` will only bring down the console if it is bound to it. If you have messed with your config.cfg you might not have this. If putting -console in the path does nothing then you may not have it bound to your ` key.
If you can't find a line that looks like: bind "toggleconsole" "`" in your config.cfg, you should insert one, you can open it in a normal text editor like notepad.
[edit] like this C:\Sierra\Half-Life\hl.exe -console -game ns -nointro [/edit]
If you can't find a line that looks like: bind "toggleconsole" "`" in your config.cfg, you should insert one, you can open it in a normal text editor like notepad.
bind ` toggleconsole
to your config.cfg
bind "`" "console 1.0; toggleconsole"
bind "~" "console 1.0; toggleconsole"