Station impunity under construction

IntegrateIntegrate Join Date: 2002-02-22 Member: 236Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Work-in-progress story and pics</div><b>Station Impunity</b>, a TSA frontier base in the Epsilon sector, has failed to send its bimonthly status report to HQ.  In addition, 3 days ago, the station's location beacon has gone offline.  This is highly strange and suspicious behavior since TSA regulations require location beacons to be functional and on at all times in case of emergency.  We have recieved no signals from the station since that point.  You, with a detachment of Marines, will be transported on the <i>TSA Monolith</i> to Epsilon sector.  There, you will pilot a dropship to Station Impunity and board the station with your Marines.  Conduct initial recon and full infrastructure, personnel, equipment, station integrity status checks.  Due to recent infestation anomalies reported on outskirt bases and ships, you are given full personnel-level firepower and ammunition.  You will also operate under wartime rules of engagement.  Watch your head and always maintain control of the situation.  This mission will proceed at 0900.  Good luck and godspeed.

End Briefing.

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More pics  <a href="" target="_blank">HERE</a>


  • FlayraFlayra Game Director, Unknown Worlds Entertainment San Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer
    Wow.  Great briefing and great screens.


    - Some of the texturing on the sides of wall struts looks funky.  I think it's the horizontal lines on a diagonal surface that make it look weird to me.  Some of the wall texturing is a bit monotonous too, I'd love to see you mix it up a bit.

    - Great loading bay, it really feels like it was used and was stopped being used suddenly.  I think you could use some trim and/or detail texture along the raised area on the right side of the floor.

    - The lighting feels a bit rough in all these shots.  I'm not sure what type of lights you're using, but perhaps Merks or someone else around here can give you some falloff or texture light params that would improve this a lot?  The lighting feels a bit dingy, and not too dramatic at this stage.  I'd like to see brighter areas and darker areas (just my usual)

    Nice work!  Glad to see you're still mapping for NS. <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
  • WurmspawnWurmspawn Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 19Members
    yummy ~:) it seems your pause in registering for the new forums was for good purpose... to make some yummy maps.
    im really fond of the structure in your loading bay.
    but im not really fond of that green wall texture, the shading and pattern of it is nice, but i think i would like it better in a brown or something...
    i find the atmosphere in the second pic very nice
  • pielemuispielemuis Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 72Members, NS1 Playtester
    very nice indeed, i think the texturing is good as it is, it's just the lightning that needs to be, well like Flayra said, more dramatic. Very nice architecture, best loading bay i've seen.I just saw a minor mistake, in the 3th pic you use that black-with-green-lights texture, well there's a visible line in it, might wanna correct that.
    *i edited my post cuz i wrote second instead of third.*
  • SpoogeSpooge Thunderbolt missile in your cheerios Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 67Members
    Impressive!  Can't wait to go bug hunting in that cargo bay.  As far as the lighting goes, it looks like those pics have been altered or over-brightened by some graphics program (photoshop?).  I'm guessing it looks much better in-game.
  • realityisdeadrealityisdead Employed by Raven Software after making ns_nothing Join Date: 2002-01-26 Member: 94Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    This map looks really great, and I have been awaiting more shots since I fisrt saw it at The architecture in the loading bay is just awesome. The lighting in the second shot is really nice and moody.

    As far as the lighting in the first shot goes, I think the problem is that it's a bit too harsh and pale looking. None of the colors in the shot are very deep. Maybe if you brought down the intensity of the lights a bit, the textures would come out deeper colored. For an example of what I mean, look at the red light on the wall. It just seems all to pale to me. But maybe that's what you where aiming for... I think it's all really a matter of opinion.

    Edit - The more I look at it, the better I think the lighting in the first shot looks. As spooge said it does look like the result of brightening in PS or something.
  • IntegrateIntegrate Join Date: 2002-02-22 Member: 236Members

    thanks for the criticism, everyone.

    i'll keep playing around with the lighting and the texturing to see what looks better.

    interfector: thanks for the headsup, that will be fixed

    and these shots were only sharpened to bring out the details better.  They are also darker than ingame.  I didn't brighten them or modify the pics in any other way
  • ChromeAngelChromeAngel Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 14Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    I really like that second picture (wish it was one of mine).

    I think you need to have different textures on the sides/top of those cargo containers.  That's been bugging me since I saw it on RR.

    I like <b>all</b> that lighting myself, but I think i'd change the wall textures in the last picture.
  • ErpErp Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 90Members
    These screenshots are incredible! I'm still amazed at how much better NS maps look compared to other mods

    Please excuse me while I search for my jaw.
  • CrematorCremator Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 27Members
  • GreedoGreedo Bounty Hunter Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 37Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    I don't know if anyone's said this yet, but I think that the overall alignment of textures on those crates in the first pics just seems a little off.  The tiling is wrong.  The texture doesn't really line up with the edge of the crates that well.

    Other than that, everything here is just supremely awesome.  Keep up the good work and get some new shots out as quickly as possible.
  • Black_DogBlack_Dog Join Date: 2002-02-10 Member: 190Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Greedo386+Feb. 23 2002,19:14--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (Greedo386 @ Feb. 23 2002,19:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->I don't know if anyone's said this yet, but I think that the overall alignment of textures on those crates in the first pics just seems a little off.  The tiling is wrong.  The texture doesn't really line up with the edge of the crates that well.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    in fact those containers are textured with just the doors of a container...probably integrate made this cos he hasn't the other tex,or to not waste time...btw they looks quite good just like this(but a correction is a good thing <!--emo&;)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo--> )
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