Natalja Seadjin Fan-fic

JeeRJeeR Join Date: 2003-08-09 Member: 19237Members
Hi! I've thought for a long time (somehow) before posting this.

I've created a character for wich I've drawn several pictures that you can see here:

<a href='' target='_blank'>Introducing Natalja Seadjin... - in artwork forum</a>

Since I've received several propositions for creating fan-fictions about this character, I thought that it would be cool to create a thread dedicated to this subject here.

The thing is, I've already started to create a background story for this character but I would be interested in having other people creating stories for this character too.
The trick here would be to create a little collection of little stories, in the way of a diary. Each story made by a different people would be part of a more global story, and wouldn't have to be interconected to the other ones. So everyone can make a story he/she would be interested in <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

Still, I would like to keep things clean and in order, so I'll have to submit some guidelines in oder for things to retain some cohesion.
If you are interested in this little project, feel free to PM me so I can give you the basic elements of story for this character (so everyone can have a common pool to start with) and so that I can give you the few guidelines I've established.
Oh! I can already state that stories containing sexual things won't make it, since I would like everyone to access the whole story.
Also, no need to post anything in this thread, since it should contain only the stories of the people participating in the project.
Instead directly PM me.
Last, I have to say that maybe not every stories will make it through (for several reasons, like style etc) and I would like to remain the last resort in order to say if this one can be or this one cannot.

Take a look at the link I've posted to get a feeling of what kind of character/story it is all about.

That's it. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->


  • Acidophilus_CulturesAcidophilus_Cultures Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19325Members
    Why don't you just make the contributions public? make a website or seomthing?

    That's a good pic.. it looks dark though.. how about making a coloured in version? everything looks better coloured in...

    how's this for a contritubion for character background...
    -she has seen 30 battles, 15 or which the marines have lost and needed evac?
  • LancedresLancedres Join Date: 2003-09-01 Member: 20458Members
    <b> Here goes the first part of the Natalja Seadjin story. It's my first fan-fic so It may contains some mistakes and english is not my native languaje so I may have some things wrong.</b>


    <b>Chapter One: Straserian II</b>

    <u>Personal Journal Entry:</u>

    While the drop ship came down from the white sky the planet became visible. It was covered in a large rainforest. The planet known as Straserian II was made of different shades of dark green. The drop ship kept going down and I kept staring from the window the beautiful green planet that was below my feet. I turned around when the voice of the ship captain came over the speakers: “Please take your seats while we land, get your stuff ready and prepare to disembark” – He said. A quick glance over the window revealed me a valley, between mountains that reached the heavens, and in the middle of it, a large base. Its buildings came out like marble towers from the high trees.

    The first day on the planet I will be calling home until the Frontiersman training is complete took me by complete surprise. Upon arrival I could notice the warm air and the sad expressions of the men and women that were here, some of them remained staring at us, the new group of “would-be soldiers”. Some of them even muttered some words, “these new recruits I hope they make it” – Said a woman with grey clothes to a man that looked like a high rank officer. While I walked with the rest of the group I kept watching closely the forest, the base was isolated from it by an electrical fence. Then I saw something I will remember forever, a huge animal that resembled a buffalo was near the fence, its fur was like silver and its head was wearing enormous horns, it had a curious face and suddenly it began looking at me; I could feel like we both were trapped into some kind of illusion. When I came to my senses again Lt. Roscoe - a tall man with marks of age on his face, his eyes held knowledge from past years and battles, his hair was dark with some white stripes here and there. I couldn’t guess his age, but it looked like if that was not relevant, since he was still in great shape and aware of everything around him - was telling us newcomers with a deep yet still soft voice, the barrack we were being assigned - AR-65 was my number.

    I followed the others over a long trail; two young guys were talking about the “menace” that was attacking the commercial ships. “I’ve heard these things can jump over 10 feet” – Said the one that was wearing a red cap “And I’ve heard they can pierce the armors with ease” – Said the other one that had a scar on his face. Then I had a flashback of my brother, I really never understood him, but even though, I loved him, he was talking to some other soldiers about the “aliens” he was sent to exterminate, but I couldn’t hear much information about it, since it was classified. Still lost in my thoughts I reached the place, a huge grey building that held some cracks and had some plants on it that came climbing over the walls. It was odd looking, the roof was too high and it was a little big just to keep smalls groups of soldiers. On red letters was written AR-66. “The place looks cozy” – Said the guy with the red cap while tapping my shoulder. “Perhaps…” – I replied.
    We went in the building and Lt. Roscoe entered after a while, He assigned each one of us a bed and a locker. Then he said: “I don’t want any funny actions between soldiers; remember this is a mixed barrack. If I discover any relations or else you will be punished and will wish you’d never met me”.

    Morning went away with us getting our stuff in place and getting ready for inspection and uniform tryouts. A woman came in and ordered us to follow her. We walked around half a mile and arrived at the largest building, it was painted with shades of green so it could camouflage with the surrounding, and the sign of the Frontiersman was shinning gold on the front wall. We were conducted through a large hall, until we finally stopped in front of a door with the inscription “Armory”. While waiting to get my TSA armor, I started speaking with the pair I had met earlier, the guy with the red cap was called André, he used to be a battle engineer for the marines – He is a short, thin guy with blonde hair. He has a black sense of humor and it looks like he never gets stressed by anything – The other one with the scar in the face is known as Boomer, this one used to be from the demolitions crew of the marines – Long haired guy with a brown beard, tall but thin -. We talked about how they ended joining the TSA and the Frontiersman; they both replied the same thing that they wanted to do something bigger for humanity. I kept the secret of my decision. Finally the waiting ended, we were called one by one till it was my turn next, I went in the room and took a peek at all the kinds of armor there were inside, and the weapons that hanged on the walls, a guy came up with some uniforms and armors, I tried them out while he was making some adjustments, I could see some other guys around the armory testing stuff and carrying weapons and boxes all over the place. When we finished he gave me my armor in a package and I suited up my new uniform. When it all ended and all of us were ready we went back to the barrack, in the way we saw some people running around and carrying more boxes, I started wondering why? It was like if a war was about to begin. We finally reached the building and entered, night was falling on us and the sounds of the forest filled the quiet atmosphere, a mist started coming from the woods and an ice cold reached the barrack. Some kind of mosquitoes were flying around our heads, buzzing around and bothering, but we got used to them fast since they were more curious than wanting to have a little taste of our blood. A few of the other guys and girls were sleeping already a few others were chatting quietly, like whispering. Boomer and André were sleeping like kids, the entrance was closed and the lights became vague.

    I was the last one to fall asleep, because I still had things to get in order, that’s how I found some pictures of my brother, of Sebastian wearing his full armor standing near a landing pad… tears came out from my eyes, it was then when I really thought of what I was doing right now, while everything was dark and only the symphony of the night could be heard I cried, then I swore to never do it again. I was about to get into a really dangerous situation, from which I may never return to see Earth again. I decided that I would continue with the training and follow the ways of my brother, the hero of war I loved so much.

    The night has fallen and the sounds of the forest around me make bring darkness, some birds calling each other and the sounds of the breathing of that heavy animal I saw earlier, my eyes are closing and I’m about to fall into the hands of dreams, tomorrow my training begins…. End of Journal Entry
  • zoobyzooby Join Date: 2003-08-26 Member: 20236Members

    so how's this thing working? multiple writers or what
  • LancedresLancedres Join Date: 2003-09-01 Member: 20458Members
    PM me or JeeR the comments please, let this topic for the rest of the story.

    - Lance
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