Artwork Hosting
Join Date: 2003-01-23 Member: 12609Members
<div class="IPBDescription">for ns only</div> Hi some of you may know me i host a very popular ns server in the UK called Bry's NS Server. I have recently got a new web provider and have 3gb of space of which i am currently using about 600mb of. (web site at <a href='' target='_blank'></a> )
So i thought i would try and provide a service for all ns mappers and now artists.
I have put together a mass ns download system at
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
If you would like some place to host your pictures or other ns related art then you may add it to my system (this is a simple mirroring service only providing an alternative or main source for your file hosting)
pass: uploads
So there is no need to worry about hosting.
I have now enabled direct uploading. Simply go to
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
enter ns/uploads as a user and pass and you can upload your files directly. I will be monitoring the log file and file sizes to make sure only NS files are being uploaded. You may still use the ftp system for large files though.
I have chmoded the user file to make sure no1 can change the pass as well.
So i thought i would try and provide a service for all ns mappers and now artists.
I have put together a mass ns download system at
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
If you would like some place to host your pictures or other ns related art then you may add it to my system (this is a simple mirroring service only providing an alternative or main source for your file hosting)
pass: uploads
So there is no need to worry about hosting.
I have now enabled direct uploading. Simply go to
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
enter ns/uploads as a user and pass and you can upload your files directly. I will be monitoring the log file and file sizes to make sure only NS files are being uploaded. You may still use the ftp system for large files though.
I have chmoded the user file to make sure no1 can change the pass as well.
Im going to try and first add as many models as i can find so i can get a colelction then post in the model forum for people toa dd what i missed.
Theres jsut too much artwork for me to do it this way though for artwork
i must say though this is a very good service and the fact that u can upload it yourself makes it very easy
im dedicating 25gb b/w a month to ns hosting so hoepfully that will be enough