Resident Chrono

CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
edited July 2004 in Off-Topic
<div class="IPBDescription">Prolouge</div> <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Resident Chrono- Chapter 1 - Prolouge -</span>

<<Scene starts with random chatter>>
<<<Elevator lands second later the doors open in a rattle>>>
Roger: What is it exactly you brought me and Joe here for.
Zodiac: Well I need your opinion on something we have been creating here.
Joe: Sounds interesting, what is it?
Zodiac: Its a kind of weapon, new generation.
Roger: What kind? Missle? Biological? Thermal?
Zodiac: I cant go into details, its very top secret, please go into this room ill be there shortly!
<<Roger and Joe enter room>>
<<<Door slides down and locks>>>
Roger: What the hell!
<<Joe pounds on the door to let them out>>
Roger: Uhhh... Joe... The rooms filling with gas...
Joe: ****, WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON HERE!!!
Zodiac: Im sorry... You will be my weapon test experiments...
<<Joe and Roger choke and fall unconsiouse on the floor>>

-Cut scene-

<<Joe is the first one to wake up, In his surroundings is three very bright lights, one pointing at him and two pointing at two other corpses>>
<<<suddenly the moist air gets filled with electricity giving him a shock>>>
<<<<Joe tries to scream but nothing comes out>>>
<<<<<Suddenly Joe notices the two corpses are moving, he backs away only to see his hands, rotted and decayed>>>>
<<<<<<As Joe sees one of the faces, he also notices a tatoo reading "02 - Roger" the other reading "01 - Chrono">>>>>>
<<<<<<< Gas now fills the room agian and they all fall down unconsiouse>>>>>>>>

-Cut scene-

<<Roger wakes up near a vent leading from the control above him encased in glass he listens to there conversation>>
<!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->:We have successfuly re-created life, they however lack speach because they have no working lungs and have somehow maintained most of there memories, and most importently there hate for us.
Zodiac: Install a electronic voice box for them... Ah I see one of them is active, let me put them under for you, they will be down for another month
Roger: (Month... How long have i been a god damn experiment!)
<<<Gas fills the room and roger goes under agian>>>

-Cut scene-
<<Electricity cuts through the air all of the tests are awoken>>
Roger: What... The... ****...
Zodiac: We have tooken the liberty of giving you speach, enjoy it.
Joe: What the **** have you done to us?
Zodiac: Just ask chrono hes been here the longest, he knows the most.
Joe: Chrono? Tell me.
Chrono: Were all test subjects in Zodiacs sick plot
<<Electricity cuts through the air and zaps chrono>>
Chrono: **** you
<<Electricity cuts through the air and zaps chrono>>
Chrono: **** YOU!
Joe: Wouldnt that kill you?
Chrono: Im dead... Were all dead?
Roger: How the **** can we be dead?
Chrono: Look for your pulse, you wont find it.
Joe: Okay this is ****.
Roger: Agreed
Chrono: I have been here for 17 years now, my body has decayed mostly im all artificial parts
Roger: 17 years? How long have we been here?!?!
Zodiac: 5 years.
Roger: What the ****?!?!
Zodiac: The tests were all going quite well until you regained your memories, you eventauly killed two of are staff.
Roger: Okay, Great they deserved it!
<<Electricity fills the air and zaps roger>>
Roger: ****, that barely hurt
Zodiac: No ****, your not alive.
Roger: So what happened in the five years?
Zodiac: We mass produced about 5,000,000 copies of you.
Roger: And what are WE called?
Zodiac: Chronicles, based off are original copy, chrono
Chrono: **** you.
Zodiac: Fine whatever, Anyways I hate to inform you things did not go according to plan.
Joe: Thats always relieving...
Zodiac: The zombies werent recieving commands properly, just like you they eventauly broke off and acted out of choice.
Roger: Thats what humans do.
Zodiac: Your no longer human get it through your god damn head.
Chrono: But we were.
Joe: Yeah, hes got a point.
Zodiac: Oh shut up, anyways we need your help now.
Chrono: Why the **** should we help you?
Zodiac: Because whats left of humanity depends on you.
Roger: Oh so im sure you will play this out just like last time we trusted you.
Zodiac: No, I swear.
Joe: We have no reason to trust you.
Zodiac: Oh come on now be reasonable!
Soldier: CONTACT
<Lots of firing in the background>
Zodiac: Just listen to me, you are the last hope, get to the Nova Prospect lab and launch the missle at the original lab. Cordinate 338, 288, 188
Chrono: Why?
<<Zodiac hits a switch opening a door to the prarie>>
<<<Zombies rush into the room push zodiac onto the floor, lots of screaming>>>
Roger: Well what the ****, lets go.
Joe: You got those cordinates
Chrono: Yeah.
-End Prolouge-

Dan (delta-snipe)

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Chapter 2: Not what it seems-</span>

The team of three now sets off stepping through the slowly sliding upward door, they pass into the prarie that had been lying beyond the door
the door behind them slowly shuts Chrono goes along the wall of the building until he finds something he was looking for "What the hell are you doing"
asks Joe "Unplugging it" answers Chrono "What" mutters Roger, quickly Chrono finds what he was looking for and punches the wall, it was the power box
"What the hell are you doing" screamed Joe "Nothing will operate now!". "Thats the point" answered chrono as he points up to a huge reflective ray ball
on the cieling as the prarie disapears and flickers into a cold metal room "A hologram...." muttered Joe, "We arent anywere near the surface" said Chrono
"Surface, were underground?" asked Roger "No, above" said Chrono as he leads them to a window, they were towering well above the clouds in a huge complex
that stretched for miles in any direction. "So how are we getting out of here?" asked Joe "Yeah" responded Roger, "I dont know" said Chrono "I know a
lot more then you but not nearly enough to get us out of here" Suddenly the room flickered and went black, the room then filled up with a slow blinking
red "Evacuation in progresss, self destruction sequence initiated, you have two hours to clear the building" read the intercom in a clear calm voice
suddenly on sequence a door masked with yellow caution tape reading "In emergency only" opens Chrono shrugs and runs through the door Roger and Joe
quickly follow. "How come this place has a self destruction sequence?!?!?" screams Joe "**** if I know" answers Chrono "I just vote we get the ****
out of here" "Yeah" answers Roger.

"Caution" warns the intercom "Test subjects... 01... 02... 03... have escaped Chrio Lab... Test subject 08 is captured in Mess Hall 03"
"Theres more of us?" asks Roger "Well of course!" said Joe "Theres like 5,000,000 of us!" "I mean like these tests" answers Roger "eleven in
total" says Chrono as he wavers them to keep moving. They move through the door into an elevator the door quickly shuts and the lights turn off
into a dull red glow "Test subjects... 01... 02... and 03... are contained in Upper Elevator shaft 01" says the intercom. "****!" says Chrono as he
looks for an exit...

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Chapter 3: In a box-</span>

About an hour passes as the three wait in the elevator for certian death after trying to escape many times in so many different ways
"Soo... Chrono... Did you have any family?" asks Joe "I dont want to talk about it" answers Chrono "Oh come on were going to die anyways" said Joe
"Were already dead" reminds roger "fine" says chrono "My father was... Professor Zodiac..." "What the ****!" blurts Joe "Why would he do this to you,
your his son!" "We never... got along very well..." Answers Chrono "Thats still no reason to do this to you! There was no reason to do it to us ither,
but you, your his son" "yes..." answers chrono followed by empty silence. "What is that?" asks chrono "Shut up and listen" "It sounds like... swishing"
asnwers roger, Seconds later metal peaces fall through the roof stab straight through Joesephs head, "JOE!" screams Roger "Hes dead" Chrono says cockily
"You dont care do you?" asks Roger "Obviously not" answers Chrono "Now help me clear some metal and lets get out of here, as the two twist and pull at the
cracks and holes of metal left from the impact they see another hand, decayed... more then chronos. Once cleared they see a unfamiliar body drop down from
the roof of the elevator, with a tatoo reading "08 - Phyco".

"Who are you?!?" asks roger, rather franticly angry considering this is the THING that killed Joseph AGIAN... he waits a while and when he gets no
answer he lunges a good punch straight at his face, a few miliseconds before impact Chrono catches his hand and lowers it "He doesnt have a speach modulator
like us" Chrono said "I dont care!" said Roger "He killed... Killed Joe... Agian!" "Listen" said Chrono "Punching him wont change anything, he was trying to
help, and he did, shut the **** up and lets get out of here" "Fine, but if he tries anything im taking him down" says Joe, "Whatever" answers Chrono "Lets
just get going now" Chrono, Roger and Phyco continue to climb down the elevator shaft to a lower level and find an alternative route.

"Self Destruct sequence active... 40 minutes remaining until self destruct... Clear the building"

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Chapter 4: Salvation in Destruction Part 1-</span>

As the two with there new companion Phyco climb up to the roof of the elevator and climb up to the next door with almost no effort "Okay,
So now were up another floor and down an hour and twenty minutes, its safe to say were screwed" says Roger angered "Listen" says chrono, cool
calm and collected "We can still make it, might just have to use a little bit of force", Phyco was wandering the room as he wavers the two to
come over, he points to a ventalation shaft "This doesnt feel right" says Roger "Stop being such a freaking ****" answers Chrono as he punches
through the vent shaft and rips the cover out "Effective" Roger said as he climbed into the vent after Phyco followed by chrono

Not to far later, they come to a huge cooling duct with a 15 foot fan blowing some form of gas into a lower chamber about 30 feet down,
"Hmmm" says Chrono "What?" says Roger "I wonder if this is flamable?" answers Chrono "What? Well blow up!" says Roger "Its a dead end" says Chrono

as he wavers them to back off and opens his voice modulator crosses some wires makes a few sparks and watches, nothing happens, he gets closer,
sparks agian, almost like a rockets blast off theres a loud explosion, followed by force as chronos thrown back through the vents, "CHRONO"
shouts Roger, but as he can tell, Chrono is long gone through those vents, the vents are starting to heat up, it doesnt hurt, but he can tell
his flesh, whats left of it, is burning. "We have to get out of here" says Roger and Phyco nods "But damnit, we need Chrono, He better freaking
not have... uhhh.. died? Lets just god damnit get out of here" then all the sudden the vent creaks... Roger tries to keep moving, and then the
vent drops from the roof into a room, the room is cool, air conditioned even, but its heating up quickly and as he looks around the room
hes in the Ventilation Operations Room, He quickly goes to find something to shut the fan down as the intercom comes up "Flamable substance
in the ventilation area is noted, all programs on that level are unoperational, all fire escapes will open in aproximitely five seconds
please stay calm and evacuate the building... 27 minutes until self destruct sequence initiates" Roger waves Phyco to follow him down the
fire escape winding metal stairway, Just as Roger gets in the door shuts right on Phyco "Pressure levels in this area are reaching critical
closing all doors to prevent from major explosion" rings the intercom. "DAMNIT" says Roger as he runs down the stairway, followed behind him
a brief silence a loud explosion and a door rattling and coming free from the bolts holding it on the steel wall.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Chapter 5: Salvation in Destruction Part 2-</span>

Blackness, filled with florescent white, Chrono sits up into a room filled with white, everythings white, even the... theres people,
wearing white, Chrono tries to speak, but his voice modulator, is ****. "What is it?" asks one of the men "We found it outside the lab"
answers another. "Interesting, this seems to be rather... primitive compared to the others" PRIMITIVE tries to scream chrono, but it seems
so pointless now, he gets up to go kill these mother ****, the room focuses electric shocks on him until he kneels down "Figures" thinks
Chrono "Must be a military complex" as he glances around the room for any sign of anything he looks on the uniform the men is wearing
he has to try to focus... "Nova something.. Nova... NOVA PROSPECT!" chrono talking in his thoughts "God damnit im right here, yet im stuck
in a god damn test chamber for them to try to figure me out".

A few minutes later a door opens to gaurds with MP5's come in point straight at Chrono kneeled down on there knees, coming through
the door is a body, well it looks like a body, most of it is replaced with metal, the stomache is gone, all you can see is skin tight around
a metalic spinal cord connecting to the chest and head, still charred but readable on his right chest, reads "08 PH" then its cut off,
he is thrown to the ground the scientest walks out and the escorts move out and close the deadbolt lock door.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'> -Chapter 6: Pheonix Ignition-</span>

The door rattles, rattles more fainter and fainter as roger dashes, tripping and stumbling down the tightly winding rusted metal
stairs of the fire escape, for a second there was silence, giving Roger a warm feeling inside, and then CLUNK, the door flies agianst the
wall and falls down, on the outer rim of the winding stairs, that seem to last forever, nevermind that this flight of stairs seems to be
heating up rather quickly, glancing behind him roger sees a wall of fire, not going in any specific ways like the movies, just blowing
from from the door down the stairs "****" he screams as he jumps over the rails and falls down the endless flight, falling, he sees he
has beaten the fire, but beaten what, hes going to land on concrete traveling at at extreme speed, quickly he grabs a rail before hitting
the ground, his arm dislocates in the sholder and elbow, the arm is completely broken.

Exiting the building he looks back one time, catching the last intercom "Self destruct sequence to initiate in... 10... minutes"
"this is going to be one hell of an explosion" says Roger to himself as he turns around to head to the a safe distance to scope out for
Chrono and Phyco, but he is stopped, abruptly, men, with gasmasks and high tech guns one of them speaks to the other and one fires some
sort of thing that stabs into him, soon it becomes quite obviouse what it does as he gets electrecuted and falls unconsiouse.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Chapter 7: Annalysis-</span>

The room fills with electricity, hitting not Chrono, for once its hitting some one else, the unmoving metalic heap on the floor
Phyco jolts and sits up, stands up, stares at Chrono, Chrono now feeling a bit nervouse stands up as well, Phyco raises a, a hand I guess
cant relly call what he has a hand, its a spinning blade surrounded with grasps, Phyco was rebuilt for one purpose, combat, maybe hes
supposed to be a new weapon agianst the Chronicles? Ither or, Chronos rather intimidated, but not like hes going to show that he goes
at a good gut punch to this new Phyco, only he misses, theres no gut to punch, quickly after Phyco lunges one of his blades at Chrono,
as swifly as he could he ducked, but not fast enough, it skimmed him in the shoulder, now he was ****, he grasped Phyco by the neck
raised his decaying fists to punch him out when then the saw comes back, and cuts off the arm grasping his neck.

Just as phyco was about to kill chrono, take that one last lunge, electricity agian shocked the air, hitting phyco and nocking
him out "That is good, dispose of this prototype" then electricity fills the air and chrono is nocked out.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Chapter 8: Identity Crisis-</span>

Explosions and gun fire rattle the other then that calm air, "were am I?" Roger looks around for answers, finding a mirror
looking, this is not quite the way he pictured himself, trying to control his shakes Roger concentrates, trying to figure out were
he is, how he got there, hell who he is, well he figured one thing out, hes in a convoy, the convoys tipped over, why is he in a convoy?
How come people are shooting? He moves further to the back of the convoy trying to open the door, its locked, figures, he looks through
the window to see un namedhorrors ripping into marines skins, so many of them, the convoy must have been ambushed he thinks.

Suddenly looking in the mirror into his own eyes, everything comes back to him, a bit of a blur but it hit him with a headache
all this information, all this he just starts thinking how much he would give just to forget it agian, he puts his ear to the side of
the convoy, he hears nothing, silence rather then the occasioanl moan, ither the marines ran away and left him behind, or everyones dead,
he breaks through the small window on the back door reaches down for the handle and opens the door, he comes out to see fires, explosions,
bodies and Chronicleshe THINKS thats what they are called, feeding off the dead marines, suddenly, one looks his way...

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Chapter 9: Wait - *Happening at the same time as Chapter 10</span>

Chrono wakes up, he sits up, he finds himself rather shattered, his legs are stuck in unbendable positions, his arm, disembowled
and lying right beside him in spite, his other arm is, well, it moves atleast he thinks to himself, optimisticly he looks around him and
feels around with his arm, he found wood, unable to find anything to tie it with he takes off his shirt rips it in two and ties the wood
around his legs to act as splints, he takes one sleeve from the shirt and wraps his stub with it so it doesnt ooze to much, with his
other arm, he picks up his other arm, struggles to get up and get ahold of the ladder that lay right infront of him.

Suddenly the walls start closing in on him, hes in a trash compactor "so they really did mean dispose" he thought to himself as
he franticly looked for an exit, quickly he found a vent he ran to it, punched it a few times and it came loose and he slipped into the
ventilation system, but it looks like he wont get out so quickly this time "Attention, All members of staff, Be on alert" "Oh ****"
thought chrono as this was going on "Chronicles have overun the electric fence and are aproaching the door, please stay calm and proceed
to the top floor await further instructions" Chrono new these things wouldnt be able to get in here and destroy everything, this place is
to well defended but this gave him his chance to get to the missle launch controls within the facility.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Chapter 10: Walk among us- *Happening same time as chapter 9</span>

SUddenly as the one of them look straight at Roger, Roger quickly backs up agianst the convoy, it turns away and goes back to eating
Roger, although quickly realizing what he was agian, never was quite comfortable with the fact, quickly gunfire opens up from the south, he
turns his head very quickly to see whats over there, a huge building, with marines coming from it, a rounded off aproxamite of about 50 marines,
5 squads sweeping through the brush to wipe out all the chronicles, however, the marines seeing a decayed body leap from a tree and nock a friend
down can cause panic, the teams could not keep together, it only took about 10 minutes until the Chronicles ran through all the marines and
continued to run towards the building.

Roger walks towards the building, hes a bit intriuged by it, it looks alot like the other one, it must be military he thinks to himself,
as he gets closer the sign tattered on the ground reads "ELECTRIC FENCE, HIGH VOLTAGE, DO NOT CROSS, NOVA PROSPECT LAB - PRIVATE PROPERTY" "My
god!" Roger said to himself "THIS IS WERE I NEED TO BE!", Roger quickly turns a calm walk into an all out mad dash towards the lab "God what
are those quardanites agian?!?!? ****, it will come to me!" he thinks to himself as he runs towards the building.


  • ChronoChrono Local flyboy Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18989Members
  • PhycoPhyco Omnipotent Join Date: 2003-12-24 Member: 24730Members
    wow you got some imagination

    can i be another zombie guy who you find in the other lab?
  • CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
    edited June 2004
    Ill tell you exactly what you will be later on:
    <<Scensored! But I need your name Phyco>>
  • Cold_NiTeCold_NiTe Join Date: 2003-09-15 Member: 20875Members
    Wow, very interesting. I like it. Might want to check your grammar a little though. Good work nonetheless.
  • CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
  • CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
    Eh, chapter 2 im making it in a regular book format, it got to hard to use all the <<...>>
  • CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
    -Chapter 2: Not what it seems-

    The team of three now sets off stepping through the slowly sliding upward door, they pass into the prarie that had been lying beyond the door
    the door behind them slowly shuts Chrono goes along the wall of the building until he finds something he was looking for "What the hell are you doing"
    asks Joe "Unplugging it" answers Chrono "What" mutters Roger, quickly Chrono finds what he was looking for and punches the wall, it was the power box
    "What the hell are you doing" screamed Joe "Nothing will operate now!". "Thats the point" answered chrono as he points up to a huge reflective ray ball
    on the cieling as the prarie disapears and flickers into a cold metal room "A hologram...." muttered Joe, "We arent anywere near the surface" said Chrono
    "Surface, were underground?" asked Roger "No, above" said Chrono as he leads them to a window, they were towering well above the clouds in a huge complex
    that stretched for miles in any direction. "So how are we getting out of here?" asked Joe "Yeah" responded Roger, "I dont know" said Chrono "I know a
    lot more then you but not nearly enough to get us out of here" Suddenly the room flickered and went black, the room then filled up with a slow blinking
    red "Evacuation in progresss, self destruction sequence initiated, you have two hours to clear the building" read the intercom in a clear calm voice
    suddenly on sequence a door masked with yellow caution tape reading "In emergency only" opens Chrono shrugs and runs through the door Roger and Joe
    quickly follow. "How come this place has a self destruction sequence?!?!?" screams Joe "**** if I know" answers Chrono "I just vote we get the ****
    out of here" "Yeah" answers Roger.

    "Caution" warns the intercom "Test subjects... 01... 02... 03... have escaped Chrio Lab... Test subject 08 is captured in Mess Hall 03"
    "Theres more of us?" asks Roger "Well of course!" said Joe "Theres like 5,000,000 of us!" "I mean like these tests" answers Roger "eleven in
    total" says Chrono as he wavers them to keep moving. They move through the door into an elevator the door quickly shuts and the lights turn off
    into a dull red glow "Test subjects... 01... 02... and 03... are contained in Upper Elevator shaft 01" says the intercom. "****!" says Chrono as he
    looks for an exit...
  • raz0rraz0r Join Date: 2003-07-24 Member: 18395Members
    edited June 2004
    Good work.
    Should really be in the <a href='' target='_blank'>Fan-Fiction</a> Section.
    It's not only for NS stories you know.

    The grammar does need work though, and try making it a bit clearer
  • CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
    Chrono told me to post it here...
    Chrono made me do it.
  • ChronoChrono Local flyboy Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18989Members
  • CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
    edited July 2004
    -Chapter 3: In a box-
    About an hour passes as the three wait in the elevator for certian death after trying to escape many times in so many different ways
    "Soo... Chrono... Did you have any family?" asks Joe "I dont want to talk about it" answers Chrono "Oh come on were going to die anyways" said Joe
    "Were already dead" reminds roger "fine" says chrono "My father was... Professor Zodiac..." "What the ****!" blurts Joe "Why would he do this to you,
    your his son!" "We never... got along very well..." Answers Chrono "Thats still no reason to do this to you! There was no reason to do it to us ither,
    but you, your his son" "yes..." answers chrono followed by empty silence. "What is that?" asks chrono "Shut up and listen" "It sounds like... swishing"
    asnwers roger, Seconds later metal peaces fall through the roof stab straight through Joesephs head, "JOE!" screams Roger "Hes dead" Chrono says cockily
    "You dont care do you?" asks Roger "Obviously not" answers Chrono "Now help me clear some metal and lets get out of here, as the two twist and pull at the
    cracks and holes of metal left from the impact they see another hand, decayed... more then chronos. Once cleared they see a unfamiliar body drop down from
    the roof of the elevator, with a tatoo reading "08 - Phyco".

    "Who are you?!?" asks roger, rather franticly angry considering this is the THING that killed Joseph AGIAN... he waits a while and when he gets no
    answer he lunges a good punch straight at his face, a few miliseconds before impact Chrono catches his hand and lowers it "He doesnt have a speach modulator
    like us" Chrono said "I dont care!" said Roger "He killed... Killed Joe... Agian!" "Listen" said Chrono "Punching him wont change anything, he was trying to
    help, and he did, shut the **** up and lets get out of here" "Fine, but if he tries anything im taking him down" says Joe, "Whatever" answers Chrono "Lets
    just get going now" Chrono, Roger and Phyco continue to climb down the elevator shaft to a lower level and find an alternative route.

    "Self Destruct sequence active... 40 minutes remaining until self destruct... Clear the building"
    (Ill move it to fan fiction eventauly)
  • OmegamanOmegaman Join Date: 2004-01-11 Member: 25239Members
  • PhycoPhyco Omnipotent Join Date: 2003-12-24 Member: 24730Members
    nice dude you put me in it perfectly

    <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • Cold_NiTeCold_NiTe Join Date: 2003-09-15 Member: 20875Members
    edited July 2004
    <!--QuoteBegin-Delta-Snipe+Jun 30 2004, 10:48 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Delta-Snipe @ Jun 30 2004, 10:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Bah, grammar. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I'm not saying that to annoy you. It completely pulls me out of the story, which isn't fair to such a good work. I mean, you write pretty well, are you willing to just throw to hell so you don't have to take the extra 5 minutes to look over your own work? That my friend is a horrible waste.

    NOTE: It seems well enough now, but that is just for future reference.
  • ChronoChrono Local flyboy Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18989Members
    im such a badass <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • DreamScarDreamScar Join Date: 2004-04-17 Member: 27982Members
    edited July 2004
    ummm....can I be a character pls? I want to be a badass too! <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif' /><!--endemo-->
    (Chrono's unknown twin maybe? <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif' /><!--endemo--> makes for good plot twist)
  • CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
    edited July 2004
    Ill think about it.
    (People might not like this chapter, But remember, its only part1.)

    -Chapter 3: Salvation in Destruction Part 1-

    As the two with there new companion Phyco climb up to the roof of the elevator and climb up to the next door with almost no effort "Okay,
    So now were up another floor and down an hour and twenty minutes, its safe to say were screwed" says Roger angered "Listen" says Chrono, cool
    calm and collected "We can still make it, might just have to use a little bit of force", Phyco was wandering the room as he wavers the two to
    Come over, he points to a ventilation shaft "This doesn’t feel right" says Roger "Stop being such a freaking ****" answers Chrono as he punches
    through the vent shaft and rips the cover out "Effective" Roger said as he climbed into the vent after Phyco followed by Chrono

    Not to far later, they come to a huge cooling duct with a 15 foot fan blowing some form of gas into a lower chamber about 30 feet down,
    "Hmmm" says Chrono "What?" says Roger "I wonder if this is flammable?" answers Chrono "What? Well blow up!" says Roger "Its a dead end" says Chrono

    as he wavers them to back off and opens his voice modulator crosses some wires makes a few sparks and watches, nothing happens, he gets closer,
    sparks again, almost like a rockets blast off there’s a loud explosion, followed by force as Chronos thrown back through the vents, "CHRONO"
    shouts Roger, but as he can tell, Chrono is long gone through those vents, the vents are starting to heat up, it doesn’t hurt, but he can tell
    his flesh, what’s left of it, is burning. "We have to get out of here" says Roger and Phyco nods "But damnit, we need Chrono, He better freaking
    not have... uhhh.. died? Lets just god damnit get out of here" then all the sudden the vent creaks... Roger tries to keep moving, and then the
    vent drops from the roof into a room, the room is cool, air conditioned even, but its heating up quickly and as he looks around the room
    hes in the Ventilation Operations Room, He quickly goes to find something to shut the fan down as the intercom comes up "Flammable substance
    in the ventilation area is noted, all programs on that level are un operational, all fire escapes will open in approximately five seconds
    please stay calm and evacuate the building... 27 minutes until self destruct sequence initiates" Roger waves Phyco to follow him down the
    fire escape winding metal stairway, Just as Roger gets in the door shuts right before Phyco can get in "Pressure levels in this area are reaching critical
    closing all doors to prevent from major explosion spreading through the entire floor" rings the intercom. "DAMNIT" says Roger as he runs down the stairway, followed behind him
    A brief silence a loud explosion and a door rattling and coming free from the bolts holding it on the steel wall.
  • ChronoChrono Local flyboy Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18989Members
    part 2 is cool <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    hey edit your first post and add in all the other chapters to it so people dont go through a thousand posts just to read the story
  • DemiguiseDemiguise Marks Servers Reg Join Date: 2004-01-19 Member: 25462Members
    Let me be in it!
    W00t loving this!
  • Mr_HeadcrabMr_Headcrab Squee&#33;~ Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9392Members, Constellation


    keep up the good work, Delta
  • CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
    edited July 2004
    Ill try to fit you guys in the story,
    Leave your names.
    And Chapter 1, is like that for a reason, I might animate just that one, if I get a chance.

    -Chapter 4: Salvation in Destruction Part 2-

    Blackness, filled with florescent white, Chrono sits up into a room filled with white, everythings white, even the... theres people,
    wearing white, Chrono tries to speak, but his voice modulator, is ****. "What is it?" asks one of the men "We found it outside the lab"
    answers another. "Interesting, this seems to be rather... primitive compared to the others" PRIMITIVE tries to scream chrono, but it seems
    so pointless now, he gets up to go kill these mother ****, the room focuses electric shocks on him until he kneels down "Figures" thinks
    Chrono "Must be a military complex" as he glances around the room for any sign of anything he looks on the uniform the men is wearing
    he has to try to focus... "Nova something.. Nova... NOVA PROSPECT!" chrono talking in his thoughts "God damnit im right here, yet im stuck
    in a god damn test chamber for them to try to figure me out".

    A few minutes later a door opens to gaurds with MP5's come in point straight at Chrono kneeled down on there knees, coming through
    the door is a body, well it looks like a body, most of it is replaced with metal, the stomache is gone, all you can see is skin tight around
    a metalic spinal cord connecting to the chest and head, still charred but readable on his right chest, reads "08 PH" then its cut off,
    he is thrown to the ground the scientest walks out and the escorts move out and close the deadbolt lock door.
  • CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
    Ive added all new chapters, up to chapter 8 in the first post.
  • Mr_HeadcrabMr_Headcrab Squee&#33;~ Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9392Members, Constellation

    / Chris approves <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • CatCopCatCop Join Date: 2003-08-28 Member: 20296Members, Constellation
    Chapters 9+10, Added to the original post.
    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Chapter 9: Wait - *Happening at the same time as Chapter 10</span>

    Chrono wakes up, he sits up, he finds himself rather shattered, his legs are stuck in unbendable positions, his arm, disembowled
    and lying right beside him in spite, his other arm is, well, it moves atleast he thinks to himself, optimisticly he looks around him and
    feels around with his arm, he found wood, unable to find anything to tie it with he takes off his shirt rips it in two and ties the wood
    around his legs to act as splints, he takes one sleeve from the shirt and wraps his stub with it so it doesnt ooze to much, with his
    other arm, he picks up his other arm, struggles to get up and get ahold of the ladder that lay right infront of him.

    Suddenly the walls start closing in on him, hes in a trash compactor "so they really did mean dispose" he thought to himself as
    he franticly looked for an exit, quickly he found a vent he ran to it, punched it a few times and it came loose and he slipped into the
    ventilation system, but it looks like he wont get out so quickly this time "Attention, All members of staff, Be on alert" "Oh ****"
    thought chrono as this was going on "Chronicles have overun the electric fence and are aproaching the door, please stay calm and proceed
    to the top floor await further instructions" Chrono new these things wouldnt be able to get in here and destroy everything, this place is
    to well defended but this gave him his chance to get to the missle launch controls within the facility.

    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>-Chapter 10: Walk among us- *Happening same time as chapter 9</span>

    SUddenly as the one of them look straight at Roger, Roger quickly backs up agianst the convoy, it turns away and goes back to eating
    Roger, although quickly realizing what he was agian, never was quite comfortable with the fact, quickly gunfire opens up from the south, he
    turns his head very quickly to see whats over there, a huge building, with marines coming from it, a rounded off aproxamite of about 50 marines,
    5 squads sweeping through the brush to wipe out all the chronicles, however, the marines seeing a decayed body leap from a tree and nock a friend
    down can cause panic, the teams could not keep together, it only took about 10 minutes until the Chronicles ran through all the marines and
    continued to run towards the building.

    Roger walks towards the building, hes a bit intriuged by it, it looks alot like the other one, it must be military he thinks to himself,
    as he gets closer the sign tattered on the ground reads "ELECTRIC FENCE, HIGH VOLTAGE, DO NOT CROSS, NOVA PROSPECT LAB - PRIVATE PROPERTY" "My
    god!" Roger said to himself "THIS IS WERE I NEED TO BE!", Roger quickly turns a calm walk into an all out mad dash towards the lab "God what
    are those quardanites agian?!?!? ****, it will come to me!" he thinks to himself as he runs towards the building.
  • ChronoChrono Local flyboy Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18989Members
    nooo i have a stub! <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • AbraAbra Would you kindly Join Date: 2003-08-17 Member: 19870Members
    add me add me add me add me...
    please <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> cool story man, tight.

    good to see some reconizable names!
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