Valve Should Hire The Ns Team!



  • SwiftspearSwiftspear Custim tital Join Date: 2003-10-29 Member: 22097Members
    if 12 year old newbs become a problem, you can always ban them off your servers. All my little brothers absolutly hate NS because they would rather be playing CS, so, guess what, they never play NS, they only play CS or battlefield. the servers are run by the admins and maintained by the regulars, this is even true with CS, if you look for a while, it isnt that hard to find a CS server with good people, cause the regs and admins are good people. NS requires so much teamwork, I'm sure this would be less of an issue for NS than any other mod already either way.

    If there are NS.C only servers Im sure there will be NS classic only servers as well, sure they will be less poplular, but I'll still be there.
  • HyperionHyperion Hyperion2010 Join Date: 2003-10-06 Member: 21477Members
    I would fully support the NS team and valve if valve were to hire the NS team, I think that the NS guys are probably some of the best in their field, and I think that with a little support from valve NS would finally achieve its full potential. (not to metion that the NS team could start working on *****cough****S*OURCE***engine*cough).
  • CatpokerCatpoker Join Date: 2002-06-25 Member: 816Members
    I am just waiting for the first massivly multiplayer FPS/RTS made by flayra and max!

    There went my life!
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