Screen Issues

Carter1Carter1 Join Date: 2003-12-25 Member: 24749Members
I got a new screen that is biggern and now when I start up Natural Selection it doesn't fit screen until I join. But when I join the walls, and other people skins are messed up. One time a wall was covered with the alphabet one time the skin for a gun and it changes. I don't know why. When I reinstalled even when I join game screen doesnt adjust


  • WarriorWarrior Join Date: 2003-02-16 Member: 13624Members
    Is the game running in software mode? Check the resolution in game, and on your windows desktop maybe. I think its because its in software mode. I had this problem when i reinstalled HL/NS and changing it back to openGl rendering mode fixed it.
  • Carter1Carter1 Join Date: 2003-12-25 Member: 24749Members
    No thats not it I checked I dont know why it would change because I changed my screen. When I first open the window theres a 1 inch black border on the right and top sides. Reinstalling it actually made it worse because now when I play the screen doesnt match the monitor. It stays the same.
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