Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11046Members

<div class="IPBDescription">How bad is it in the U.S. ?</div> Well a certain anonymous poster who I can only assume to be American ( not sure if black ppl are referred to as nigga's anywhere else in the world ) reared his ugly head again. Racism, as you all know, was a big problem here in South Africa, and to some extent still is, but we seem to slowly but surely be getting over it.
It's great to finally see kids of a different race walking around shopping malls together without giving a second thought to the color of someone's skin, are movement's such as the KKK *spit* still quite active over there, or are they just a bunch of trailer park trash with nothing better to do ?
It's great to finally see kids of a different race walking around shopping malls together without giving a second thought to the color of someone's skin, are movement's such as the KKK *spit* still quite active over there, or are they just a bunch of trailer park trash with nothing better to do ?
it is simply human nature - there are some people who will insist on taking a prejudice stance for little apparent reason.
i know it isn't good, and i'm well aware of the problems it causes
such is life
For my part, it's not something you see in everyday life, and when you do see it, the only time it isn't openly detested among polite company is when it's lighthearted ribbing that the person on the butt end laughs at just as much.
It DOES seem to be much more prevalent among the gaming community. I cite Penny Arcade's Greater Internet Fsckwad Theorem.
ahahhahahahahahahahaaha <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/nerd.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif' /><!--endemo-->
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Agreed, so then I'll ask you about the KKK, are they kinda like satanists, ppl know that they exist you but never actually see them in real life ?
We even have ghettoes .. in SWEDEN... didt expect that did you?
True enough, but I think it's important to note that with dead social fallacies like this, "far too much" does not necessarily translate to "large problem." The less of something there is, the less of it has to be there to produce outrage, after all.
PS: Sorta off-topic, but I'd just like to note that satanists (the ones who are actually satanists, not the ones who say they are because it's k3wl) are only maligned because people assume that they stand on the side of evil because of the fairly obvious name and symbolism. In fact, satanist philosophy is no such horrible thing. They don't even actually worship Satan, they use Satan and other such symbolism (some bits from religions other than Christianity from what I understand, so it's not purely a reaction to Christianity) to show their distaste for religion in general. Their actual philosophy is really just an extension of humanism; that mankind is the defining force of the world, that we are greater than any god which could be conceived. Many also extend it further, to a sort of self-worship.
Of course, any real satanist would <i>want</i> you to think he was evil. The symbolism is there just to annoy you. <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
For non-Australians, I'll explain the above policies. Until the 1950's, Australia had a "White Australia policy" with regards to immigration; that is, whites were given preferential immigration rights. It was only after the Second World War that the Australian government realised that the country needed more people to defend itself, and so opened the gates a little.
The Stolen Generation is another story. Aboriginal children were taken from their parents and placed within white familes and missions, where they were raised "white". Aboriginal families were considered too "backwards" to care for their children and recieved no compensation for these actions. This was government policy up to the 1970's.
It's not just Aboriginal racism however; a disturbing number of Australians also have a great deal of hatred towards Asian people, whom they see as unwelcome and a threat. Asian immigration has picked up a lot over the past 40 odd years, abnd florishing Asian communities exist in most major Australian cities. Too many Australians would prefer the White Australia policy to be still in effect, as demonstrated by the rise in popular support for the racist politics of Pauline Hanson.
So yeah. Racism is still around.
Also theres a rise in the popularity of the BNP (British National Party) which is basically a bunch of white skinhead Neo-Nazi's playing at politics.
Conversely where I live is a highly multi-national area and I don't see much open racism round here...
You want to find racists? Try West Virginia. I'm not just saying that because it's funny, it's scarily true over there. It's like Mississippi and Arkansas export all of their trash to one state.
On a possibly related note, isn't Lynndie England (the girl at the centre of the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal) from West Virginia?
Recently in Australia, the ATSIC branch of the government, run by Aboriginals for Aboriginals, was shut down following massive corruption and featherbedding amongst its leaders. I have an uncle who works with his wife in an Aboriginal community, and I have never met a more defeated man. He tried to explain to me exactly what he was facing up in the Norther Terrority, but words eventually failed him. He finally just said "They cant help themselves, and they resent it if white fellas try and help in any way other than free handouts. I was trying to provide them with plumbing for their houses, and they stole constantly from us whilst complaining at the amount of time it took. My wife was nearly assualted for trying to untie a woman from a tree after her Aborginal husband tied her up and flogged her with a tyre tube. Their cultural morality has been stripped from them by white folks, and nothing has replaced it."
Personally, I find it hard to generate any empathy for the Aboriginals. I also find it ironic that the "Stolen Generation" spoke out, and yet those who spoke out weren't from the gutter, having being raised properly in decent families. I don't see that as a justification for stealing a generation of children from their parents, but I can certainly understand the mentality of the Churches and Government officials that participated in this.
Also theres a rise in the popularity of the BNP (British National Party) which is basically a bunch of white skinhead Neo-Nazi's playing at politics.
Conversely where I live is a highly multi-national area and I don't see much open racism round here... <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<span style='color:white'>No matter which forum you started this reply in, this kind of language is <i>not</i> appropriate.</span>
from what i know of my area... there is a ton of fights per week it is just how it is..but the ones which are black vs white or w/e always get called and viewed as 'racist' that is people unwilling to admit that humans are just that freaking stupid that they fight over nothing
'oh he was selling his smack on my corner, lets stab him.'
that is the mentality.. it isnt cos he is black white yellow purple **** the **** could be pink with green spots. the fight would still happen.
media and the general public put it down to racism, cos they cant cop to how bad society is..
i have never seen anyone be racist. swear on my life. ive heard things from my half sister (black) in us about how she has been hassled for having white mom/black dad... but where i live... people are people...
There is some racism here, however most if it seems to be confined to those areas where they are "forced" (eg lower income housing for refugees and like, though not all are poor by any means) to live together and most of the time it doesn't seem relevant to myself.
In addition, it seems that many of the younger people here, (HS age) tend to not accept those not white and christian. Although the demographics here put 98% at white and christian.
So.. other then a few spots centerally located in my city, there is not a lot of it, and when it does happen it only happens once every few years and then nothing.
Its like they all learned we are the same and then the next generation comes along and has to relearn those same lessons. Which is kind of annoying really. :-)
My, it certainly does sound like bigotry and prejudice are large problems where you're from.
disagree completely.
age has nothing to do with racism, from what i've observed. it's how you've been brought up. i've seen kids with little exposure to other races taunt multiethnic kids, and i've seen other kids be fine with others. i've seen middle-aged people who are racist and middle-aged people who aren't (especially towards specific ethnicities) because of old hatreds. and i've seen old people that are fine, and old people that aren't.
i believe it mostly depends on the values you were raised with, not the amount of time you've been alive.
If people get angry at the fact that said officer shot someone of a different color and not even hear a reason <i>why</i> the officer shot the dude, then something is seriously wrong with the society. Who knows, maybe the officer thought the dude had a gun? But, as soon as you get racism into something like a police station, it has to be stamped out, and quickly, before the entire situation degenerates into the situation you have now. <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo--> As well, as long as it wasn't live ammo, the dude should've lived, so there's no problem there.
It wasn't live ammo, right?
... RIGHT?! <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I've spent my whole life (less the last 6 months) living in both of those cities, and while it might look like racism from afar, trying living in those cities.
All I'll say is sterotypes don't exist for no reason at all...
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->If people get angry at the fact that said officer shot someone of a different color and not even hear a reason why the officer shot the dude, then something is seriously wrong with the society. Who knows, maybe the officer thought the dude had a gun?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The big one: Rodney King Jr.
Who here saw the whole video? Anyone raise your hands? Anyone at all?
That fifteen second clip of the LAPD beating RKJ with their sticks was not the whole video. In fact, the whole video was, I think, about 3 minutes long.
Rodney King, for starters, was aced up to the eyeballs on LSD. Anyone who knows what LSD can do to you probably can tell right now what really happened. Secondly, Rodney King was roughly 7 feet tall and about 300-some pounds of solid muscle.
The cops told him to get down. He didn't. They said again. He didn't. So they tried to take him down. There is one cop clinging to his back, and another pushing him. Rodney simply lifts the cop off his back and more or less throws him to the ground. He pushes the other cops away.
So they hit him with a taser. 'ol Rodney pulls the tasers right out of his skin. Nice going! So they only have one thing left. Brute-****-force. They whip out their sticks and take him down. But he won't STAY down. After he's on the ground, he continues to fight the cops. The only way to keep him down was to make it so he couldn't get up.
Another big one (This one from Chicago): LaTanya Haggerty
Pulled over for a routine traffic stop. Police approach the car, and she refuses to get out. Several accounts abound about this, but the one most widly published in Chicago was that the officers saw her drop a shiney object, and stop and quickly grab it. The officers, fearing it was a gun, shot her to death.
Another one from Chicago: Robert Russ
Another traffic stop, and again, varied accounts. The most common account? Good 'ol quick-thinking Russ decided to try to disarm the cop, or push his gun away. If some massive college football player (a black one as well - The majority of inner-city shooting crimes in Chicago are at the hands of blacks and hispanics. I certainly would be cautious) is trying to grab for my gun, I'd put a few bullets to his brainbox.
I live in the south.
Particularly North florida. Jacksonville, Florida
Is there racism in the south? I'd say thats where the worst racism is. Where I live, specifically is what you would called the "ghetto" im like the only one with a computer. (Im half black btw)
Anyway, Racism is definitly a problem. Just the way I dress, or with im with my friends who have dreds, or thier hair braided or look like thugs, we definlty get racially profiled, everytime we walk into a store or anything. People look at us, and are instantly thinking criminal.
Heres one thing I dont like to talk about, but when i was about 12 i was walking up to the store which was across the street with my friend dante. The store owner says my friend has been seen in the store stealing before. My friend goes "I have only been here once" and the store owner goes All you **** **** (N-word) do the same thing. And he tosses us out of the store.
Ignoring it isnt easy its just the way it is.
Im not gonna lie, im sorta of racist toward white people too. Can you blame me?
I never feel comfortable around a whiteperson yet I use to play online games that are filled with white people.
No matter way you look at it, theres always racism, you just gotta deal. Im used to it by now.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Every year in Cincinnati the KKK puts a cross up on fountain square. Personally I'm glad they do<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I feel sorry for you. And if anything, you should open your eyes to the statement you just made.
Black people tend to be in one group, whites in another, mexicans in another, russians in another at my school. Sure, no one is racist and everyone gets along with each other. But the fact is, in all my accelerated and AP classes ( and I take a lot) there are almost no minorities except for a few asian people.
I live in Minnesota, hardly a racist state.
As far as natural racism, I believe that exists too. Us white middle class folk would really rather live near more white middle class folk than any other minority that would move it.
( again, using the term "minority" very loosely)
I feel sorry for you. And if anything, you should open your eyes to the statement you just made. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I think you misinterpreted what I was saying. Obviously the KKK is about as despicable as a group can get, and my preference would be that they not exist at all. What I was saying is that since they do exist, I would rather they be very public about it so we know that people like that still exist.
While it is true that the gifted program has mostly asians and whites and the regular school has mostly latinos and african-americans, this is not because of school policy or anything like that. Instead, it's mostly because asians and whites are disproportionately representative of the middle and upper class, and tend to be more likely to have parents that will take the trouble to get their students IQ tested.
<a href='http://www.pbs.org/previews/brown_vs_board/' target='_blank'>http://www.pbs.org/previews/brown_vs_board/</a>
This plays a part in things like the Rhodney King case, where many people drew the conclusion that he was brutalized because he was black, siince the color of his skin is more obvious than his size, build, or actions.
There was a lot of that segregation at the school I went to also. I don't know the cause of it. One thing I noticed in junior high is that a lot of smart black kids were ridiculed by their black friends for "trying to be white." The rest of us were just called nerds, etc. and just dealt with it. Its a lot harder to deal with being told that you are betraying your culture.