Need 2 Things That I Need Help On (onos)

AlcharAlchar Join Date: 2003-11-20 Member: 23266Members
First: I need some tips so I dont die as much with them.

Second: I need some one to write a small info thing about onos, I never play onos so I need some one else to do it (I am not sure if this is the right board).

This is a example of what I wrote with Skulk...

<!--c1--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->Skulk:
These are the basic alien lifeforms. They are good for a quick hit and run attacks for lone marines. Also they are good at ambushes since they are the only lifeform that can climb onto walls. Watch out for these guys if your alone.

Suggested Upgrades:

Sensory: Scent of Fear
Defense: Carapace
Movment: Celerity

This can help out those skulks who like to Xenoside and if you know if there is a huge amount of marines ripe for the killing.

Sensory: Silence
Defense: Regeneration
Movment: Celerity\Adrenline

This is for those who like to jump down on their enemies heads and give them a teath-full hug. Regeneration is good since if you get hit a few times, you dont need to run all the way back to the hive to heal. And I personly like Celerity but Adrenline can help if you like to leap alot to dodge bullets.<!--c2--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->


  • RaVeRaVe Join Date: 2003-06-20 Member: 17538Members
    Uhhh...silence is not a sensory upgrade.

    As for the Onos thing.... I would if I wanted to, but I'm rather buys :/
  • AlcharAlchar Join Date: 2003-11-20 Member: 23266Members
    Yeah I know. I forgot to change it, woke up when I did that part.

    I ALWAYS die at onos so I dont want to place what I think about them on my guide. And I die as fade about every 15-30 minutes or so.
  • relsanrelsan Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3720Members, Constellation
    <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><b>Onos:</b></span>

    <i>A few tips first about playing onos:</i>

    <b>RULE #1 Know your enemy: </b>
    I usually use this rule. If the marines have level 1 weapons I will wade into a croud of marines and gore without fear until they take maybe 75% of my life at which point I'll back off to regen. If they have level 2 weapons and more than 5 marines are there I will keep the marines in front of me (in other words do not let them surround you) and try to kill the close ones. If they have level 3 weapons I run if my health is around 75% and just kill the brave ones that dont run or at least kill the stupid ones that lag behind. If you run any later you may find that by the time you've escaped that you are at less than 50%-25%, and all it may take is one brave marine with a full lmg clip that you didn't see to finish you off.

    <b>RULE #2 Know when its time to run:</b>
    As an onos you have to know when its time to get out of a situation if you know its going to get hot. One time I was attacking a marine start base all on my own, I followed rule #4 and killed the phase gate first and any marines that phased in, there was no turret factory so I started killing the ips. I killed spawning marines as soon as they appeared and before I knew it, most of the team was dead. (Onos always wins 1v1 one so kill spawning phasing marines ASAP!) Suddenly I hear the distress beacon, I stopped everything I was doing and ran directly out of base. Be brave but be smart if you know a huge force of marines is coming make sure you are not in the middle of it when it gets there.

    <b>RULE #3 Learn when to feign weakness: </b>
    I destroyed the entire beacon force because I gave them a false sense of security. Once the beacon force saw I was the cause of all the trouble they all gunned for me, no doubt they were screaming "ONOS!" and my location over voicecomms. I still had full health so I charge in and killed two, but they were all shooting so I was half dead and turned and ran. Thinking I was about to die they all charged, and as soon as they did I charged them again and killed another one. After some of them backed up they began firing again and took me down to 30% health. There was a long corridor to topology behind me and I wasn't sure that I could make it if I turned and ran now, so I decided to play chicken one more time and feigned retreat and ran away down the hallway a few feet, then I turned around and charged them again with only my 30% health gambling it all and I caught a brave marine who probably would have killed me if I had kept running away. The rest started backing up again and probably were starting to wonder if they were hitting me at all because I kept baiting them over and over again and they were tired of playing. So I took the chance and ran all the way past topology and into the dark corridor beyond with not one gunshot. But at that point I turned around and peaked into topology and there were 4 marines left just coming into the entrance. By now I was at 75% health and charged them. They weren't taking any chances and stayed back near the res node as they tried to gun me down but I got there with 50% health and killed another one. The other three gunned me down to 25% and I was running for my life, they chased me halfway to pipeline before I gained around 60% health, turned around and finished them all off. Suddenly I heard the victory music! I looked at the score card and all the marines were killed. They had sent nearly every marine after me and must've left their base open for some proactive skulks to take out the ips. I couldn't have pulled that off if I didn't know when to feign weakness.

    <b>RULE #4 Know the order of importance when it comes to marine equipment: </b>
    The onos is the best class for taking out abandoned marine resources. If you are not attacking marines directly you should ALWAYS be looking for abandoned marine resources, like lone electrified towers, and outposts with turrets and phase gates that have little or no marines. The whole point to having an order of importance for destroying marine equipment is so that you can get other classes involved with the destruction as well, skulks usually won't help if theres an electrified piece of equipment or turrets firing. This is the order in which you should destroy marine equipment.
    - 0.Let the team know where you are and what you are doing so they can help when the time is appropriate.
    - 1. Kill any marines
    - 2. Destroy the phase gate and/or ips and kill anything that spawns or phases in IMMEADIATELY. Don't let any marines get the chance to escape from you, EVER! Keep them close and DEAD!
    - 3. Destroy the turret factory
    - 4. Destroy the res node
    - 5. Ask for help and leave everything else to the skulks and dont bother turrets, sieges, obs, etc.

    Your time is too important to waste with nonthreatening equipment and the other classes can finish the job while you move on to more marine resources. You should be trying to kill as much USEFUL stuff as you can quickly so that by the time the commander notices whats going on, there is a sharp decline in his resource flow and visibility. This tends to make novice commanders do really dumb things like send his team to a gunblazing death because he feels he has ran out of options.

    You follow these 4 rules and you will be an effective onos.

    <b>Suggested Upgrades (there aren't many I bother with):</b>

    Slasher Onos:
    <i>Sensory: Scent of Fear
    Defense: Regeneration
    Movement: Celerity</i>

    The Slasher onos is good if you are very familiar with how the onos moves and wish to do hit and run tactics. The celerity helps you chase marines down with ease, outrun mobs of marines, and dodge gunfire; all of these scenarios require you to be a constant moving target. Do not run in straight lines and do a lot of jumping. If you are chasing down a marine do not use stomp because you do not have the energy to be stomping all the time, just chase the guy down because you are twice as fast as he is. Outrunning mobs is another thing the slasher onos excels at but you must especially keep rule #1 in mind as well as rule #2 and rule #3.

    Brawler Onos:
    <i>Sensory: Cloaking
    Defensive: Regeneration
    Movement: Adrenaline</i>

    The Brawler onos is good if you want to wade into a situation slowly before being fully involved or just charge in and start killing. The adrenaline lets you stomp continuously which is great if you have skulks with you, don't be greedy, just stomp the marines and let the skulks kill their helpless bodies; its a great group tactic. You can also just hold down the gore button and kill marines without getting tired so don't worry about being too accurate. Brawler onos are the best at taking out outposts so follow rule #4 so you can get other classes involved ASAP. If you ever have to run back up and keep stomping to slow down any marines chasing you. Once you have rounded a corner, *CLOAK* and see if any dumb marines come looking for you, turn that devour on and gain some regenerative ability! Rinse and repeat.

    <b>Stuff I don't use:</b>
    I could suggest more types of onos but these two are the most effective for me. I don't bother with redemption any more because it takes me out of the fight too soon and I depend on gorges and chambers to heal me which takes FOREVER. And carapace? HAHA ya right. Silence sucks too because its not like you can walk on a ceiling and drop on somebody in surprise; yes, marines typically hear you before they see you but if they can hear you they are probably already dead. Pheromones are lame, nuff said.

    <b>Advanced tactics:</b>

    <b>Devouring heavies: </b>
    The best way to get a heavy is go straight for them but jump and dodge while doing so. Ignore everything else but watch your health and don't drop below 50% on the attempt. Once you get the heavy run for your life. You can get heavies (and light marines too) on ledges if you jump while devouring. Devour has a nice range and I've plucked marines right out of high vents and ledges like the outer vents in the bast engine hive and the marine start ledges on eclipse; no need to run up the back stairs, just jump devour.

    <b>OC hurdling and other manuvers:</b>
    I see a lot of onos having trouble with getting past ill-placed chambers made by naughty naughty gorges. The crouch jump is your friend. Just jump and crouch a split second after that while running forward and you will have lifted your heavy onos girth on top of the chamber. Crouch when going up ladders and you won't bounce when you reach the top. Running crouch jumps are good for dodging marines too, just pretend like you are a skulk and hop around while you kill.
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    Tips for onos -

    Rush the enemy with FRIENDS and stomp like mad. Let your team mop up the enemy. Keep stomping as required.

    If you can't figure out devour, don't bother with it. Practice on lone units, do NOT charge into a room of HA and start learning to devour.

    Gore sends rines flying. Run into a room and gore like mad and then rush on through to wherever. Your mates behind you can then get res in the confusion.

    Remember, you've 100 res, so your teammates who've been building to cover your fat expensive backside will EXPECT SOME RES BACK. If you see a gorge, follow him and stomp a rine so he can healspray or spit him to death. The gorge will like you, you'll get healed faster, and all going well he'll build chambers nearer and nearer to the enemy base. Ditto skulks - a person is a skulk because he's either xenociding or has NO RES. Do him a favour and stomp someone so he can nab free res. Again, the team will like you, they'll all evolve up, and you'll do more damage.

    At marine bases - hit and run devouring only annoys marines, and annoyed marines suddenly get very good at killing aliens. Top tip - make the first rush count. Catch them when they're slacking and they'll flee in panic rather than get real annoyed.

    Remember than an onos is a big diversion. People tend to want to kill them on sight, so try to lure rines into OC nests or skulk ambushes. Keep applying stomp as required.

    If you see a tfarm, get in there and nail the tfac with gore. Let the team know what you're doing, and they'll pile in behind you once the tfacs smashed. Remember, one onos will never win a game, so spend most of your time getting friendly with the team, and they will bail you out.
  • BallistoBallisto Join Date: 2003-05-19 Member: 16503Members
    edited December 2003
    if you're in an empty base, here's an extended list of what to take out:

    1)phase gate - stand ON it and block it!

    2)ips or tech buildings - judgement here!

    ips - if you know you can hang around their base long enough, take out their ips, gg
    BUT if they drive you off and ips are left, chances are they can make a quick recovery.

    tech buildings - you want to make it hard for them to get equipment again this is quick damage, very possible as a fade, skulk, or even gorge (bilebomb!)
    1. Advanced Armory - takes 2 min to upgrade!!! thats 2 minutes without hmgs!!!
    2. Proto lab (without advanced armory, no proto lab = no heavies or jp for a while = gg)

    another thing: pick your fights! do not rush to defend a hive from 5 heavies and then die. instead, take down their base. they'll either a) run back to defend the base or b) keep attacking the hive and then reloc there. on pubs, a clumsy combo of both. either way, you benefit.

    if they run back, that saves the hive, if some of em run back, thats less heavies for your skulks to deal with. if they stay, decimate the hive and relocate there, they still have to tech up again. and you'll probably have the chance to kill all their rts and contain them in there.

    ~my 2 cents

    EDIT: forgot some puncuation
  • relsanrelsan Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3720Members, Constellation
    ah just my two cents...

    i dont really agree with standing on a phase gate and blocking it for two reasons. reason #1 is that you don't get the kills which are the easiest in the game to get and #2 a marine may phase into to if you don't do it right, and if they phase into you, they can knife you to death and there's nothing you can do about it. and after they knife you to death believe me they will laugh their heads off and let the whole server know about it. probably the least fitting death for an onos. i once saved an onos that did this, he was lucky i happened to be an onos and was there to help.
  • BallistoBallisto Join Date: 2003-05-19 Member: 16503Members
    never happened to me... and what if a heavy comes through? fine. devour. another? stomp, gore gore, then another comes through. it can get out of control pretty quickly. and its amazing how fast an hmg shreds an onos.

    also you dont want guys spawning in attacking you. this is one of the few times you want their whole team to be ALIVE - alive and away from you that is. if they're dead, they'll keep spawning and you'll have to keep killing them (of course if you're taking the ips, not an issue).

    this game isn't about frags, its about winning.
  • relsanrelsan Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3720Members, Constellation
    well the way i see it, spawning marines are the easiest kill in the game and i don't have problems with those, and besides you get res for killing them. if they begin to overrun you just run away according to the rules i mentionned above and be careful of level 3 weapons.

    another thing, ive seen plenty of marines spawn inside of an onos and knife them to death. and when they fix the code phasing marines will probably instantly kill anything thats standing on the phase gate anyway so its really not a good habit to start. but whatever i suggest everybody try it both ways and see what works for them, i just know ive seen a lot of onos feel pretty stupid when they lost a 100 res investment just because they were standing in the wrong place.

    and i agree that the game is not about frags, and is about winning. the fact of the matter is that the more marines an onos can kill quickly, the less those marines can harass aliens in other places on the map. rather than having the marines all alive and away from you i think its way better to have them all dead and away from everyone, and if you are really successfull you will make their commander call a beacon which costs even more res. theres nothing bad about killing marines. like martha stewart often says, its a good thing. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • SariselSarisel .::&#39; ( O ) &#39;;:-. .-.:;&#39; ( O ) &#39;::. Join Date: 2003-07-30 Member: 18557Members, Constellation
    edited December 2003
    make sure you understand how the abilities work:

    gore - great damage and great range (much greater than you think), try it out and see just how far you can reach with this attack

    devour - not very easy to aim with, but with practice it becomes easier. It is easiest to use this if you have the stomp ability and use that first to immobilize the marine you want to devour. Has a great range like gore.

    stomp - a wave of a certain height that paralyzes marines for about 3 seconds. Note that stomp does not stack, so constantly spamming stomp on a group of marines won't keep them stomped forever. The timer completes and they are free to move. Stomp every 3 seconds to keep the same marines frozen. Marines at a certain level above or below the stomp wave do not get paralyzed - you'll notice this when they shoot your butt.

    charge - this is mostly used to move really quickly in or out of combat. It drains your energy until you have none left. Use this in conjunction with devour to abduct marines like babies from their 'cribs'. It does do some damage though, so if you are in contact with a marine for a while you might actually kill him with it. Note that charge is quite buggy and sometimes doesn't work unless you stop moving and press the attack button alone.
  • AlcharAlchar Join Date: 2003-11-20 Member: 23266Members
    Thanks for the help. I always die quicker with Onos than Fade.
  • laggerlagger Join Date: 2002-10-31 Member: 1805Members
    May I just say that going fade is proabably the better choice if its your first thing to do in a game as it brings a higher lifeform faster on the field to help the alien team. Onos is much more risky of a move.
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    Fade is also a very baaad choice if you can't fade at all and intend to "learn" in the middle of a game.

    Does. Not. Work.

    Build a hive instead, then at endgame when there's some slack time, you can experiment with fade.
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