Fantastic Escape Stories
Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3720Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">please share~!</div> I was a gorge in ns_nothing trying to prevent the marines from coming down the quad lift. We had locked them down at power silo and viaduct and were trying to keep them out while we mobilized for an attack on cargo.
I decided I would put a couple OCs in front of the elevator so when the heavies came down I would have some cover fire. After I did that another gorge came and put a DC under the elevator. Just at that moment the heavies pushed the button and elevator started coming down. I rushed under the elevator to push the button and hopefully stop the elevator. But as I got there it was too late! The platform blocked me and I was stuck with this other gorge under the elevator and we couldn't get out!
I had to think quick! I got an idea! I tried to build a movement chamber under the elevator but it was too small a space and it wouldn't fit. So I stuck my nose as far as I could out from under the elevator and tried again. It worked! A movement chamber plopped right next to the lift. The heavies were tentative and hadn't actually come down the lift. But when they saw the MC they started firing immeadiately. All I could do was build as fast as I could. The other gorge came to help!
After what seemed like forever the MC was finally built but the heavies were pounding on it from the top of the elevator and it only had 1/4 health left! I was jamming on the use button but it wouldn't work! "Come on! COME ON!" , I screamed! It was like an old horror movie where brain eating zombies where pounding on my car and the ignition wouldn't start!
Next thing I know, I'm in viaduct and my gorge friend shouts on the voicecom, "WAHHOOOO!!". I shouted too because I didn't expect to survive that encounter. We moved on to crush the marines and take over the station. Go Kharaa! WOOT!
I decided I would put a couple OCs in front of the elevator so when the heavies came down I would have some cover fire. After I did that another gorge came and put a DC under the elevator. Just at that moment the heavies pushed the button and elevator started coming down. I rushed under the elevator to push the button and hopefully stop the elevator. But as I got there it was too late! The platform blocked me and I was stuck with this other gorge under the elevator and we couldn't get out!
I had to think quick! I got an idea! I tried to build a movement chamber under the elevator but it was too small a space and it wouldn't fit. So I stuck my nose as far as I could out from under the elevator and tried again. It worked! A movement chamber plopped right next to the lift. The heavies were tentative and hadn't actually come down the lift. But when they saw the MC they started firing immeadiately. All I could do was build as fast as I could. The other gorge came to help!
After what seemed like forever the MC was finally built but the heavies were pounding on it from the top of the elevator and it only had 1/4 health left! I was jamming on the use button but it wouldn't work! "Come on! COME ON!" , I screamed! It was like an old horror movie where brain eating zombies where pounding on my car and the ignition wouldn't start!
Next thing I know, I'm in viaduct and my gorge friend shouts on the voicecom, "WAHHOOOO!!". I shouted too because I didn't expect to survive that encounter. We moved on to crush the marines and take over the station. Go Kharaa! WOOT!
johnny: ROFL
um I can probably say I had an interesting time escaping some stuff. But I don't remember it all. Usually it consists of running from a pack of skulks into the safety of base. Other times, though, it's not so happy -- I get stuck on cieling protusions as a jetpacker, etc.
On Hera, I was a lone HA building a siege outpost to siege vent hive. I hear the dreaded sounds, a onos was coming up from behind me so I backed up to the wall and fired at him with my HMG, he died and what do you know a HA pops out of his belly with 3% armor left! I welded him and the com meds him up good as new! we proceed to establish a phase gate to get further reinforcements and win the game
-Well, this newb was something else. I was in the midst of comming and I just couldn't stand this newb. He had both hands on his gun and something about his face just bothered me queerly. I found myself sayin' by god Ima hurt this stupid noob.
It was on the good old ns_nancy. My soldiers were flurting with their maker and I was directing all the hellish tactics of 1.04. And this newb he just come on up and and without words said ima gonna ruin your game. So by god i said im not lettin this son b**** have anything with this scanty res we got, but sure enough this little pecker got his hands on the first damned shotty - heavy armor that dropped and ran off into oblivion. And so he escaped my first act of neglect......
He had run off a ways and somehow had avoided a herd of about 5 aliens by the Grace of Flayra almighty or the sheer half-wit luck of a newb.... So anyhow he managed to get past them and escape into a zone unpopulated niether my man, machine, nor kharraa. The misty steam of the old nancy frigate was shrouding him in what appeared to be an aura of utter bafflement. He just couldn't decide to go anywhere but in a near perfect pi - r squared circle. I tried to to waypoint him to a place where he could rendevous up with some other heavies but the nice pretty blue circle had the same effect on this newb as a mosquito has on a cow so fat it wouldnt notice if you shot it with an elephant rifle. So... perhaps out of self-content or sheer vanity I tried to plop that circle directly infront of this newb's path but by god he managed to escape that too. He had somehow lost his bearings and had fallen into a big black pit so suddenly i at first hadnt even realized his disapearance....
So i sat there with my mouth ajar as the newb put all his effort forth into climbing the nearest ladder. At first i doubted he would even be capable of reaching the top of that simple straight nice yellow ladder. However as he came closer and closer a dastardly idea came into my head -so i found my self getting ready to plop a bloody command chair right on top of this newb's only way out. However right as the deed was to be done he had managed to reach the top - and it all happened with one click from there..........
Instead of getting stuck or even falling back to where he had come, by some freakish law of HL physics he popped up into the air and landed right infront of a door......... By then i was numb with awe. He proceeds to go into this door.... right then and there..... not even seeming to care or wonder how he had just gotten there.... and without looking back he continues his hell-bent quest....
Well by this time my squad had had enough. The aliens were pounding that god-forsaken ramp of pain with every type of attack imaginable. Not even 3 ips could sustain the constant flow of desperate marines trying to push back the little devils on that ramp.... .....It was then we heard the onos. It was music to our ears. For we knew that he would deliver us from boredom and relieve us of the knowledge that we were doomed. -He was our grim reaper and we wanted to hold his hand. We wanted this damn game to end. Well this onos had a nice little comfy set up. Plenty of umbra and a nice little sanctuary of def chambers to fall back on. -Then the newbie struck.- The onos was getting braver and braver as he was then chewing on our last defenses. We were tingling with anticipation. Then the onos sort of blundered a little bit -he figured it wouldnt hurt or mean a damn anyhow (as did we) -and started back to his sanctuary a little more hurt and bruised than usual. He was stampeding around the bend to his precious d's like a pre-schooler running to his mommy after getting stung by a bee. .....Then -to even my surprise- the newb - the newb of all newbs - decided to show up to our little party. He came around the corner and met the onos face to face. His eyes lit up like little grains of sand amid green grass. and the onos had the expression of a rabbit looking at an oncoming train. The flash of the muzzle stunned him as the flash of headlights stuns the mightiest of roadkill. He hardly even moved as the newb had his way with him. The next thing we knew the newb was standing over the huge carcass and looking with intent curiousity at the tentacles hanging from its massage bulge of a belly...
Well now my right whole team wanted this newb's head on a stick. Every corner he turned thered be a man trying to close a door on him. You could see their eyes blaze with animosity as he came strolling through the corridors like a damned self-proclaimed hero. ..-Then the idea hit me like a piece of falling white birdcrap on the breasts of a naked woman. --As the newb began to prance into the next hallway he barely even knew he had stopped moving when it happened. The arms lab sucked him in like a dry old mans mouth sucking whiskey. His legs were flapp'n and flutter'n but he just couldnt get no where. Right then one of my faithful soldiers seized up the moment and hit the nicely lit button on the wall - Soon all flesh, bone, metal, and wire vanished between the closing doors into a nice little puff of triumphant smoke....
I was a gorge and heard marines comming. I was in the process of building an OC (halfway done) when 3 marines barged outta the hall. This was in that room near biodome that has the holo images of the aliens nearby (the big flat squareish room at the top of the res ramp).
Anyway I danced around the OC to finish it up while spitting at the marines. I was able to kill one. Then the OC was done and one was attacking the OC while I spit at the other. To make a long story short I dropped all 3 marines <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Swinging around the only thing I had a chance to see before being whisked off to was the biggest damn onos I'd ever seen. He ran too, as my squad attempted a desperate rescue. I could hear the gunfire from every direction and splatters of alien blood were flying across my screen. The onos tried to run but 2 heaves from holoroom suddenly showed up and had him in a crossfire. Praying to every deity imaginable I watched as the tiny progress bar on the bottom of my screen inched towards completion. Then, with one pixel remaining, with a roar of death the onos fell. I popped out, 4 health and 290 armour. But the instant the great creature fell my fate had already been sealed. I saw light, the glorious light of the hera walkway, for all of half a second.
Then an acid rocket landed right next to me.
Was alot of fun but a lerk sniped me with spores and i died <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I was beeing chased by 3 onos in caged once when i had a jp.
Was alot of fun but a lerk sniped me with spores and i died <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You were supposed to escape <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I popped out, 4 health and 290 armour. But the instant the great creature fell my fate had already been sealed. I saw light, the glorious light of the hera walkway, for all of half a second.
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Man I've yet to see someone get saved out of the stomach of an onos. They all wear redemption these days. Awesome story!
All hell broke lose in the start. They managed to kill one onos, then something peculiar happened. The other 3 were running away to get healed by some gorges outside marine base and the marines were slowly pursuing. Apparently, the onos that ate me was at the rear and took the last few shots, redeemed, then died (has anyone had that happen? its really annoying).
So i pop out with half my life gone, and lookit here...i'm at thier last hive, which was at 1500 hp at the time with an HMG. I did away with the hive, easily, and won the game
Leaving the span on caged, he works his way toward porwesilo, hops several oc's and jsut proceeds blindly around the corner. he hears a sound, a fade... he frantically crawls up a ladder and hears his teamates say "well, it's over, we're dead... wait, ANARCHY!" he realises he is the last one alive. at this point, he recalls that there is no hope but to last.
with the fade drawing closer he thinks quickly and ducks into a vent, the fade proceeds without notice as sweat bead up on Anarchy's forehead. What next? "where do I go?" he says aloud. well, he continues down the other ladder and through omnious kismet and to the left side of viaduct, when, that same fade has his back to him.
With his teamates screaming for him to fire at the fade, he knows he doesn't stand a chance, so he quickly presses up against a crack in the wall as the fade turns around and runs right in front of him.
another close encounter with an alien and he proceeds on, towards viaduct, he saunters down the middle of the hallway and hears skulks leaping around the map, at least 3. he ducks down and once again, presses into a crack into the wall. the skulks run by harmlessly, jumping around like little kids on a summer day.
he continues on, sighs to himself as he approaches viaduct hive realising it's undefended, and proceeds to climb down into the depths. with only dc's there, he walk underneithe the hive.
without warning, Anarchy begins to knife the hive. you can guess what happens from there. death.
If anyone else has gone onos in the water under the hive, its basically immposible to escape from that deathtrap. Of course, now i was getting hit by seiges as they struck the hive so i decided i had better make a run for it. I swam down the shaft while grenades fell around me, exploding and damaging me more. I reached the safety of the lower shaft and proceeded to swim to refinery hive. At this point i was running on about 150 HP.
Long story short, i reached refinery with about 50 HP and a very mad marine team.
then i got killed by another HA-SG as i turned a corner.
The commander decided (wisely) that I wasn't worth 4 res to fully heal, and I was left to stay in base and distract whatever came my way.
Needless to say, an onos came my way. Luckily, there were still 3 or 4 of us left in base, and we started unloading on him. Attempting to lure him away from the base and my buddies, I strafed around him, and was devoured . At 7 hp, I thought I would probobly die in aproximatley 2 seconds, and we'd both have a good laugh about it.
BUT! That exact instant he was blown to bits by the timeful grenades of my friends, and I popped out, barley alive... at 7 hp!
I explained the situation, and we had a good laugh anyway. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
I had a five man heavy team with two lights moving through Central Processing on their way to Ventilation. They had just finished wiping the floor with the alien res and defenses (with the help of a small siege base), and were happily plodding along when three onos appeared from around the corner. One stomped, the rest ate, and all began to run. I was fairly desperate, as we were in dire straits res wise and I couldn't afford another such squad... I suddenly remembered where the fatties had built a sensory chamber (we found it earlier, but never had time to kill it), so I scanned there as the onos approached... Having taken damage already, the onos were nice targets, and my three sieges went off, killing one onos, redeeming the other two, and freeing all three heavies!
We went on to take Ventilation, kill one of the redeeming onos, and then move in to Sewer for the win, all because of those lurvly lurvly siege turrets.
I was sitting with my lerk in the vent above double res on Tanith. 3 Marines came down the ladder directly below me. I spored/spiked one to death, and as I moved forward, I was slightly too fast and slipped out of the vent.
HOLY .....!!!!!!!!!! I frantically pressed SPACE SPACE to accelerate.. they were firing after me like flak..
I am usually a rather good lerk (flying-wise) but this time I INCREDIBLY sucked beacuse of this panic situation.
I hit nearly EVERY corner, ceeling obstacle, wall niche, you name it... as I annoyed the hell out of them for nearly 10 minutes before (killing quite a few with spores in their spawn = cargo bay), they chased me through the entire godda.n map. They came after me through cargo bay, where the Marines had some sentries +CC which injured me even more while flying past. I thought "HELL fusion... save!!" ... do you know this piece of concrete that looks like a large slab hanging diagonally down from the ceiling??
Yeah.. I flew right into the dang corner below the ceiling and couldnt get out!!!
Last I heard was the impact of pistol bullets into my Lerk <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Not really an escape, but a fun story.