What Was The Best C&c Game?
Join Date: 2002-04-11 Member: 419Members

<div class="IPBDescription">and why?!</div> C&C: Tiberium Dawn
- Covert Operations
- Tiberium Dawn Gold
C&C: Red Alert
- Counterstrike
- The Aftermath
C&C: Sole Survivor
C&C: Tiberian Dawn
- Firestorm
C&C: Red Alert 2
- Yuri's Revenge
C&C: Renegade
C&C: Generals
- whatever the new one is called
Which one was your favorite, and why? Had you wished for Westwood to do something specific with any of the games?
Which one was your LEAST favorite? D:
My favorite was the original C&C. The units were varied, and exciting; stimulating, for example, dread upon seeing an enemy Mammoth Tank across the river. The sheer coolness of most of the buildings was awesome (the Temple of NOD building animation was by far the most incredible animation I've ever seen), as well as the technology (the Obelisk was one of my favorites). Sound-wise, C&C was unparalleled -- the death screams I've been trying to extract from the .mix files for a while now! Somehow, the atmosphere of C&C made it extremely satisfying after winning a decisive battle.
I discovered the original C&C <b>after</b> I had found Red Alert; one thing I wanted more than anything was an update of C&C, including skirmish modes and better graphics. When C&C Gold came out, I was disappointed; they merely made the graphics higher resolution and reused unit icons from Red Alert. Skirmish, a feature that was desperately needed, was gone as well.
For this reason I looked forward very much to Tiberian Sun (when it was initially announced). I watched, with decreasing enthusiasm, the cancellation of a number of very interesting concepts (for example, upgrade plugins, and changing weather). The cartoonish infantry, lackluster UI, and unbalance (GDI firestorm defense wall arrgh) turned me off from buying this game.
What do I want? I want a remake of the original C&C - same gameplay dynamics, same everything - on the Generals engine. That would kick MAJOR butt. Oh yeah.
edit: sorry, I forgot to include renegade <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
give more reasons guys. and also say what is your "dream" C&C game.
- Covert Operations
- Tiberium Dawn Gold
C&C: Red Alert
- Counterstrike
- The Aftermath
C&C: Sole Survivor
C&C: Tiberian Dawn
- Firestorm
C&C: Red Alert 2
- Yuri's Revenge
C&C: Renegade
C&C: Generals
- whatever the new one is called
Which one was your favorite, and why? Had you wished for Westwood to do something specific with any of the games?
Which one was your LEAST favorite? D:
My favorite was the original C&C. The units were varied, and exciting; stimulating, for example, dread upon seeing an enemy Mammoth Tank across the river. The sheer coolness of most of the buildings was awesome (the Temple of NOD building animation was by far the most incredible animation I've ever seen), as well as the technology (the Obelisk was one of my favorites). Sound-wise, C&C was unparalleled -- the death screams I've been trying to extract from the .mix files for a while now! Somehow, the atmosphere of C&C made it extremely satisfying after winning a decisive battle.
I discovered the original C&C <b>after</b> I had found Red Alert; one thing I wanted more than anything was an update of C&C, including skirmish modes and better graphics. When C&C Gold came out, I was disappointed; they merely made the graphics higher resolution and reused unit icons from Red Alert. Skirmish, a feature that was desperately needed, was gone as well.
For this reason I looked forward very much to Tiberian Sun (when it was initially announced). I watched, with decreasing enthusiasm, the cancellation of a number of very interesting concepts (for example, upgrade plugins, and changing weather). The cartoonish infantry, lackluster UI, and unbalance (GDI firestorm defense wall arrgh) turned me off from buying this game.
What do I want? I want a remake of the original C&C - same gameplay dynamics, same everything - on the Generals engine. That would kick MAJOR butt. Oh yeah.
edit: sorry, I forgot to include renegade <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
give more reasons guys. and also say what is your "dream" C&C game.
1.)Great story.
2.)Convienient controls, simple layout
3.)Very fun online play
4.)Easy going community followers
5.)Not the best hardware code, but ran well.
I hated CNCG for the following reasons
1.)Hardware code written by a retarded monkey being beaten with a hammer
2.)Story? OH Thats what was seperating the intro movie and the credits. Oops
3.)EA made it
4.)Westwood sold out, and this was the devil spawn.
5.)Required $3,000 machine to run *points at #1*
I loved red alert even more. The pillboxes, tesla coils, mammoth tanks, battleship, were the SHIZNIT.
Red Alert 2 was fun, but to easy. There are some cool units in RA2, maybe to much, like the nukes and stuff, but nonetheless a good game.
CCG, hmm haven't played that one, but heard it was ok.
I really do enjoy C&C Generals, and whilst I can understand the bad rap it gets, I don't think it's entirely justified. Ok so there's no real storyline, and to be fair the first C&C game was great for storyline (to a lesser extent Red Alert as well). Yet I'm not really buying Generals for storyline. I'm buying it for gameplay, and in that department I find it very enjoyable.
General Powers add a whole new dimension to the RTS experiance. For those of you not in the know, as you fight on the battlefeild you gain experiance for killing enemy troops and buildings. As this experiance rises, you get promoted. Each promotion up to level 5 gives you 1 General's Point, that you can expend on various extra technologies and abilities selected from a menu. They range from giving you new units (Paladin tanks, Nuke Cannons) to making all produced units of a certain type veteran (Red Guards, Technicals), to giving you various airstrikes (A-10 strike, Fuel-Air bombs, Leaflet drop, Anthrax Bomb, Carpet Bombing, EMP Blast), to allowing you to instantly repair all units in a small area, to giving you re-enforcements (Ambush, Paratroopers). Thus a whole range of various abilities can be selected that change the way the game is played.
What Zero Hour has done though is introduce 9 specific Generals into the game. Each of these generals has his or her own special abilities, units and technology. They also have specifically programmed AI so they behave in certain ways. In the gameplay mode "General's Challange", you select one general and play off against the other 8 in a series of 1v1s. And these guys are no pushover. To give you an idea of how they differ, there is for example General "Pinpoint" Townes, an American general who specialises in laser technology. He can't build regular tanks, but he can build laser tanks, in addition to a laser base defense. He may face off with the GLA Stealth general, who can cloak his entire base and any units he produces. Each general is based around certain playing styles of people who play the game. The nine are:
Turtleing - Superweapons
Air Power
High Tech
Biological Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
It really is fun to play around with these generals and their various abilities. If you liked the original Generals at all try Zero Hour.
So in conclusion, I think Generals is the pinacle of the C&C gaming experiance. Whilst the original game was great, I feel that Generals has so much more depth and variety.
But I think the first ones were most impressive. C&C Generals is nice but C&C Red Alert(I think the first C&C I played) was really cool.
generals is good, but the storyline is lacking. i would have prefered fmvs, i fell they make the story much more interesting - you are actually fighting against real people who you can out a face to. i like that in a game
Summary: Generals <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Its one of my favorite games. <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/nerd.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
My favourite CC game must be the very first one, Tiberian Dawn. I like it because it's quite well balanced and it's simple. If someone made a Tiberian Dawn mod for Red Alert 2 with it's great interface and all that, I'd do nothing but play it all day long.
-It added a whole new side to the game
-Added 2 brand new campains (complete with videos)
-So many mods out for it (deezire, eagle redn c&c reloaded etc)
Im a beta tester for C&C:RELOADED.
It puts the Tiberian Sun sides (Nod and Gdi) in with the Yuris Revenge sides (Allied, Soviet, Yuri)
Check it out <a href='http://reloaded.origin-network.net/' target='_blank'>here</a>
interesting concept
does it work?
I hate how they got so damn weird in the third and fourth additions they made. They should have stuck with the orginal forumla.
The first one was just absolutely amazing, everything about it. From Carter, to the General, to kick **** left handed commando! Red Alert was pretty sweet to, but eh, I dunno, it just kind of lacked.
Also the industrial soundtrack just kicked ****. Tell me you didn't like "Act on Instict" and I'll scream at you for hours =)
I also liked how throughout the maps in the Orginal, small bases would be set up, and the ugh, I just don't know, it was by far the game that truely got me into RTS's for a while.
RA2 was just too... cartoonish in its approach. Frankly, I was quite disappointed.
btw the only good thing about TS was Michael Bien was in it =)