Morale Stories

DrVirusDrVirus Join Date: 2004-01-13 Member: 25282Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Not usefull in life.</div> I thought up of stories with some type of morales. Which will be usefull only in the game. First one realy short, so dont be brutall with comments...

Whats you shouldnt do. (Story 1)

The whole team was on the run. The small group of skulks which they encountered didnt stand a chance. They run through corridors, stairs and many other sutch things. When finally they noticed a large room to which the skulks entered. Not thinking mutch the whole team enntered. But as the last marine was inside the doors behind them closed, and only then did they notice that the walls were crawling with skulks...

Morale: Never chace aliens which run away...


  • RyoOhkiRyoOhki Join Date: 2003-01-26 Member: 12789Members
    This is just a tip to avoid confusion. I believe that you want these stories to have a moral, as in a lesson that is taught to the reader. However the title of this thread proclaims these stories to be "morale" stories, which instead means to boost the spirits of people, such as in times of war. It's clear that this is a simple spelling mistake, but it could cause confusion.
  • DrVirusDrVirus Join Date: 2004-01-13 Member: 25282Members
    I thought that the statement below the title will be enough... seems I was wrong...
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