Ns Hands?
Join Date: 2004-03-05 Member: 27154Members

I converted some models but i dont know how i put the NS hands/arms in them, can anyone tell me how i do it? <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->
can some one post something more detailed on how to do it?
Both have asked me this before and here's the answer - <u><b>Conversion in 4 not-so-simple steps.</b></u>
Rule Number 1: You must have an original NS file to which you want to convert it.
Adding NS hands to other mod animations is a pain the ******* ****... so in other words, if it's a regular assault rifle I recommend Brig's anims, however I do NOT recommend you release them anywhere if you have any respect for him at all.
As for shotguns and pistols, defaults will do fine.
Step 1: Decompile your model with another program than MS3d (Like Kriasto's Decompiler also included in MS3d as a plug-in).
Import the <u>NS weapon's reference SMD</u>
For instance, in the case of the default pistol, it's pistol_ref.smd if I'm not mistakened.
Import Skeleton and Triangles, UNCHECK RENAME BONES (in MS 1.70)
Step 2: Hide the bones in the joints tab (uncheck "show skeleton")
Start clicking the bones one by one and clicking selassign respectively. This will show you what parts it is assigned to.
Each bone is assigned to a certain number of faces/vertexs, which you will need to later on match to the other weapon's equivalent.
Take notes with a notepad (virtual or not) of some sort, that's what I do.
For instance, on a default NS pistol the MAJOR bones are:
Muzzleflash... usually the tip of the gun's barrel.
Magazine. Pretty much self-explanatory, duh.
And the ejection port so you don't go like "OMG LIEK TEH BOLLETEHS AREH COMING FROEM KNOWEHERE!!!!11111" while playing.
Numbers of the bones depend on the animations, so be sure to check one by one.
Ignore any bone assigned to hand models... they'll only confuse you. hide the Hands and Hands_arm groups (select them and click Hide) so you can see the gun better.
Now, import the other model's Triangles only, and align then so they match up with the other gun's size and rotation. This may require united scaling (Direct-scaling) of the model to match the closest to the other one possible.
Chose the new model on it's whole and move it to match the other one.
Then select Scale and make sure X,Y,Z and U are checked. Move around with the mouse until you match the NS Original gun's size.
After doing so, delete the original NS model's groups and maps (textures)... wipe them out... ALL OF THEM...
Step 3: Ahhh, now to start bone assignment.
Look at your notes and check each part of the gun.
A conversion dificulty depends on how well the gun is grouped.
Most pistols tend to come grouped in either Slide and Frame or more... if you came up with a pistol with 1 group or without these defined, you're done for <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Should this be the case, you have to select/deselect the parts until you can select the slide etc to match the bones.
Now select only the parts of the gun you want to assign to bone X (whereas X = Number of bone Ex.: Bone 53 = Muzzleflash = tip of the barrel which you must chose).
Ok, now bone assignment is simple. Just check the faces/vertexs you want and the respective bone.
Now click on assign while selecting those vertexs and the bone at the same time.
Voil?, bone assigned.
Repeat this <b>'till you've assigned all parts of the gun</b>. This is important.
If you don't know where to put a certain vertex, insert it on the main group, usually Joint 01 or 02... that way it will stand still ingame.
Make sure you've assigned all weapon parts by clicking on "selunassigned" ... if any parts of the model are highlighted, assign them to their bones...
Step 4: Now the easy part. Bleh... make a backup of the original ref incase the bones come out messed up (happends when milkshape keeps the converted gun's bone configuration), and export to the .ref smd as a Reference, not a sequence.
Now compile (With MS3d or another prog, no problems here).
If everything turned out OK, it should be working fine.
If not, keep trying or find a better tutorial than this crap ya shmuck! <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo-->
A few more important notes.
- While dealing with .SMDs, never, ever, EVER put both models (NS and the one to be converted) in the same folder when decompiled. After you've decompiled one, if the other has an animation with the same name, it will overwrite it and screw it up with the new animations.
Instead, when you're done, just copy the NEW MODELS .bmp files to the NS CONVERSION folder... that should be enough.
- To simplify bone assignment, start of with the smaller section such as the slide and the trigger: Hide the hands, assign the trigger and then the slide to each respective bone. after that, just assign the ejection port (a small vertex in the middle of nowhere on the gun will do, as long as it is close to the real thing), and then, all you have to do is chose the main gun bone and "selunassigned"... all that's left is the frame of the gun. Click "assign". Assigning made easy.