Newbie Help. Poly Errors.

purplesmurfpurplesmurf Join Date: 2004-03-01 Member: 27034Members
Well, I suppose this isn't a very interesting problem for some of you, but it's cause me a lot of grief.

Ok, first off this is my first map.

Anyway, I have a complexish poly smushed up in a corner (highlighted in the editor screenshot). As far as I can tell it's perfectly fine. It's duplicate behaves perfectly. But when ever the map is run well.... here, take a look.

<a href='' target='_blank'>Editor view</a>
<a href='' target='_blank'>In Game</a>

And while I'm on the subject: see the poly on the ceiling? It's mis-shaping aswell.

How do I fix this?

All help is greatly appreciated.


  • purplesmurfpurplesmurf Join Date: 2004-03-01 Member: 27034Members
    Oh, God. Just noticed I mis-posted this. Sorry.
  • DelarosaDelarosa Naturally Custom Join Date: 2002-11-29 Member: 10214Members, NS1 Playtester
    phased like you knew it would.
  • DelarosaDelarosa Naturally Custom Join Date: 2002-11-29 Member: 10214Members, NS1 Playtester
    phased like you knew it would.
  • purplesmurfpurplesmurf Join Date: 2004-03-01 Member: 27034Members
    Well, if your accusing me of misposting on purpose, you're wrong. But I don't get what hinted at a purposeful mis-post.
  • SilverwingSilverwing bulletsponge Join Date: 2003-11-23 Member: 23395Members, Constellation
    edited March 2004
    Make sure your vertices are on the grid. Apart from that, i cant really help ya. Lots of gurus here tho, be patient.
  • ShadowicsShadowics Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7652Members
    I don't use hammer so I'm finding it a little hard to visualize the shape of your poly from the editor view. One thing to be careful of is making a concave poly, but I don't think that would ever make the poly bigger than it's supposed to be, only smaller. The only thing that comes to mind right now that might make that shape is a thin face error - if a face is to small it will be dropped by the compile tools and the other faces will be stretched out until the gap is filled - this produces a long, spiky brush like what you seem to see in the screenshot.
  • WurmspawnWurmspawn Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 19Members
    looks like an invalid solid to me. try splitting faces or rebuidling the brush
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    edited March 2004
    ok: so why is it an invalid brush, you ask.
    well , <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> is a detailed explination of it, by firebender.

  • purplesmurfpurplesmurf Join Date: 2004-03-01 Member: 27034Members
    Why thank you <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> This really helped <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> Also solved another question I was going to ask. Thanks!
  • Some_tall_guy1Some_tall_guy1 Join Date: 2003-05-22 Member: 16601Members
    yeah pretty much the corners of your brush arent on the grid. So put the corners on the grid.
  • purplesmurfpurplesmurf Join Date: 2004-03-01 Member: 27034Members
    Actually, it was the angles. Since the shape was mirroed from another and it had only been fliped horizontally but still occupied the same plane as it's duplicate the complier was having a hissy fit. Or so I gathered from what I read.
  • SilverwingSilverwing bulletsponge Join Date: 2003-11-23 Member: 23395Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin-purplesmurf+Mar 2 2004, 12:33 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (purplesmurf @ Mar 2 2004, 12:33 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Actually, it was the angles. Since the shape was mirroed from another and it had only been fliped horizontally but still occupied the same plane as it's duplicate the complier was having a hissy fit. Or so I gathered from what I read. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    lol "complier was having a hissy fit"

    You shoud <i>never</i> give your "complier" a hisssy fit... lol...

    Love that expression.... Hissy fit...

    /me goes off to giggle in a corner
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