The Marine Nubbie Advice Thread

Tempting_the_port_that_servesTempting_the_port_that_serves Join Date: 2004-03-03 Member: 27104Members
<div class="IPBDescription">To eliminate marine nubbish behaivour.</div>Thread rules(I'd like to get this stickied):

1: Post numbered advice; if the guy before you ends with the new commanders advice #34, you post commanders advice #35.

2: Read through the thread so it doesn't get redundant.

3: I you want a "The Alien Nubbie Advice Thread", put together a bunch of advice, number it, and format it like this thread. Otherwise, don't post alien advice in this thread, it'll be out of place.

4: This thread is to eliminate annoying nubbish behaviour. So if something pisses you off, feel free to write a good numbered thing.

5: Use good spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.

6: Don't flame. If you want the nubs to stop being nubs, you can't yell at them because they won't listen to you. A publication does the education for you so you don't have to say "don't do that" 5 million times.

7: Don't debate. "Well, #3 is stupid" won't add anything to the thread, and turn it into one gigantic long piece of documentation nobody wants to read.

8: PLEASE don't hijack this thread.

9: Finally, if you're a mod, please moderate this thread to these rules (and any others you think are good ones).

General advice:

1: Read threads, ask questions, try new things, and report bugs you find.

2: Your brain is your most powerful muscle, use it.

For starting commanders:

1: Learn the quickkeys, they are much faster and more precise than the click and drag interface. Learn the map area names, it takes awhile but it's worth it.

2: Turrets are for blocking off passages and stopping skulks and lerks, and slowing down onos and fades enough that you can get some guys there. Besides that, don't go spending tons of res on a turret farm that'll easily be taken down by a gorge in a vent with bilebomb or an onos with more HP than god, or Fade who can jump behind a TF, block the fire of turrets and take it out with taking little damage.

3: Use cause and distraction. For example, if you're going to take ventilation hive from the enemy team, and their hive is powersilo, then have one of your marines rambo off and put a few bullets into powersilo. This will draw their attention to powersilo (especially if you put up a dummy phase gate), while the rest of the team is getting seiges up in ventilation. When ventilation comes under attack, they won't know what's hitting them until it's too late.

4: Get a microphone headset, nothing's worse than a comm that can't talk. Also, bind the talk to a keyboard key, it won't work with the 3rd mouse button. And pressing alt to talk then tab to check your team can mean alt tabbing out of a game.

5: If you've got armory humpers who do nothing but hump the armory, or a team that just plain sucks and you have gotten to the point of being good, then get off the server and goto another (after complaining a bit so they know what they did wrong). The idea of playing a game is to have fun, if you're playing with idiots then it isn't fun.

6: Don't give equipment to people who'll lose it. Give it to people who have the highest kill/death ratio. If you've got a guy who's killed 30 guys, and has died 5 times he's going to be more effective with better equipment. If you've got a guy who's killed 50 guys, but has died 25 times, he'll probably lose it quickly. If you've got a guy who's made 1 kill, and 20 deaths, don't give him equipment. If there's a guy who's saying "gimme equipment comm gimme equipment comm" and demanding equipment over and over, tell him to shaddup, and if he doesn't, mute him for awhile. If he feels like being abusive(steals equipment, does nothing etc), get familiar with various console mods so you know how to kick him.

7: Be responsive to your team. Don't just sit there and give waypoints and give them no plan. Answer questions and give orders, if you can call people by name that'd be even better. Listen to the people who say "we need to do this because of this" and put foward logical arguements, they may be smarter than you are. If they don't do a whole lot of fuckall when you say "go out and get me res towers", then say something like "gimme upper sewer, central processing, and tram", and if they don't know what those are, then give em' waypoints. If they're complete noobies, then give them a trail of waypoints, or, if you're tired of nubs, give them waypoints right into the middle of the enemy hive. There's all sorts of entertaining things you can do to newbies if you don't like them. I know, it's not nice to be mean to them, but nobody is perfect and dealing with questions over and over can be maddening.

8: Drop equipment in groups, and like santa clause does, while everyone is away. If you want a single heavy/hmg/welder unit, drop them all such that if someone walks over that pile, they get all 3. I'v seen commanders drop seperate piles of heavies, hmgs, and welders and some people get welders, some people get hmg's, some people get heavies. Some heavies have lmg's, some lights have welders or hmg's, some heavies have hmg's and no welder, then people rambo off and lose equipment. Unless you've got a shitton of res and you'd like to make sure the people who go back for their equipment don't waste sets, and you also want people to get the equipment they're best with, then don't do it.

9: Aliens don't like mines, they especially don't like mines in vents. Mines are also a good investment. Spend 10 res now, to get anywhere between 4-res and 12-res back in kills(if they all come in a group, chomp on something, and one skulk steps on a mine). Not to mention the good they do defending a base.

10: You've got 15 players, most of which are seiging out a hive. Instead of dropping a lot of ammo and health, drop an armory. It's less expensive and time consuming.

11: If you find yourself in the position where you are taking a hive and loosing the last hive you got, it's because the enemy has too many resource towers. The Onos and Fade, or gorge with bilebomb, are the aliens main base-breaking units. Skulks and lerks can't handle 10 or so turrets with mines. Additionally, if you lose a base, you always build it back 2 times as strong. The key here is repulsion, the marines can't get around as quickly as the aliens. A turret farm won't old off an onos or fade, but it will hold off lerks and skulks. If you have one phase gate, that's one target they've got to get. If you've got 5, they've got to nail them all down. Doubled up phase gates may make for a slow getting to a hot area, but it'll ensure that if one area gets under attack, it'll stay open for a lot longer. A 2nd and 3rd TF is a cheap investment, and if properly placed means you've got a lot more time to get to that area before the turrets go out. You want to take out those resource towers and cut off their flow to the enemy team, and cap and electrify them as you go (no fade and no onos = rt staying up). Eventually, onos and fades will stop altogether, and it'll be much easier to move. It's always better, if you've got a decent res flow, to cut through the enemy RT's than through their hives. A 10 skulk team with 1 res tower isn't going to be much of a match for a 10 heavies. It's even better if you start at one end of the map and progress to the other capping and killing resource towers as you go.

12: Monitering what your team is doing is key. Drop them stuff before they need them. Catalyst packs + marine knifing res tower = dead res tower very quick. Also, sometimes you've got to herd ramboers like you herd cattle.

13: Use some common sense when dropping stuff. Imagine if you're an alien and want to get into the enemy base and really put a needle in their side, so to speak. You'd go for the weak spots, attack the areas where turrets won't hit or mines aren't placed, or where an electrified TF won't reach.

For starting soldiers:

1: Read the documentation.

2: Don't hump the armory. Most good players take an extra clip (50 ammo) for their lmg and that's it. Humping the armory takes time, and most likely you'll be sitting there for 20 seconds filling up when you could be heading to somewhere doing something useful. A lot of players fill up, run off and the FIRST THING they do is get killed before they expend a clip of ammo. They repeat this process, doing nothing for the entire game, then complain about how much it sucks. The only time you need that much ammo is if you're assualting an OC or 3, a hive, or

A: You've got an hmg, since the time to fill it up is negligent
B: You've got an expensive nade launcher and you're going to be taking out buildings, you'll also need a full pistol as a backup weapon.
C: You're going to be attacking buildings with your lmg/pistol
D: You've got a shotgun with no reserve ammo. (and even then, I usually take 24 ammo to 32 ammo, not 40 unless I know I'm going to use it all).
E: You know you're going to be staying alive for awhile

3: If you lose equipment, run off and get it back. That heavy(15 res)/hmg(15 res)/welder(5 res) doesn't come free, it's 35 res, and if you die and bring your hmg/welder to base and say "comm, I nead a heavy, I'v got all the accessories and I'm near the armory with the big yellow explination point over my head" he'll be more willing to give you your heavy back. Additionally, if someone dies and drops their equipment, make sure you bind your drop weapon key on your keyboard. This way, you refresh their stuff so it won't fade away until they or someone comes back to get it, thereby saving the res that would normally be wasted. You can also progress the weapon(s) back to base this way as well. If you've got an hmg with full ammo and someone drops theirs, make sure you reload the one on the ground. That way, when someone comes back if they need that ammo they've got it until they can get more.

4: If you're going to rambo off, baiting and trapping is a good tactic in larger games. Find an enemy RT or hive, camp a good spot, and throw a bullet into it now and then. The enemy will come to it and look around for you, and you can nail them earning res for your team and simultaniously **** off and distracting the enemy team. This is also cause and distraction; the enemy is drawn to 2 or 3 RT's simulataniously under attack, or is drawn towards the hive your team isn't setting seiges up at. Spreading the alien team very thin is a good idea. Do this instead of running right next to the enemy hive and bothering the comm for an RT or TF if you don't have the equipment or skill to pull it off.

5: Don't annoy the commander. Asking stuff like "how do I get a heavy armor" is one thing, asking it over and over again when you don't get an answer then saying "I'm not moving until I get a jetpack" is another. Bothering him for a shotgun you're going to lose or mines you're going to poorly place, or a welder you're never going to use, or bothering him for a heavy/hmg/welder/mines/**** extention/****/ham sandwidth and some **** when he's got 1 res and 1 rt is stupid and the comm won't like you. In all probability, you'll get muted by half the team and if ff is on, tk'd on a regular basis by the other half.

6: Be aware of how many res you've got. You can tell this by monitering the res counter at the top, if you've got 1 res and it jumps upto 4, you've got 4-1=3 rt's, or someone just killed something big. If you've got 1 res tower 1 res, and it jumps to two, and you're asking for a shotgun, you're an idiot. If the comm has 150 res, it's 8 minutes into the game, everything is upgrading and stuff is going well, don't bother him for equipment unless you've got a good idea (like welding something that isn't welded). Most likely he's saving for a heavy train or for enough buildings to take a hive quickly.

7: Plan on how you're going to attack an enemy. The difference between killing an onos and getting mauled by one is one half second thought of "Now where could I go where it won't kill me immediatly...the high ledge only accessable by the ladder! AHA!". All of a sudden that onos comes in, and has to go up a ladder to get you, allowing you to throw whatever you've got at it. Don't fire immediatly either, suprise is also a good asset to a good attack or defense. So is positioning. 10 heavies with HMG's at the end of a long hallway will take out any number of onos that come down that hallway (I'v seen it done).

8: Even the best players get screwed over. I usually let people take point because if an onos comes around and snatches them up I'm the one with the brains who can actually get them out, while if I took point they'd be the ones running away or chasing after it blindly, only to get both of us killed. If you're good and you know what your doing, you can still get screwed over.

9: Don't rambo off with a heavy, chances are if you've got heavies, they've got onos running around. If they've got onos, they've got devour and probably either stomp, celerity, charge, or all 3 to negate your HMG and heavy. Unless you've got real good ears and a knack for setting up good traps, or really good navigation and stealth skills, you're going to get eaten. If you've got a jetpack, don't run into heavily defended areas. OC's and lerks are the bane of jetpackers. If you've got a jetpack, be sneaky. Get into a area where you can seige a hive that onos can't get into or go around and kill undefended res towers. If you can get down 2 or 3 res towers or a hive on your lonesome, or take out half the enemy team in the process you've just killed some major alien assets. You'll be king on your comms list for another set if you die.

10: Large games, ramboing is bad. You'll get overwhelmed easily. Smaller games, ramboing is good, the enemy tends to concentrate their units on single areas without running around others and won't cover the entire map. If everyone's going to double, run to the other side of the map. The guys at double are going to draw the entire enemy teams fire, while you'll only run into the occasional ramboing alien player who's patrolling specifically for you or because they're lost. Or better yet, they'll all rush you and will leave double alone. Also if you're ramboing, it's better to hide from the enemy instead of attacking them directly. Choose your fights on your own terms, inotherwords.

11: When the game begins getting more advanced, you'll get fades taking out electrified RT's. The best way to take them out, is to hide somewhere until they get away from the RT to heal, then rush the fade. Don't give the fade any time to heal and don't rush the fade when it's the strongest. I'v taken out quite a few fades by counting the number of zaps, estimating how hurt it is then rushing in just as their adrenaline is low so they can't blink and just as they are ready to run.

12: Be aware of what the commander drops, if he drops a arms lab in base, build it unless you've got something more important to do. If he drops a sensors array or 5 in base, saying he needs extra pinging power, build them.

13: If you've got 0 kills, 20 deaths in a game, and the comm drops a shotty for the guy who's got 20 kills, 0 deaths, and you take it, you're an **** and deserve to get kicked.

14: You don't need fuckall accept what you spawned with and some teamwork/planning/skill/luck to take down an onos. I have exactly 1 knife kill on an onos within 3 weeks of playing this game. A KNIFE kill, not an LMG kill (which I'v got countless of), not a pistol kill (which I'v also done countless times with), but a knife kill. Think about that. Onos is mauling me in spawn armor, I LMG it with the rest of my team. It runs low on health, I blow the rest of my pistol into it. Figuring it's low 500 from my clip, plus 200 from the pistol and whatever everyone else throw into it, I jab and block the onos. The onos can't run because I'm blocking it, it doesn't think to maul me down and presto, and with 5 guys wasting it I just happen to be the one who got the last whack. Which brings me upto number 16

15: Block onos and fades from leaving when they're under fire from getting out of that fire. It may only be for a second or two and it may be suicidal, but if they're dumb and begin running too late, a block can end it for them.

16: Weapons are not jewelry, and points don't make you l33t. Weapons are tools, and if properly used, will then make you l33t. If you're on a server and have a hundred kills before 20 minutes and because of your actions you were the one who got that phase gate up for the team to rush the enemy hive that saved the game, you're l33t. Don't play the game to be an **** for everyone else. This is a team game, and from personal experience, team games are more fun when played as a team. Additionally, the comm drops me a grenade launcher, you go run and pick it up before me. You then proceed to lose the grenaid launcher, you've just **** me, the team, and yourself. Don't wanna get rushed by 10 onos and wind up waiting 2 minutes in an onos stomach? Then don't take weapons from people who know how to use them. Want to experiment with weapons? Play combat, or better yet, play in smaller games.

17: If your team sucks, and the game is boring, goto another server. I'v abandoned teams and gone to other servers saying "alright, you guys suck" after they decide to, instead of doing what I tell them they need to do or doing that automatically like a real good team does, they sit their and ask for equipment like morons.

18: If you're partial to ramboing, I can't tell you how annoying it is to be in my nice cozy hive and go egg to become the first onos, and all of a sudden some **** runs out with a knife just as I hit the button to go onos. Sometimes you may want to wait a second or two and hide out there to wait for eggs before baiting and trapping. I use the 3-second rule, count 1-2-3 and if the egg is still an egg, it's bigger than an upgrade. Listen for eggs too, I'v come upto people egging to fade or lerk in vents who absolutely hate it when I get up into them and knife them.

19: I'm now commander, I drop mr XYZ a shotgun, and you take it and won't give it up, then proceed to get killed and lose it. You are now muted, and you are never getting equipment from me for the rest of the game. Capish?


  • BlueNovemberBlueNovember hax Join Date: 2003-02-28 Member: 14137Members, Constellation
    edited March 2004
    OMG how long is that... let me finish reading and I will comment.


    1) I think posting numbes on your threads is not really feasable. However, if you mean posting on this thread with numbers, then fine.

    2) How would reading through the thread make it less redundant? :S "Don't repeat things that have been said" possibly?

    3) Cool

    4) That's not even a rule. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    5) Eye halve a spell chequer, so I am ok.

    6) "Nubs" is far too much of a general term nowadays. A new player who wants to learn is certainly a "n00b/nub"; yet (s)he will listen to you. Long-time-playing n00bs who don't have a clue are unlikely to heed the advice on a forum if they dont heed it in-game. That's if they even browse the forums. LAMERS will not listen to yo regardless. Still, it's a nice idea.

    7) Discussion is important. What one person says is almost certainly not the be-all and-end-all of tactics

    8) Fair enough

    9) n/a. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->


    3) Gorge in vents cannot harm tfs. They must be on the same level to harm it, or be able to see the health ring.
    But saying that... I think this was fixed in ns3; your advice stands.

    4) Talk works fine on my mouse, but I tend to type instead to save confusion over heavy-accent. Remember that not all of your players may speak English, so use waypoints too.

    5) Come on. Even armoury humpers deserve to learn. Personally I would go comm and try to teach them something. Leaving the server just spoils the alien's game.

    6) !!!!!! Sorry, I hate this attitude. Rambos who have knifed 4 rts are likely to have had minimal kills; giving them a shotgun would sitll be a great idea. Use the scoreboard (ns3+) to see this.
    Besdies, if I was a n00b, I would not want to be descriminated against for being slightly worse than others, and even Pros have bad days!
    50:25 is more impressive than 30:5 IMO.

    50:25= 37.5 res earned. (Counting for res given to alien)
    30:5 = 37.5 res earned. (Counting for res given to alien)

    However, killing 50 ppl will have hurt the enemy team more than killing 30 ppl, regardless of your deaths. Also, you are unlikely to have been killed by the same player twice, so the res is pretty much evenly distributed amoung the enemy team, making little difference to them. However, your resources are pooled, so you gain enough res for an rt and some protective mines striaght away.

    Normal players cannot kick other players. Even as comm.

    7) EXCELLENT point. If comms did this, not only would marines be serriously over balanced, but the NS-xperience would be far better. (Not sure about the "give the noobs waypoints to enemy hive... that's just a waste of rfk, and plain mean.)

    8) Nice idea, however, there are bonuses letting marines pick their own equpiment. Some ppl *are* better with Jets than others, and some ppl *hate* jets and can live with moving at a snail's pace in HA.

    9) Top marks. Mines 0wn.

    10) True. However, if the ammo is need there and then, packs would be better.

    11) Hmm. Multiple PGs? Can't really voice an oppinion; never tried it. However, I imagine sending marines into a Pg that is under attack generally is not a good idea. (Unless they are HA)

    12) Rambos in a heard = Confused. Rambo's by definition are solos. :S Still, if you have 15 rambos, you have a problem. Group together rambos only if you have a very secure area packed with WoLs to get through.

    OMg there's more... I will take a break there and come back after lunch. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
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