Can You Move The Chat Text Position?

buzzbybuzzby Join Date: 2004-02-02 Member: 25983Members

I have been playing for a week now and its great but the text from people chatting is getting in the way of me seeing. If someone says more than 3 or 4 words it covers up my crosshairs.

Is there a way to move the text to the bottom left of the screen like in most other mods??




  • FunkaFunka Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 5718Members

    I too would be interested to know if/how this is possible.

    I have been searching this forum, found this thread, but alas no answer!? so is there a way to reposition the text chat?

    When there are long lines of text chat, they sometimes extend into the crosshair region and make it hard to aim. Also, the onscreen menus from Clanmod are positioned here as well, which makes it hard to use/read when people are chatting. (i don't know whether clanmod/amx has a way to reposition their own menus but the aiming obstructions are a bit harder to deal with...)

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