The adventure continues!

nonamenoname Join Date: 2002-04-30 Member: 556Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Part 6 if anyones counting...</div>valls face was underlight by the glow of the console screen.  there where three entries into the ships log during the nine day period after contact was lost with sarstrider.  the first one was predictable, thought valls, comms out; hey whats that; aliens, oh-no!; blah blah blah.  valls' fingers danced over the keypad of the console and summoned the next log entry.  rubbing his chin valls staired into space thinking about the last attack.  "what purpose did it fulfill?"  valls mumbled to himself.

the second log came up, the captin was giving an update of their situation.  valls rested his head in his hand, half listening to the captins log, half thinking about HIS situation.  "falling back.....armed with weapons from CB-2.......cant hold.......horrible monstrositys.......overrunning our.........type, it seems to "blink" from place to........" that last part caught valls attention, he raised an eyebrow and rewound the log a bit.  "theres been reports of some new alien type, it seems to "blink" from place to place, something similar to the phase technology that the tsa marines employ.  i dont know specific details about this creature, not many survived its attack, but those who do paint a horrible and greusome picture.  apart from its blinking ability its fast on its feet and very powerful with huge, scyth-like arms, an incredibly tough carapace and some type of projectile weapon.  it will blink into our positions, its claws eviscerating my peoply effortlessly, then blink out before we can bring our guns to bear."

++ valls, ur gonna wanna see this ++ smith said looking into a camera near medical.
++ what is it ++ valls replied as he pealed away from the captins log
++ theres something imbedded in some of my mens armor ++
valls looked at the health readouts of his squad, his eyes lingered over the one black marine icon, and the red one.
++ all suit integrity is in the green, for everyone... ++ valls said in a questioning tone
++ ok, so it didnt peirce the armor, but, look.... ++ smith said as he pulled one marine into the picture
there was something latched onto the shoulder pad of the marine, it seemed to pulse and twitch just a little bit, as if it was alive.  valls zoomed in on this new orginism.

++ did u try to get that thing off your armor? ++ valls asked the marine
++ yes sir, tried everything short of shooting it off, wont budge ++ the marine replied
++ humm, ok report to....hold on a sec ++ valls said as something moved into view on one of the other monitors.  
++ theres an alien in the hallway parallel to you. dont move, just uhhh, just sit tight for a sec  ++ valls said as he watched the alien.  the little alien, a bob as most referred to it, wasnt doing anything.  the bob was just staring at the wall, like he was looking at....
++ hey kid, walk backward a few steps ++ valls said.  both smith and the marine looked into the camera with questioning faces, the marine shrugged and took a few setps backward.  valls watch the monitor with the bob and nearly shot out of his chair as the bob followed the marines movement.

++ HOLY SH!T! he can see you, he can f**king see you ++ valls yelled into the comms
++ what! who!! ++ the marine asked
++ that thing on ur should pad, it allows the aliens to track you through the walls.  so thats what they were doing! ++ valls exclamed
the marine turned to smith and said "well, im throughly confused, maybe hes going nuts."

++ umm, sir, what the f**k are u talking about ++ smith asked
++ that firefight in the cargo bay, i couldnt figure out why they attacked, they didnt inflict lots of casuilitys, and they knew we where there.  this makes sense, they were tagging us so they could track us throughout the ship.  how many of u guys were tagged? ++
++ most of us, 6-7 maybe ++ smith replied
++ smith, try shooting it off ++ valls ordered.  smith put the barrel of his light machine gun on the shoulder of the tagged marine, aimed in a safe direction and fired.  the bob on the other side of the wall looked around confused, tring to figure out what happened to the tagged marine.  

++ that got it! ++ smith said triumphantly
++ good, listen up guys ++ valls said to everyone over the comm-net ++ the aliens have a way of tagging you with some sort of spike, the spike is imbedded in your armor and allows the aliens to see you through the walls.  you can try to pry the spike out your with with your knife but you may have to shoot the transmitter spike off of your armor, get it out and becareful ++

i took a sept back from the console and looked at my armor, nope, no transmitter spike for me.  i shrugged and opened the last entry in the log.  some middle aged man, a captin by the marks on his uniform, was talking into the recorder.  

"they're assaulting the bridge now, we have made barricades but there not going to hold" the man kept looking over his shoulder as sounds of gunfire and screaming could be heard in the backround, the man looked strangly fimilar.  

"theres no way we can hold out here, all survivors are to fall back and hide thoughout the crew quartors.  we've stock piled food, medical supplies, and weapons there, with luck maybe a few of us will survive this mess."
again he paused and looked back, the gunfire in the backround was getting closer.

"i hope someone finds this, captin sigmund volshard signing-" there was a loud crashing sound and the captin whirled around, then it hit me.  i kicked the decapitated head so i could look at its face, it was the captin.  i looked back at the monitor to see the captin raise his arms and scream, his scream cut shot by a lightning quick strike to the neck.  his body stood upright for a second as his head flew out of the picture, then toppled to the ground with a sickening thud.  the recorder was smashed before the captins killer could be identified.

++ valls, sir, have you checked the ship logs ++ i asked timidly
++ most of them, why? ++ valls asked
++ well, i just checked the last one, captins dead.  the crew, or whats left of them, where planning to hold out in the crew quarters, they stock piled a bunch of supplies there as well, medical and weapons.  id like permission to take my squad and check it out. ++
++ ok, check out the crew quarters when squad E gets there ++ valls replied
++ aye sir ++

"YOUR squad.  YOUR.....squad......humm" adam said as he leaned in the door way cradleing his shotgun.
"well i dont see YOU givin orders or takin command" i spat
"dont make me smack you around #####" adam said puffing up his chest and taking a few septs into the room
"bring it mother f**ker" i snarled.  he puckered up his lips and kissed the air.
"you crazy c*cksucker" i said.  he chuckeled a bit and looked aournd the blood caked bridge.
"whos technically in command here anyway?" adamn asked seriously
"well, me technically, but i always thought our little democracy workes pretty well" i answered
"yeah, best idea wins, so when we getting outa here?" adam asked
"so many damn questions! heh, i donno, whenever squad E gets there lazy a$$es here"
"right, ill go tell bill and derk, i think there done setting up the cameras" adam said as he walked out the door.  i followed him out pausing for a second to look back at the results of the massacare.

"hope we dont end up like them" i mumbled
"what?" adam asked
"nothin b!tch, keep movin!" i joked as i push him forward.  
moments later we could hear the pounding footsepts of squad E, but something was wrong, it sounded like they where running...


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