Several Questions
Join Date: 2003-08-20 Member: 20016Members

<div class="IPBDescription">about scripts, binds, etc</div> Hello. I was wondering, is it possible to:
-Make a script which places buildings in defined locations at the click of a button? For example, it's the beginning of a game, I decide to comm. I click my ubar-k3wl button which makes an IP appear behind the CC, an Armoury on the steps to the CC, and a TF in the middle of the room. Also, it's good for turret farms <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
-Make a script to give 2 health packs/many ammo packs at 1 mouse click
-Make a script to evolve to an Onos, then upgrade 3 upgrades which I want, consecutively
-Make a script which places buildings in defined locations at the click of a button? For example, it's the beginning of a game, I decide to comm. I click my ubar-k3wl button which makes an IP appear behind the CC, an Armoury on the steps to the CC, and a TF in the middle of the room. Also, it's good for turret farms <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
-Make a script to give 2 health packs/many ammo packs at 1 mouse click
-Make a script to evolve to an Onos, then upgrade 3 upgrades which I want, consecutively
but tedious and would take a while making..
ie making an alias which has standard build orders...
eg. press a button on keyboard to initiate the bind..
first click will place ip
second click tf
third armoury
as for medpacks.. i guess u can makes another bind,
but i would personally rather press "e" "s" click then "s" (again) then click...
it saves 2 crucial res..
as for positioning of buildings.. NO..
it's dependant on the map.. and location of ur mouse etc..
as for evolve.. W00tah i lub this...
alias onos "impulse 117; impulse 102; impulse 107; impulse 112"
bind pgdn onos
generic: bind "key" onos
that onos = onos (evolve) then regen then celerity then scent of fear..
i rather bind upgrades to keys than put all in a touch of a button..
ohh btw u have to press the pgdn or what ever u bounded it too 4 times for full upgrades...
*sigh* here u go...
alias dev1 "developer 1"
alias dev0 "developer 0"
alias onos "impulse 117; dev1; echo evolving - onOs; dev0"
alias skulk "impulse 113; dev1; echo evolving - skuLk; dev0"
alias gorg "impulse 114; dev1; echo evolving - gOrg; dev0"
alias lerk "impulse 115; dev1; echo evolving - L3rk; dev0"
alias fade "impulse 116; dev1; echo evolving - faDe; dev0"
alias carapace "impulse 101; dev1; echo upgrading - caRapaCe; dev0"
alias regeneration "impulse 102; dev1; echo upgrading - reGen3raTioN; dev0"
alias redemption "impulse 103; dev1; echo upgrading - reDemPtiOn; dev0"
alias celerity "impulse 107; dev1; echo upgrading - ceLeriTy; dev0"
alias adrenaline "impulse 108; dev1; echo upgrading - aDrenaLine; dev0"
alias silence "impulse 109; dev1; echo upgrading - siLenCe; dev0"
alias cloaking "impulse 110; dev1; echo upgrading - cLoaKinG; dev0"
alias pheromones "impulse 111; dev1; echo upgrading - pheRoMoNes; dev0"
alias scentoffear "impulse 112; dev1; echo upgrading - sCenT oF feaR; dev0"
alias gorgbuild "impulse 95; wait; impulse 90; dev1; echo building; dev0; stopsound"
alias hapz "-popupmenu; stopsound; slot2; slot1"
scr_conspeed 4500
echo "w0rK k0mp|3te...."
enjoy <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->