Help Please
<div class="IPBDescription">net_sendpacketError: WSAEINR</div> this error as seen in the description is really ticking me off, ill be in the middle of a NS or online game and will be exited to my desktop with this error, from this my activity orange light shuts off and i lose connection to the internet, causing me to restart my computer to get back on. can someone help me? (this does not pretain to NS and does not belong in the Tech help forum, so please do not waste my time or yours by posting something that has nothing to do with this topic) thank you
If I remember correctly it was something to do with the network cable or something. It's been a while since I've played thoguh.
Post in the Tech help Forum or do a search.
I have the same problem, and it is by far one of the most annoying things EVER! It even happens to me when I'm playing on lan too.... <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I didnt know much about it, it stopped once I got cable.
Basically theres something weird with XP+512 RAM+ Dialup.
If those arent your specs, than I really dont have a clue. I got one of thsese everytime someone called me.
Although it have been slightly different.
Try adding -noipx to your shortcut.
I think mine used to read:
"C:\Sierra\Halflife\hl.exe -console -numericping -noipx -nojoy"
-numericping for A slightly more up-to-date latency view
-noipx to disable ipx support as I didn't use it at all.
-nojoy to disable any joystick options as I didn't used a joystick.
I think there's somewhere in the Steam options where you can add stuff
like that. If you still get the message then type the error into
Google and see what comes up. You might hit lucky.