Tech tree/ powered armor question
Join Date: 2002-05-29 Member: 686Members

I read the manual, and I couldn't find anything about that nifty-looking powered armor. Has it been removed? Sorry if this has been answered already, I've been away for a bit.
Also, could a playtester mayber make up and post the tech tree, for aliens as well as marines? I couldn't find a complete tech tree in the manual. Thanks!
Also, could a playtester mayber make up and post the tech tree, for aliens as well as marines? I couldn't find a complete tech tree in the manual. Thanks!
btw/ to make up a tech tree simply use the manual (it is REALY detailed with that)
either go through the weps to see what each one needs or go through the buildings
then again a tech tree would realy not be all that good, simply b/c it is so small (in comparison to your standard RTS) as well as the fact that almost every thing requires 2 structures, thus not somuch of a tree as a list of stuff and what it requires (again just look in the manual)
No, I'm talking about POWERED armor. The stuff that glowed, and gave off sparks when it was shot. That was around before the Heavy armor. I think it may have been phased out, though.
I realize the information is in the manual, but I was just hoping to maybe have a small printable version to keep on the desk in front of me, ya know?
EDIT: This is a pic of what I mean. The marine in the back has glowing powered armor.
<img src="" border="0">
I wonder if it was a place holder image or something else entirly, oh well
It never was easier to hit those jolly blue snacks than then.
Now, anyone feel like compiling a nice PDF file with the tech trees and upgrades in it?
Hm... I guess I'll make a printable one. You're not getting all my blue ink, you ########!!!