Kasam Missles

Ultra_SS2_VegetaUltra_SS2_Vegeta Join Date: 2003-09-21 Member: 21079Members
<div class="IPBDescription">I want to ask you smth</div> Yesterday in Israel, Kasam missles hit the city "Shederot" which is 20 mintues ride with a car from here and killed a grandfather, his grandson (he died from his wounds in hospital and he was just 3 years old boy), and harmed his mother as well. There was another man who got wounded from the missles.. but in very lightly way.
Now tell me, why when Zahal **** at school mistakly all the world suddenly come to Israel and blame her for slaying and other ****, and when things like that happens (its happens ALL THE TIME) no one gives a ****?

ALL WHAT U SAY THAT WE SHOULD GET OUT FROM THOSE AREA.. BUT WE DID IT ALL THE TIME AND THEY STILL CONTINUED TO KILL US. And u know what they harm the most? not soliders (if they were attacking soliders its understandable in someway), but civilians- from babys to old men with no distinction.

Why when they made terrorist act in Natanya and harmed over 100 civilins no one said a ****?. why when they made the children die pourpesly so they could blame us (well sounds very cruel but it happens.. like with the kid in the first "Intifada".. if u want to know the Frenches found out the kid was shot by Arabs soilder)
why not? is it because it easy to hate us cuz we are minority and the Islam and arabs are about 200 million in europe? is it because the freaking oil? why the hell i need to see surveys which say that Israel is dangerous for world peace?


or survery which calssifed Vanunu as war heroic and not a tratior? mention one country expact Israel which someone will go and publish his own country nuclar secrets and wont judged to death afterwards? he and the reporter who helped him.
i belive that if was happening to USA or UK or French or german and EVERYOTHER country the reporter and the man whom leaks information about nuclar weapons would die, doesnt metter his origins.

comn i want some answers plz. i will very apprishate it.


  • DreadDread Join Date: 2002-07-24 Member: 993Members
    So this is about Palestinian/Israel conflict(it's never said, so I assume it is.) Unless this thread is moved to disc, I'm not going to start debating about this in length, but here's my take:
    There's always two sides in a coin. Let's face it, Palestinians _were_ there first. They kind of have the right to not-be-contained with a wall. And second, it's not like Israelis government is a whole lot better. Firing missiles or openin fire in a crowd from a chopper to get one extremist leader isn't very nice either.
  • X_StickmanX_Stickman Not good enough for a custom title. Join Date: 2003-04-15 Member: 15533Members, Constellation
    To be extremely nasty and blunt, the media doesn't cover it because no one in the western world (or whatever you'd class europe and america as) gives a ****. The media's view is that because it happens all the time, it's not worth covering. And anyway, what's 100 civilians dead in some middle eastern country, when a top male actor has been seen holding a leading actresses hand?

    That's not how i actually feel about the whole thing, but it's how i think the media does. And it can't be far from the truth really.
  • Ultra_SS2_VegetaUltra_SS2_Vegeta Join Date: 2003-09-21 Member: 21079Members
    about the first replay.. i dont know whom ever told u that we are shooting missles on croweds but we ARENT CUZ IF IT WOULD HAPPEN IT WOULD APPEAR ON the new-papers and probably it would become a big story... VERY BIG STORY.
    missle at crowed is like 20+ killed. and we never did it. although i support IT cuz they all help the terror to continue. anyhow i relized from the last topic that no one gives a **** about us so dont lame surverys about world peace and other **** cuz with no offence the europe goverment has no right to judge since they dont give the full pictures and if they do.. they tell the arabs **** (like if they are 28 dead ppl which 25 were armed they make it as 25000 are wounded in hospital..seen it heared this ****..my bro was there and told me its a one big nonsense).

    OPENING FIRE ON CROWED?? now this is ****. first MOST OF THE TIME we shoot rubber bullets. we only kill the armed ppl whom shoot on our soliders. and u know what? we are TOO humane and blame us for mordering and slaying? we go in genin and give in every door which we know there isnt terrorism 6 bottles of water. and u know what? the woman come out and takes it and come out agian to the camera and starts tell how inhuman are we and ****

    u right that to the coin there is two sides... but ffs what u want to do when they do terrorism actions inside of out country? do what the stupid leaders of the word? to do nothing? we did it and u know what happend? every 3 days a terrorist action. i want u think about travel a country which is small then N.Y and afraid that someone will explode and will kill u, ur family or ur friends? maybe why should u care? u far from this why should u care if a kid die and its about 300k meter from here?

    here is another story. a arab father exadenlty ran over his daugher with his car. so instead of blaming him self he blamed zahal for ran over his daugher with a tank. ( which is freaking worng and never happend). well after a little reaserch zahal whom wanted to know who did it found out that in this arab village there was no israeli forces AT ALL. not a one solider, and REALLY NOT A GOD DAMN TANK.

    my last will: if u dont know what happing here, plz dont answer stupid surverys or etc. u want answer survery? come here and look at wide picture.
    this world is hyena.
  • TalesinTalesin Our own little well of hate Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7710NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators
    Ahem. Moved to Discussions, as this would be a more 'mature' topic.
  • Nemesis_ZeroNemesis_Zero Old European Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 75Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    edited June 2004
    Actually, there's already a fairly recent (and by far less expletive-heavy) topic around here. Please direct your posts in there - and take a good look at the rules beforehand.

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