomb/weapon to destroy it or alter its course (which is more difficult because it may also alter ours depending on its gravitational force, mass, and proximity with us)
3) If we fail at destroying it, then we as men just become part of the circle that is life on Earth. And that's not all a bad thing.
It cant hit.
I'll miss Will and Grace
Would you have started discussing the benefits of dying at early age on a headline going "Small-sized asteroid moving in the general direction of the inner solar system"? Because, well, that's all we know right now.
Supposedly only 4% of the night skies are actually seen through big telescopes. If your worried about this one asteroid then you have a wrong impression about this whole thing. Actually there are many many countless asteroids floating around here and there, The most likely scenario is an asteroid hitting us without ANY WARNING whatsoever. Just suddenly BANG and flash of light and its all over. If the impact doesn't kill you instantly, the sonic wave that travels around the world at-least 15 times will.
Its a grim thing to look upon but its not a matter of "IF" another one will hit us, it is just a matter of "TIME". It WILL happen one day but it does not mean it is the end.
What many people are uneducated about is that in-fact there were times in the past where asteroids hit earth even during times when we humans roamed the earth. If you think the only devastating asteroid was the one the dinosaurs encountered, then you are mistaken. Just look at the moon's surface and then look at the earth and how they "SEEM" to look different. Take away the clouds, the atmosphere, the greenery, the water, the everything but the rock crust of the earth and it will reveal a very scarred and shattered face.
Plus not too mention that there are things within our own planet to be much more feared than a rare meteorite impact, Such as A super Volcano waking from its sleep. The last time I checked, that 400 thousand year interval for the Yellowstone national park Super volcano is peeking its way around the corner... (Whistles to self and rolls eyes). Fun stuff. And also, you US easterners, when the island falls into the sea off Africa, just hope your all wearing life jackets as its gonna get a bit wet in that area. Trust me, there is enough to worry about here at home then some foreign rock. <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
And for the book, in 1908 there was this event in Siberia we all know about, The Tunguska explosion. Well guess what, we should be thankful 2003 is even upon us humans and very thankful that that sucker back in 1908 decided to explode 10 miles above the earth's crust and not made full impact into it. Otherwise it would have been quite messy.
Maybe its just our time in the book for cleansing lol. maybe the next coming of the flood portrayed in the bible is this meteorite. I don't wanna sound malice , well yeah it is, but I kinda can see how the earth needs a bit of a cleaning if you know what I mean with just the way everything is, ya know, too many humans, too much wars and just bad ****, too many idiots, too much control, ext...
And I have to add that I'm not very religious but I still go by guidlines.
It is best not to worry about these things.
Might I ask where you got that figure from?
Might I ask where you got that figure from? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
NASA has been stating that for years, I do know that he's pretty much correct.
Honestly, I don't want to die old and grangly in my bed at the age of 100. I wanna die good or for a good reason/cause and this asteroid thing would sure pump up my excitement, fear, adrenaline, and make my life, well lets say... worth the living...
high five for the asteroid...
come baby, oh yeah, freaking come...I'm ready... Together....hell yeah....
Can't wait, bah 11 years... <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo-->
No, seriously though, I don't want to die at an old old age...
It is also my spirit that causes me to think like this..I don't use reason and logic on the choices I make, I use instinct and emotion...and sure regret it sometimes, cause it has made my life a world of shiat sometimes.
One day I want to go hurricane chasing or tornado chasing for a short living maybe...or na...actually..well...should I move to mexico and live the simple life or move to Mongolia and experience eastern civ....or...
ok bye. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You make me depressed, please, take your own life, now. Seriously, you just jinxed us man :-\
EDIT: teh sun is a star silly meh, who cares im gonig there woo!
I hope it hits you specifically. And then bounces off into space. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->