Join Date: 2003-11-10 Member: 22446Banned

<div class="IPBDescription">first released beta since b2</div> New beta of co_cargo.
-10times more detailed
-New secret room
-lighting was improved but still can be more improved
-weldable engine to make hive brighter
-usable elevator
-rspeeds droped
-and more stuff i cant think of =P
<a href='' target='_blank'>Click here to download map</a>
-after testing my map please give feedback
-no pics this time in ns-world so you have to download it =P
-dont give feedback unless you played the map PLEASE!
<a href='' target='_blank'>Click here to give feed back</a>
-you can also give feedback in this forum of course =P
-10times more detailed
-New secret room
-lighting was improved but still can be more improved
-weldable engine to make hive brighter
-usable elevator
-rspeeds droped
-and more stuff i cant think of =P
<a href='' target='_blank'>Click here to download map</a>
-after testing my map please give feedback
-no pics this time in ns-world so you have to download it =P
-dont give feedback unless you played the map PLEASE!
<a href='' target='_blank'>Click here to give feed back</a>
-you can also give feedback in this forum of course =P
It's not even zipped or Rar'd or anything...
Well, I think you need to brush up on your presentation skills. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
heres secret room.
that generator.
some hallway.
<a href='' target='_blank'>click here for more pics</a>
and the smallness is what i was going for.. i always thought some combat maps are too big that some games take more then 30 min!! and i was like WTH is the point of playing combat !!
when you get at least 10 people in co_cargo_b6 the games go fast and its mad fun with none stop action.
in my opinion small is good
it wasnt hard to find the secret room, just ran around as a skulk pushing E. i also found the.. er.. musicbox.
much harder to get to the top of the secret room than to find it. cool idea, it will add like a minigame for people.
lazy bastage
so fare i got this.
-Im totaly going to redo the hive to make it look sexy =P
-Elevator in the main cargo room will go somewhere hehe (still debating on what to put up there)
-lighting will have to improve a little to give more atmosphere(what map doesnt need that)
-less squarish rooms
-changing the engine so it starts with no electricity on(turns on when its welded)
-get rid of the nancy music in the ready room (it was fun wile it last =P)
thats what i got so fare.. please add to it!!
-Elevator in the main cargo room will go somewhere hehe (still debating on what to put up there)
-less squarish rooms <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
ok, there you go, there are the 3 that i have... here's a few more...
the "center" is too short of a path from hive to CC and vice versa, the only problem is, marines need a JP to get through there... aliens don't... my suggestion would be to add more boxes and some "debris"...
have the elevator go up to a second level (also add in a manual ladder...)
things on this (new) level are fallen apart, broken and full of debris (to prevent movement and explain debris and such on the lower level)...
this makes the "center route" go around a little further, making it less important to control.
possible ideas for upper level: messhall area, and sleeping quarters... marines get hungry and sleepy sometimes, routing skulk/marine traffic through large rooms would be nice instead of a "corridor" for the second level.
another path idea is to have this upper layer go from the elevator, to behind the hive area.
second, possibly explain the purpose of the engine (i had no idea wth i was welding it for)
third, you have boxes up on shelves, how did they get there? (powerloader map model or forklift?)
lerk panel in marine start: sure, good idea, make a spot where vanilla marines can get gassed and not be able to retaliate...
idea: a ladder? (how did the panel get moved back into the hole without a ladder?) -or- move the lerk panel over and encourperate an "acess walkway/crawlspace" off of the elevator shaft.
ideas to consider:
how are the crates being moved around?
how did the aliens get in?
good map, i will have it on my server when it gets done (both map and server)
Try and change the name of your Cargo* just seems like NS_Crate* to me.
Also, stuff like the pile of crates, the all seems a tad old hat.
I mean, it probaly plays well, and looks like a natural Selection map..but try injecting it with something new and different. I know this is no easy task...but it will pay off.
and yes im still waiting for that one idea(effect) of my map that will seperate it from others.. but it hasnt come to me yet hehe
Delarosa, im putting alot of thought into your post.. you got some good ideas.. but if i make the second level go into the back of (the new hive) should i get ride of the middle entrince to the hive?? many people thinks that part is way to short but in game its hard for aliens and mariens to go that way. its just how it works. but i really like your second lvl idea about it being all wrecked up and stuff. and im deff going to put a latter with wheals in marien start somewhere.
and is there an already forklift modle made?? or do i got to make it? i think theres a texture for it in some wav.
thx for all the feedback so fare and thx Clem for the German preview. and that would be great to get it playtested somewhere else.
And magic...
Never seen electricity that doesn't give off light...
if you put the 2nd level in, yes, crowd it over with fallen boxes and crates.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->and is there an already forklift modle made?? or do i got to make it? i think theres a texture for it in some wav.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
i don't think so, when i get done woth one of my other projects, i will atempt a forklift model.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->and that would be great to get it playtested somewhere else.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
me and some of the 415 guys tested it on their 100% customs server... middle gets dominated... but was with 2v1...
as for the readyroom sexrat, you can hit thei button without being a skulk and getting up ontop...
and what do you mean u can get up to the button without being a skulk?? your sepost to be a marien when you do it. =P
and that would be sweet if u could make a forklift for me =)
is it suposed to be that way?