Half-life platinum pack
<div class="IPBDescription">Help</div>About last year or so I bought a half-life platinum pack which came with Half-life, CS-retail, TFC, and Opfor- it was pretty sweet all in all, my brother and I like playing over lan with bots and what not, but that gets pretty repetitive after a while so I installed cs-retail and upgraded it on one computer, and installed half-life and upgraded it on the other- they both have their own cd-keys, they are both game with diffrent cds, just in the platinum box together- but everytime we try to join the same game it says: Your half-life cdkey is currently in use, what happened? Does anyone know how to fix this?
If so what you'll need to do is edit it in your registry to the new CD Key
(This has happened to me before I borrowed a friends HL and then got my own, but it still had his CD-Key so we couldn't join the same TFC game together)
I'm not sure that counts as two distinct CD keys.
/me checks boxes..