Piccies! & Anim Help Required *please*
The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">Because frankly I suck at Milkshape...</div> Ok so far by using the NS anims and other people's models, I have made
<a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=19&t=45716' target='_blank'>this</a>
<a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=19&t=45284&hl=fade+hands' target='_blank'>and this</a>
The fade hands/teeth look ok, and work ok. I consider them finished.
The lerk bits have been made in roughly the right position, but the acidrocket needs moving so that its aligned with the inner jaw, and animation performed to make it "look" like its firing.
Lately, I have started work on Onos bits (pic attached) where the tusks become claws, the horn becomes the inner jaw, and teeth will be added (like the runner) for use in Devour. This means you can use the Behemoth onos model and not wonder where those tusks are hiding.
However, problem is, I'm only using wordpad. I've tried using milkshape, but I suck at it. I have reached my limit, so I am asking if PLEASE there is someone out there who can neaten this all up and shove it in one pack for those who want authentic looking alien v models.
At most I can put the parts in roughly the right position in an MDL file, but true honest to goodness animation stumps me dead. I am not a lazy man, I have tried my best, and now I have reached the point where expertise is needed.
Have a nice look, hope someone can help.
<a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=19&t=45716' target='_blank'>this</a>
<a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=19&t=45284&hl=fade+hands' target='_blank'>and this</a>
The fade hands/teeth look ok, and work ok. I consider them finished.
The lerk bits have been made in roughly the right position, but the acidrocket needs moving so that its aligned with the inner jaw, and animation performed to make it "look" like its firing.
Lately, I have started work on Onos bits (pic attached) where the tusks become claws, the horn becomes the inner jaw, and teeth will be added (like the runner) for use in Devour. This means you can use the Behemoth onos model and not wonder where those tusks are hiding.
However, problem is, I'm only using wordpad. I've tried using milkshape, but I suck at it. I have reached my limit, so I am asking if PLEASE there is someone out there who can neaten this all up and shove it in one pack for those who want authentic looking alien v models.
At most I can put the parts in roughly the right position in an MDL file, but true honest to goodness animation stumps me dead. I am not a lazy man, I have tried my best, and now I have reached the point where expertise is needed.
Have a nice look, hope someone can help.
Well, since you ask, it's not so much modelling as cut and pasting. Open up the QC and SMD files in wordpad and you'll see all the numbers, and they all make sense.
Now, granted, I dont have it all understood, but I *can* do simple animation in it. In the case of the onos, you simply find which numbers are attached to the "tusks". There's 2 bones in each tusk, so you trawl the files looking for two linked bones. Then you delete any reference to these bones. That takes the tusks out.
Then, you open up your Alien Runner teeth, and find out which bones are attached to claws. You copy this into the onos file. Copy over all the vertices and model info, and you have two claws in the middle of the Onos model.
The plus point is that IF you screw up, you can see exactly where and why. The down side is that it means I've zero experience and no skill with creating *complex* anims from scratch...
Hence my begathon here. I have the stuff in roughly the right places, I need a kind animator with a love of aliens to help it along <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
I'm still fiddling with the Onos, and to be honest the Onos will be a lot easier because it doesn't involve moving things around an axis.
It WOULD be nice to have someone turn those onosy tentacles into a tail - I intend to remove the left and middle ones and leave the right hand one for a whippy tail effect. Its obsolete in 2.0 but it'd be nice for anyone fiddling around with earlier versions.
Here's a pic where you can see the runner claw/tusk and the teeth which will form the Devour attack. The middle horn is soon to be changed to the inner jaw, and the 2 tentacles soon to be removed.
Please, PLEASE, if you can help with the anim, make yourself known? In the case of the lerk, a few things need moved around and an anim cobbled together for acid spit to replace spore. Both lerk and onos have odd animations that cant be extracted use mdldec and thats why I NEED someone to help.
Noone want to help the Aliens loving members of the NS community?
TBH the anims are simple conversions of existing ones.
Onos devour would be a Skulk Bite
Gore would be the inner jaw, c
Charge would bring up the mini claws (as in leap).
It fits in with the Behemoth model, and I've kept one of those whippy tentacles in case someone wants to convert it backwards to 1.04 and change that tentacle to a tail <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
The lerk I'd envisaged as:
Screaming using the scream anim (with the models being correctly moved about)
Spikes using the acid blob and a recoiling inner mouth - the acid blob fits nicely on the tip of the inner mouth, you could probably copy the Spike anim fairly effectively, or change it to the aforementioned recoil.
Spores/umbra just using an inner jaw in the same manner as the fade anim (moves forward, fires, goes back to basic position). You could carbon copy the spike anim w/o the acid if you so wished, tho.
Those are just my ideas anyhow - something for you to work from. PM me with an arrangement or reply here (reply here means a bump, dunno how frowned upon that is tho).
In the meantime, NEW PIC!!
Because they sort of are in the movie.
*blushes and hides*
Hopefully once its all made and churned out, someone with photoshop and skin knowledge would be willing to make it transparent, tho I don't know how that works.
Solved the Lerk anim bit that was causing me hassle. Onos is no problem.
I expect to finish the anims within, mmmmm, a day?
Only possible problem is that some anims have funny names that just DON'T compile properly...... they don't decompile properly either. Here's hoping that NS uses them anyway.
I've also used photoshop to turn the runner teeth red/brown for the red runner alien (looked more in character) and also darkened them to black for the Behemoth and Lerk. The gorge has had a little photoshop on its mouthparts to darken them more like the custom gorge model.
So the only big hindrance now is the wonky animation names. If anyone knows how to turn
etc into REAL anims, lemme know!