The Ways Of The New

ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
edited September 2004 in Fan-Fiction Forum
<div class="IPBDescription">Sequel of A Tale of a Marine</div> Eight weeks after the incident on Ecilpse, the being, known as Kalar, began his descent upon the jungle planet of Vaxok. . . it was a small planet, the size of the Earth's cousin, Mars and had only a small garrision of marines, it was a green sphere in the midst of the infinity known as space, it promised life.

"Collision course of Vaxok immediate, impact in ten minutes, all passanger(s) may feel temporary discomfort of entering the atmosphere." the computer told the frozen, yet still alive, Kalar.

The escape pod began to turn crimson red from the heat, yet, none of it passed the personal escape pod's surperior heating shields, it sped through the considerable atmosphere and the computer recorded the following ground terrain. . .

It was mostly covered by a vast tropical jungle, but, in the middle of it was a massive fortress of metal and smoke. All seen around it was jungle with only few glaves to allow the planet to be civilized. The fortress itself was at least 100 feet in the air, it was mainly a tower but had many lower bunkers at it's feet and several, seemingly, storage side sheds, it had from the extremely keen camera lenses, several barred windows and the bunkers seemed to of been in recent use, as machine guns were still in place.

"Impact, in ten...." the computer miscaculated, however, and the pod smashed through several trees, damaging it's exterior serverely and it would never be able to go air born due to damage to fuel and accerators, but it protected it's precious cargo.

The pod itself smashed into the ground, nearly half burying itself in the softness of the ground, it's exterior was hot enough to burn flesh, but the interior was fridge like. The mud like ground was the only reason the pod didn't scatter across the terran and kill it's passenger.

However, the pod administered catalystic drugs into Kalar's blood stream during the atmosphere peneratation, the ice was even now melting away as Kalar's sentience once more awakened, it began to remember vivid memories of bleeding to death then, <i>numbness</i>, the bane of living.

Kalar's eyes opened, blinked, and his questioning arms began to grope about for no real purpose then to confirm their ability to move, noticing that he had two arms again Kalar thought on how that was possible....

Then realized over the weeks the computer must of given him several medical nanites, as he felt more like himself. . however, his acid supply was dangerously low. Oddly, Kalar felt about, his hive gifts were also back. . a good change from these conditions as this was not his home world.

"Good day sir, have a pleasant time." with that the pod door opened, without a few short circuits bleeding electricity, causing a low growl of pain from Kalar.

The sun temporaily blinded Kalar, but he regained his vision swiftly as he blinked away ice from his eyes, Kalar didn't attempt to get up as he saw through the pod's cameras that were in-built into the side of the pod, no surface of the pod was without some sort of modification or button.

The surrounding area of the pod was oddly cleared, then he remembered that the pod must of crashed, then noted that this could just also be a clearing.

Kalar placed both of his claws on opposing sides of the pod's door and slowly lifted himself up, his muscles didn't deteriote like a human's would without constant excercise, a trait Kalar took for granted until now.

Stepping out of the pod he looked upon it and frowned. This obviously wasn't his home world where ice was the ruler of the world with the Hive itself, remembering the Hive reminded him of his old royal hive habon.

Flickering memories of his bold fight with the human named Lamdeer popped into his mind, the destruction of nearly half his body and his hive. .

"Formidible human, I'll meet him again hopefully. . for a real battle." Kalar still remembered the pain the human brought, pain he didn't know that existed before gaining self-awareness and even the ability to act without the hive's orders, he sighed then began to find what hive was on this pla--

Kalar heard rustling in the underbrush, he knew that no animal would dare assault a khaara, this had to be some sort of.....rescue team? Yes, thats it.

Willing his ability to cloak he remained perfectly motionless to not spoil his cloaking ability.

The fun would begin.

(I'll post a link to my former story for those who haven't read it to get an idea on what the heck is going on)

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>


  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited September 2004
    "This is such BS, why do <i>we</i> have to leave to check out some escape pod?" one of the marines complained, there group numbered four, they were the 'trouble' team as their commander termed, the slackers of the best, the most expendable.

    "Hell I know rook', but I suggest you shaddap incase neone hears you, yah hear!"

    "Since when did your ego reach a new level Jol?"

    "Just now you son of a--"

    As the two marines bickered as they always did, Sam was use to it and no longer cared, he was actually an average marine that just had the bad luck of being squad leader, he personally was drinking some whisky he snunk out as the team was alerted to a pod prior a half hour ago, there suits were even grimy, older versions as they were, as usual, expendable. There green shean long ago disappeared, there visors barely allowed them to see through unless cleaned once a day.

    "Honestly, just have some whisky. . ." with that Sam threw a bottle from his 'ammo sack' to each marine, the fourth one was an engima, silent, and sometimes the loudest of them all.

    "Damn, 'dis some good stuff Sarge!"

    "Hell it ain--"

    The underbrush started to clear up, soon they wouldn't need to literally force there legs through it to walk, as usual, no wild life was around probably due to the crash's impact sound.

    Sam sighed, nothing would ever take care of the two, he'd complain when he got back to his quarters, maybe purchase a whor...

    Sam's eyes widened at the pod, it was the in perfect condition to be salvaged, maybe this mission was good afterall.

    "This is it boys, check for survivors you know the procedure."

    Sam nick named them mentally as, Engima, Basot, Baso, Baso the older of the two arguers always was the whiniest....

    Sam watched the three begin grubbing around the pod, the two arguing over something about whisky still....this reminded Sam of the whisky and he raised his flask.

    Until he felt for a split second a penertration behind his skull, going through his brain before he even registered the pain.

    The body thudded silently against the cold, wet ground.

    Pulling out his claw from the head wound before he'd have to make an effort and cause noise Kalar re-cloaked just in time as several of the humans began talking about varities of wine, with Engima looking back.

    "Shiiiiiiat!" Engima quickly caught the attention of the two as they saw there Sarge's mutaliated head.

    "What the hell...?" Bason began frantically going for a light machine gun at his hip and fumbled drunkily.

    "Probably just a wild boar, hehe...he.....he...." Basoz began to shake violently from fright.

    Kalar's claw slowly snaked into the pod's interior and clicked a button he knew from a brief glance it's purpose."Pod 8890 feedback camera now recording."

    With that all the members of the party jumped, and saw that even though the pod was serverely damaged a camera popped out of it's interior and began to watch them.

    "Damn AI! freaking scared me!" Basoz was relieved, possibly the pod shot Sam in the head with an invisible laser...but what if it shot them with it!?

    "The fear has just began my, talkative, friend." Kalar chuckled as he thrusted his claw right into the man's lungs, pulling it out swiftly so he could suffocate to death more slowly, much more enjoyable then dieing fast.

    "A.a.a.a..a....a.a......FADE!" Bason saw the claw go through Basot, that claw nearly killed him a scrimish several months ago.

    Basoz began to wildly spray with his LMG, having no effect as Kalar simply vanished seemingly.

    Engima had the sense to turn around. . . to see Kalar's smile, and the claw that went straight into his heart, he gurgled blood and died swiftly, Kalar back stepped to avoid being collasped upon.

    Shooting again wildly Bason hit Kalar with each shot. . that simply glanced off or was absorbed into the being without even a flinch from it, it simply walked towards him now as a cruel child would be bored of tormenting animals.

    " away!" with that Bason threw his LMG at Kalar, it had no real effect besides Kalar's smile widening.

    "Decapitation, impalement, suffocation, blunt trama, choose your death, each will be as enjoyable to me." Kalar's voice was low but had humor in it.

    Bason couldn't say anything, his lip trembled and he began whimpering, he fell backwards and began to crawl also backwards in a blind panic.

    "Hmmmm, I know, this will be enjoyable." Kalar catched up easily with Basoz and literally picked him up and threw him back closer to the pod, he heard a leg snap beneath the impact as the human foolishly tried to land on his feet, his scream was just the start.

    Going to a nearby tree Kalar ripped off a branch of it and another, this would be as disturbing to them as amusing it was to Kalar.

    Basoz didn't try to move, he was to injured and out of breath, also, to terrified.

    Placing Basoz upon his feet Kalar put a branch right against his spine, it'd hold him up at the cost of intense pain.

    Making sure the camera was watching Kalar began to grin, his claws slicing off what he wanted.

    Basoz screamed in horror as he felt Kalar scratch across his chest, deep enough to bleed but not enough to die, after doing this to his arms and legs, every part of his body was reddened and bleeding, however, he was dieing to fast to feel the pain anymore and Kalar sighed in boredom, no more screams, Kalar then shrugged, he entertained him the longest.

    With barely an effort Kalar's claw sang through the air and ripped into Basoz's stomach and emptied his entrails upon the ground, Basoz died immediately, collasping nearly on the pod.

    The camera caught every moment of the attack by Kalar, even as Kalar walked away into the jungle, he knew where the habon was now.
  • Commander_JAGCommander_JAG Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6956Members
    edited July 2004
    damn that kalar is evil.

    I never thought of the khaara as being evil, just another animal like species fighting for survival in the universe, until now anyways.

    cant wait to read what happened to Lamdeer <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited September 2004
    (I'll start with Lamdeer at the finish of Kalar's tale)

    The tech entered the room where there experimental project was in, the idea of having a differen't kind of thing to fight for them was a most perfereable one.

    The room itself was, as usual, the ideal place for a meat locker as the room was constantly cooled, it was a merely 30x30 for room size, the sides of the room were littered with broken down machinery beyound repair and other neglected projects that never saw fruition, however, at the end of this room was a door that would bring a new future hopefully for this camp.

    The door was double barred with metals that were quite powerful and denied many a prying marine's curiousity. However, this day the one with the passcard sliced the door open with instinctual ease and rubbed his hands together at the sight within.

    Slumped against the wall the figure was easily 9 feet tall and it alone dominated the cube of the room with it's massive size, as the lights lit up the tech began to get an adrenaline rush at the sight.

    It was the first combat droid allowed to be created, and <i>tested</i>, it was marvelous and had the ability to think, but it knew what to do, it's purpose was to defeat the Khaara.

    The droid itself was, as mentioned, 9 feet tall, it's visor began to start up and a constant red "eye" swirled left to right, the rest of it's face was completely covered besides a small hole to allow a booming voice for orders.

    The torso was completely platted by blue armor that kept every 3 out of 4 bullets out, the arms weren't skinny nor hamperingly large, they reached down to the hip and promised great damage to those who deny the will of the TSA.

    It's legs were reinforced enough to take a blow from, supposively, an attack from an onos, most likely exaggerated though. . . it was completely blue as the sky to promise clear days for man kind, a massive unidentified rifle was strapped in it's left hand, it was supposively a proto type laser rifle, the laser wasn't operational and therefore was replaced with slug rounds.

    "Warning, current subject is currently off-line and requires personal activation permission from Commander Ladorn."

    Taking out the "opener" as they termed it he sliced it through an insertion activation key on the back of the droid's head.

    "Slicer accepted, activating and recharging subject to 100% efficenticy."

    "Systems online, greetings fellow fighter of humanity, how may I serve TSA today?" the droid's voice boomed, causing the tech a nervous smile.

    The tech rubbed his hands together again, the final test was to be iniated.

    "Ten hours ago an escape pod crash landed, we sent a team out, none have returned and you will be investigating." the tech rasped, he rarely talked.

    "Indeed? I will find the problem of the situation and determind the necessary actions needed to end this problem."

    With that the android crouch walked out of the room, startling several marines as it went through snaking hallways of the out-dated fortress and went to the final clearance door.

    "Going out droid?" the guard in standard uniform disgustingly picked a tooth that was looking rotten.

    "Yes warrior." with that the android opened the door to the outside world. It's steady march unnerved several observers along with it's height.

    "A chance to prove myself, Humanity shall prevail, as always." the droid commented to itself in a somewhat to loud voice.
  • BlackPlagueBlackPlague Join Date: 2004-02-02 Member: 25990Banned
    you should write your own novel. call it "the secrets of the unknown" <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    keep the story goin!
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited July 2004
    ---Five hours before activation of droid---

    Kalar growled and sighed, finally. He sniffed the air in from the surrounding jungle and scowled, it wasn't purified by the Habon yet. The underbrush didn't bother Kalar at all as he pushed through it with his powerful legs.

    Finally the endless jungle began to open up to an immense mountain. . . it had steps upon it on it's front side and had a point up top, it was oddly colored yellow.

    Kalar then realized humans called this a pyramand, though such structures were restricted to Earth. .

    It was in perfect condition save for a crack in it's side that would allow even the largest of onos through, Kalar smirked and went through the crack in a care free matter that belayed his anxious mood.

    Upon entering the air became noticably cooler and the pure air of the Habon was obvious. There were several doors to each side of the seemingly eternal hallway, Kalar knew the Habon was at the end and simply blinked most of the distance, thoroghly exhausting his energy, he rested a bit.

    The door he was in front of seemed cracked and worn, most likely a "secret" back door. Kalar smashed it and gasped at the sight within...

    The Habon was larger then even his Queen's hive as it covered the massive room that was shrouded in darkness, constant scittering confirmed much activity and the Habon's mind touch went to meet with Kalar's mind.

    "Self conscious...what being are you, you can speak the tongue of The Enemy and know there accursed technology. . . wait, you are Commander Kalar."

    Self-consciously Kalar bowed, "Indeed o' Queen, I'm one of the most powerful of her Majestie's fades, I even rival The Elite."

    "Indeed? Most impressive, I have sensed your presense and restored you, I didn't know you were far more capable however."

    "Yes my Queen, the escape pod I came from was to be retrieved, I advise to send a force of Minors to deal with them."

    "Foresight, intruiging, very well Kalar. Remember your place, however."

    "I shall my Queen, I only live to serve her Majestie's plans."

    "As do we all, I have a matter to discuss to you about a new assault....."

    "Finally, a chance for redemption." Kalar thought.

    The Habon knew his thoughts, and started to extract information from him subtly throughout the dialouge about the assault upon Iron Rock.
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited September 2004
    Twenty two minutes after activation of droid.

    "Escape pod ahead, fatality of team, confirmed." the droid walked through the underbrush trail that the team left behind, it didn't hear any signs of life besides the occasional growl and rustle in the underbrush.

    "Camera is operational, possibly this will explain this problem." with that the droid began downloading the video.

    "Khaara life form known as fade caused death of the four, brutally and swiftly."
    the droid didn't feel sorry for the team, they constantly stole and tarnished the Iron Rock team image according to his records.

    "Nothing el......"

    "Warning, Khaara life form(s) detected, emergency." the pod managed to spew out.

    "So that wasn't the wild life." with that the droid saw 3 lerks flying overhead sending down several spores, it had no effect upon itself.

    "Odd creatures." the droid watched curiously as the lerks began to do another fly by in the darkening sky.

    As the droid watched with curiousity a half dozen skulks leapt out against the droid from their cloaking position, hoping for a quick kill.

    Quickly swirling around the droid knew it couldn't stand still and record anymore, it thrusted backwards, it had a limted jet pack option but didn't like going air bound.

    It's feet still blazing with heat from jet packing backwards it lifted it's slug gun at the oncoming skulks and shot.

    At least four skulks stop charging as most of their bodies were obilerated by the slug rounds, the other two kept coming and then sprung surprisingly fast.

    "Futility never served any being well." the droid stopped his jet pack and awaited the two leaping skulks, normally this would cause marines to think the droid malfunctioned.

    Quickly predicting where their leaps would lead them the droid side stepped and smashed it's right hand literally into the forehead of a skulk, it would have to clean it later as it splattered against it, the last survivor didn't leap again but went to bite off a leg.

    The droid felt annoyed at the skulk and saw where it was going, then stomped upon where if it was human it's spinal cord would be.

    Without a back the skulk squirmed upon the ground until it bled to death.

    "Nasty little critters." the droid commented and determinded it's mission was complete and began heading to base.

    Until a humanoid came through the underbrush at a speed even the droid couldn't match and slashed the droid across the torso with little effect besides knocking the droid back a foot.

    "A fade, slightly darker then the one in feedback, still, elimination will commence." with that the droid cocked his slug gun to a realizing face and simply blew off the top portion of it's body off.

    "Hmmm, I must be a success as this would give trouble to a squad of marines." with that the droid began to head back to base, thinking upon the gore splattered battle field, it didn't realize it was parasited however.
  • zoobyzooby Join Date: 2003-08-26 Member: 20236Members
    Very nice. Let's see some mooooooooore...
  • m0nk3ym0nk3y Join Date: 2004-06-21 Member: 29452Members
  • Commander_JAGCommander_JAG Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6956Members
    very nice thardin!!
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    "Hey Sarge, that frakin' droid is comin' back." the guard at the gate was chewing on a hotpocket, biting into it's deliciously hot saucy mid section, some of it splattering on his suit.

    "Phah, I better get out there, don't trust the bucket." the Sarge wasn't as impressive as normal due to lack of a bath in the last two days and lack of sleep lately, his suit was dirtied but, even then, he held an aura of command many felt.

    Stepping through the gate and into the humid world the droid saluted with a hand covered by green fluids....

    "Dear god, what the hell happened droid!" the Sarge came closer, to see if there was any damage dealt to the droid the tech would complain for hours if it was damaged. .

    "Elimination of Khaara sir, they have to nasty tedency to splatter upon one's uniforms, here is the tape of the elimination of the exploration team." the droid ejected a small DVD disk into the Sarge's hands and began to enter the building.

    The sarge then marched to his room to watch this video in privacy, he ignored the gluttonous guard as he went by and several questioning eyes as he went into an elevator up to the final room, V.I.Ps only.

    Upon entering his small cube of a room he popped the disk in and watched, relaxing upon his springy out of date bed that would have to be replaced very soon, horror began to reflect upon his eyes upon watching the video's progression.

    "...A new species? This fade should of just charged blindly in and kill them all, this is insanity!" the Sarge was momentarily frightened by this thing, it had no restraint upon it's cruelty and was capable of self thought. . .

    "The Commander must know immediately, this abomination must be tracked down and exterminated." with that the Sarge left the disk in, he had better things to worry about.

    The tech was happy with the droid's performance and determinded to re-fuel him, the slug gun could only hold four rounds, his jet fuel replenished on it's own so he didn't worry about that, he saw the minor bent the fade made into the droid and didn't worry about that either.
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    Kalar observed as the troop of Khaara advancing upon Iron Rock with pleasure, he'd need to disable key generators to succeed, and also the observatories upon the the fortress itself.

    As the lerks that harassed the droid earlier came to Kalar with six others an idea lit in his brain, the surrounding jungle was halting there advance to a crawl anyways.

    "You lerks, air lift the battle gorges, I will halt the advance until you destory the observatories so our advance is unknown to the TSA."

    The lerks nodded, they were more powerful then they seemed and easily lifted the gorge and flew off into the distant night sky, silent and effective as always.

    Kalar then used his personal hive sight to see through the lerk's eyes to see how the job would go, the TSA would be alerted to the lerks but the gorges wouldn't be picked up as a significant threat. . .

    As the lerks approached the fortress several turrets were activated and began to track the lerks, one was shot in the wing and shrieked, crashing into the fortress and crushed into oblivion.

    Several more times lerks were shot down only until four were left to drop the gorges onto safe perchs, the lerks then wait until the gorges failed or succeeded.

    The gorges began to grow in size as they collected putrid acid and wastes into it's mouth and shot out a damaging ball onto an observatory, quickly knocking it useless, turrets nearby it were now blind and shut off.

    This process was continued until no observatories were still functional, they wouldn't have long until the TSA noticed however, Kalar then broke out of the hive sight.

    "Continue the advance kinsmen." with that the front onos line that was consisted of 3 began plowing through the jungle once again, easily snapping down trees to allow their mass through.

    The lerks picked up there cargo and went off to meet up with Kalar's strike force.

    "We'll finally carry on our true mission, Kalar, the new mission objective brought by the The Mother herself."

    "Indeed, I serve for only her well being." Kalar was pleased to be informed of there new mission.

    The assimiliation of a new race into their fold: Humans.
  • m0nk3ym0nk3y Join Date: 2004-06-21 Member: 29452Members
    can u provide us with a map ? and what happened to the marine hero?? and how come NS doesnt have a slug gun?
  • Commander_JAGCommander_JAG Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6956Members
    Because NS dosent have 9 foot tall robots to do our fighting for us <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    Thardin also said he would continue about Lamdeer after he was done with Kalar's story.
  • Thats_EnoughThats_Enough USA Join Date: 2004-03-04 Member: 27141Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    Very nice! Keep it up <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited July 2004
    Hmmm, I'm horrible at drawing but I'll attempt to explain in clearer detail.

    The fortress is in the middle of an endless jungle that is across the world, it is a massive tower that has four lesser towers on each of it's corners (which are about 150 feet tall), it is about 200 feet tall and is made of older plate metal which is a faded blue color, it doesn't have any windows due to Khaara and has only a well guarded ventilation system that is constantly monitored by turrets, the bottom is the only way to enter without breaking a hole within the tower.

    There are also several bunkers surround the tower, not originally part of the building but put in anyways by the marine garrision in case the tower was assaulted.

    The force Kalar is sending is coming from the west side of the tower, only three bunkers face that way.

    I think slug guns aren't in NS because there -massive-, shotgun like, weapons, they wouldn't be mobile enough to suit the TSA's purpose.

    And also, Lamdeer has an entire story alone, more dialouge driven but it will have action, but enough of this post as I shall write the next part now.
  • m0nk3ym0nk3y Join Date: 2004-06-21 Member: 29452Members
    If slug guns make it into ns, they would have to be carried by heavy armor.

    write faster thardin!!!!!!!!! i want more <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited July 2004
    The guard at the door heard a crackle, it sounded like something was short circuiting and sighed, he'd have to get up and check what the hell was going on, it was obviously outside.

    Carrying his usual TSA weaponry with him he got out behind his desk which he was playing a favorite game of his he glanced out dazelly outside into the dusk darkness that resembled Earth's quite well besides it always being tinted purple, he then heard a circuit <i>bzzzt</i>. Thankfully he actually took the tech's advice and knew basic repairment crap.

    Stepping outside into the to humid dusk time he looked about, a light breeze tickled his cheek quite nicely. "Not as bad as they say, provided the Khaara weren't about." the guard thought back before they came, the good times were far off.

    Mumbling to himself the guard then knew he must of imagined it, then . . looked at the sky and saw a single bat going right above him, going lower towards the fortress, odd that a bat would be here, then he thought coherently for a moment.

    ..........A bat? "What the hell are bats doin' here? They don't ev-...oh shiiiiia---." to late the guard screamed as the lerk flew lightning fast, not even a battle screech, on top of his chest and raked his throat, cutting off his pitiful resistance swiftfully and brutally.

    "Onos, this is the final tree line, be prepared for resistance." Kalar advised as the onos plowed the trees to the sides with vicious ease.

    "Skulks, you are to only attack when the onos open the way, do not do anything else until the door is down." the platoon of skulks then went off accordingly behind the onos.

    "Lerks, your job is to make sure none of the marines can fortify there defenses." with that the lerks flew off to perch upon the fortress.

    "Gorges, your job is to stay back and begin infestation, also replenish the flesh of our comrades." the gorges were the smartest of the khaara and just stood in formation to await further instructions.

    "Fades, your job is to slay any marine that is wandering about, if none are after the main assault then hunt any marines down." there were only four fades, discluding himself, and they growled their acknowledgement.

    "Onos, with the skulks, assault any and all marine hot spots." with that the onos cleared the way, and began to charge onto Iron Rock, the ground trembled underneath their behemoth legs and they roared out a challenge, their surprise now given away.
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited July 2004
    "Warning, Khaara presence detected, all squads are to arm up and go to their expected defensive positions, warning, breach. . . warning...." the AI began to wear on the nerves on the marines as they quickly went to their destinated spots.

    "How the hell did they manage to get a force that fracking large without notice?" a rookie shouted to his officer on the first floor, they saw the door ahead already being breaken down.

    "Hell I'd know rook', now, you better be sure you ain't runnin'." the officer commented, their barricade was the computer desk the "guard" sat at and two chairs, pathetic but it was something.

    "Warning, door breach immient, preparing automated de.......error: Targetting system currently offline."

    "Shiiiaat!" the same rookie commented, the door now crumbled underneath, his bowels began to crumble as the face of what seemed of a bull and a cow mixed together bashed through, it held a prehistoric fear, the fear the hunter used against the hunted as it roared even as it began to charge down the hallway.

    "Fire at will, none of you can miss that big S.O.B!" the officer quickly added with bursts of fire.

    "He's still comin---AGGGGHHHH!!!" the onos crashed into the barricade, even with all the wounds that it's face plainly showed, instantly knocking back the desk easily twelve feet back, crushing most of the marines, it charged on and easily killed all survivors underneath it's weight, the onos crashed upon the ground, shaking the bottom floor, it's rage left it's dying eyes, it didn't even have enough energy to rasp even as the rest of the khaara began to swarm across it's body.

    "The first squad killed one of dem ohn-os!" a marine commented, there squad was in charge of guarding the elevator, it was literally behind them, the hallway ahead of them curved, thats where they would come from.

    "Yup, this fortress won't fall to ney of dem Khaara, onos or no onos!"

    "Keep it down, yell if you sight one." the officer knew they wouldn't likely survive but he had a plan to escape into the elevator with the survivors before that'd happen, there barricade consisted of some bags there team carried with them, it was only knee high though and quite useless.

    A skulk looked around the corner, quickly backing off as bullets ringed against the wall, it growled, Kalar it thought as it sent the image it freezed into it's eyes and awaited Kalar's response over the hive sight.

    "To heavily fortified, send a lerk." the skulk scittered off to the reception hall where another squad of marines nearly killed another onos which was being replenished on the floor.

    With a series of hisses and growls the skulk gathered two lerks and sent the image, the lerks nodded and flew off to their destination.

    "When we beat these critters I call the bathroom, I ain't urinating as I fight to have my manhood bitten off!"

    The veteran was greeted by nervous laughter, they would need it as the skulk earlier got away and got the men sent on the edge.

    "What the..?" a bat like creature zoomed into the corridor and shot a green ball and flew off, he barely even shot off three bullets, the ball hit him in the face and bursted.

    "Oh god, help me, AGGHHH!!" his face peeled off even as he began spasming upon the ground, only the bare bone remained in mere seconds as the gas dissipated harmlessly.

    "Lets get the hell out of here sir!" even with that comment the soldier that went for the switch felt his neck get pricked by spikes, a comfortable nullness filled him, which, then, he collasped upon the ground as the needle hit his main vein upon the neck.

    As the lerks sniped off the marines Kalar grew weary of watching them die, it was fun at first then as time ticked by he grew anxious to go on.

    When only three marines out of ten remained Kalar ordered a massive skulk offensive, they swarmed the marines easily under the lerk's support, one of the lerks were killed by a lucky head shot by apparently a HMG bullet.

    Kalar then smirked, the plan has gone perfectly, now he would wait for the skulks to destory the upper computer's power source before completely finishing off these marines.
  • m0nk3ym0nk3y Join Date: 2004-06-21 Member: 29452Members
    GJ GJ!!! whens the next one?
  • Thats_EnoughThats_Enough USA Join Date: 2004-03-04 Member: 27141Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    Very well done.

    Stupid marines <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited August 2004
    The tech quickly hurried to the droid's room, ignoring the ventialtion system which was operating at 8% and fading, and also the growl that came from within it.

    "Maybe I still can get it's final system working. . ." the tech was out of breath, horrified, and determind at the same time as he shakily sliced into the room, the familiarity of it eased him.

    "I'm safe here." with that, the tech went jogging to the cubicle room of the droid, quickly slicing through the door, activating the droid much swifter then was considered safe.

    "I am fully powered and reloaded, your orders?" the droid's voice was tuned down as it's previous loud booming voice was to loud, it stared down at the dwarved tech, whom was conscious of the comparision and began to motion it to the side.

    "The Khaara have launched an unexpected assault! We need all the fire power as possible, let me fit you with one last item that we've been working on." with that the droid clanked after the tech as he scrambled through piles of seemingly trash.

    Within mere seconds he unearthed a shiny silver tube with a small pack connecting into it via a tube, the tech reventantly picked it up and began to configure the droid's left arm to accept the weapon, it easily slid into place and took up his last free 'hand'.

    "What is this contrapion?" the droid asked without menace, scanning the weapon it knew what it was already, knowing it's capabilities were increased dramatically by it.

    "Well, the TSA have finally gotten the funding and research to get flame throwers beta te..." a low growl was heard, with a tiny scittering on the plated outside corridor. he gulped.

    " here, please droid, leave me in here where its safe and go out, go to the Commander, he must be saved!" with that, the tech sealed himself in the droid's previous cell with a sigh of relief.

    Without even looking back the droid opened the door to freedom, to war, and to new beginnings.

    However, it expected the skulk that was leaping towards him with a curious like spring that a special muscle triggered, making a seemingly overexaggered leap, no matter.

    With a grace no organic could match the droid easily enveloped the creature's carcass with cleansing flame, it shrieked even as it turned into a mash of blackness.

    "Closing ventilation system to this corridor." with that the droid easily over rode the master AI's programmed settings and a satisfying crunch was heard, with the shriek of a skulk that nearly penertrated.

    The droid continued to advance down the hall way, to meet another pack of the creatures, they were even more zealous as they seemingly bounced down the corridor with casual ease, there eyes with familiar rage.

    They quickly realized their mistake at closing the distance as flame spewed out to greet them to swift death, they didn't even shriek as there corpses slammed into the ground with the force they were coming down the corridor with.

    "Presistant, if not foolishly futile." the droid continued his march down the bland corridor, no doors were on the sides, only the elevator that was at the end, no more menaces to take care of.

    Oddly, the elevator was already down, awaiting it's arrival as the droid entered, patiently putting the code to go to the top level, the keyboard was old and required much pounding to work but it began to creak upwards, the door closing with much better ease then the code.

    Opening up a 3D model of the complex the droid began examining it through camera feedback, the marines seemingly are keeping the Khaara back temporarily back at the third level, though it knew time wouldn't be a kind mistress for long and began to think about it's own survival chan--

    The elevator then stopped; a shriek was heard as something fell down upon the top.
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited August 2004
    "Unknown entity has stopped elevator, manual override...unable to execute." the AI told the droid even as it attempted so, the shriek increased ten folds as the roof of the elevator began to be raked, slowly torn off.

    Looking around, it knew that it'd have to go via the ladder, the droid then kicked open an emergency shaft on the side, in case of emergencies similiar to this, the clawing apparently stopped when this occured and the droid had to make the small crawl hole larger, taking careful measure which took several minutes to get through, the droid leapt to the other side of the shaft, easily catching onto the ladder.

    Looking at the top of the elevator it saw no one, not even a trace of what should of been there as the droid looked closer at the scratchs on the top.

    An idea dawned upon the droid, as memory served right, it had no idea what triggered the simulus, it's name was Bason, Bason then remembered the simulus....anything that could cause permanent shut down with a 50% chance of success, this alarmed Bason, then, it recalled, it had a vision to see the cloaking gland of the Khaara.

    Bason's eye turned blue as the world became a blue tint. . . the fade was right on the elevator, studying him with two others whom were uncomfortably close, there mouths then snapped, there eye's glared, they seemed to know they were spotted and roared in sight of there prey.

    Quickly activating his in-built jet pack Basot easily dodged the first fade's blink swipe, Bason then wondered what gave him only a 50% chance of surviving.....

    "Warning, fuel tank running low, Error: Lack of fuel."

    "The fuel transfere failed, no matter." with that, Bason plummeted about fifteen feet onto the elevator, a fade shrieked and rolled out of the way, Bason's impact shock made the elevator groan and the fade was sent off the edge, falling into the seemingly abyssal pit.

    "Where are these fades?" Bason searched about, barely dodging the pair's blink as they unsuccessfully swept for it's slug gun arm, which was used then, easily blowing off the fade's torso and shins, the partner slashed the slug gun, causing it to go off aim and missed the other fade, whom was still maintaining a solid grip upon the slug gun.

    Bringing up it's flame thrower Bason lit it quickly and incenerated the fade, it growled, backing off blinking away, but it was to late even as Bason saw it's corpse fall lifeless, charred, by it's partner.

    "Job done, humanity has tri---" Bason was knocked forward several feet, but it's stablization was to much for the third fade, it growled, it never did fall.

    "Was this a mere stunt to fool me. . . ?" Bason pondered even as he re-aimed his slug gun, remembering his limited ammo he brought out the flame thrower.

    "Error, lack of fuel, please refuel at set stations." Bason thought in the miliseconds, then knew it could simply bash the fade with it's surperior strength and weapon.

    Turning around with a .2 second reaction time the fade was shocked enough to realize the slug gun plummeting upon it's head, it knew it was to late. . .

    The fade's head crunched satisfyingly, Bason jumped to the ladder once more, moving swiftly to the third floor to aid the marines and also. . .

    "Now, to find one of those fueling stations. . ." Bason opened the 3D mini map and began to comply a strategy to repulse the Khaara assault.
  • Thats_EnoughThats_Enough USA Join Date: 2004-03-04 Member: 27141Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    I've been waiting for an update! Very nice <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--> Keep it up!
  • Commander_JAGCommander_JAG Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6956Members
  • m0nk3ym0nk3y Join Date: 2004-06-21 Member: 29452Members
    hmm a slug gun and a flamethrower... the droid needs more ammo!
  • duckfootduckfoot Join Date: 2004-08-18 Member: 30698Members
    I must say you've been doing a good job - good plot, vocabulary, etc ; just one thing- proof read maybe?

    Otherwise 10/10 good effort woot! NS rocks etc
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited September 2004
    The fortress had several layers, delicious layers for the Khaara to chow from the opposite direction then intended, the hard gritty bottom of the cake to the top delicious cream where Kalar was, the elevators had stopped and the Khaara had to go up stair cases, they easily climbed what a human would never be able to, even in prime condition do, scale several stair cases in a matter of a minute.

    The door, as usual, was giving them problems; however, as usual, the onos that survived had to bash inwards, the door would lead to the cherry on top, the corridor of the V.I.P, granted the marines didn't give any defense after the first two floors mildly gave Kalar amusement, no doubt they were evacuating.

    Unfrontunately, the onos experienced the cherry on top.

    As several HMGs began to fire from entrenched marines, no rookies but fearless veterans, the onos violently tried to walk backwards but succeeded only in smashing several skulks underneath it's weight and it gave a last roar as it's face was pelted wave after wave of the bullets, it gave way and fell down, causing the tiling to mildly shatter and also causing a fade to nearly get a broken leg as it had to quickly blink away down the corridor, hissing in annoyance while doing so.

    "Accursed humans..." Kalar thought idlely of what to do next, he could starve them, snipe at them, or just a full frontal assault for the joy of seeing them swarmed by skulks that have been producing unnaturally rapidly from the Habon, it had been sending only skulks as reinforcements sadly.

    The hallway was cramped, the stair case was a good idea as several skulks were sniped by HMG fire, even a gorge gave an indignant shriek as it's behind was shot while retreating to the stair case.

    Sitting on a stair with boredom, a claw under his chin to give him a frightenly human look followed by an equally terrifying smile that had began to grow famous amongst the Khaara, it meant he had a plan.

    "Turn on the computers, however. . . reset there targetting system and only give power to the corridor there in." telling this to a gorge that could barely nurture a chamber, let alone do a complicated task Kalar fully intended on using it himself as a lerk lifted the gorge into a ventilation system to the computer room Kalar gave a sigh of contentment and cracked his back in equal contentment.

    Author: I'm going to start updating this story at least every day again, I tend to have lapses in my story making, sorry about that.
  • mr_skulkmr_skulk Join Date: 2004-09-05 Member: 31397Members
    edited September 2004
    plz plz plz write more <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    poor skulks
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    edited September 2004
    "Warning, lighting system of the tower will now deactivate due to unknown enitity manipulating Computer Roo......" the AI was cut off in mid-setence as Bason got to the fifth floor, there were only seven floors thankfully, however, the computer room was on the fifth floor and Bason needed to refuel which was his original intent upon entering the fifth floor alone; now he had to re-activate the power for the marines that needed light.

    Climbing up on the ledge before the door and thankful to be off the ladder Bason began to use his flame thrower torch to a welding degree, much more concentrated and less demanding of energy then a regular flame thrower's use, and successfully cut a small hole for it's hand to fit through, thusly giving a grip that allowed Bason to easily yank the door out of it's sockets after 4 attempts; dropping the door into the elevator shaft Bason surveyed the Computer Room...

    The room itself was to dark to see, it was easily 40 by 40 however, steps going down to the computers giving it a feeling the computers were in a pit, several vents ran into this room and then Bason knew there could be problems.

    All the computers seemed to be in-active, however, they hummed with activity and he then saw a single gorge upon the key board agilely entering a code, it was odd for a gorge to be so nimble. . . its small clawed feet weren't the best to enter in the code but it managed to, it was clearly oblivious to him even though the door was quickly ripped out violently and loudly.

    "I will show this gorge it's mistake in death." slowly creeping upon it Bason nearly failed to hear the swoop and a shriek from an oncoming flier; quickly rolling to the side the lerk shrieked as it couldn't stop it's own momentem and smashed into a wall that was thankfully close to Bason, it squacked and began to get up---to see Bason's slug gun crashing down upon it, easily cracking it's skull.

    The gorge definitely seemed to know the ambush failed and panicked, running for a vent in a most comical scramble that made Bason nearly let it run away, conserving ammo Bason easily out ran it and repeatidly smashed it with his available hands and gun, Bason was growing fond of seeing the Khaara's easily broken body open up to a well placed blow from his well done construction.

    Aware of the green blood on it's hands, as it walked over to the keyboards, Bason simply typed in the re-activation code of B-Y-T-E-S, a satisfying hum of energy began to course throughout the room and most likely, the rest of the tower; Bason then decided to give himself a well needed recharge as it placed both of it's weapons into insertable slots in the computer for it to analizye and then realize that Bason needed a re-fill.

    Awaiting it's answer Bason idled about, having the luxery of time to think more about what it would do next, it opened a green hologram version of the tower on it's wrist once more. . . .
  • ThardinThardin Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25081Members
    The captain of the marine squad grinned at the broken down door, the Khaara were cowardly curs after all, it was just all twelve of em between the doorway to the commander, not like they'd pass fully armored marines with heavy suits of course!

    They weren't foolish enough to make barricades, they were useless against the dreaded onos and have, from camera feedback before the power went out, injured marines and even killed them.

    The captain then noticed something odd, it was as if the air was....

    "Cloaked skulk, fire at will upon the door enterance men!" with his HMG firing he caught the skulk that was readying itself for a spring and it quickly was put down, however, a swarm of skulks already were coming through the doorway, there had to be at least 20 a wave. . . . screams, blood from each side, his gun clicked as he ran out of ammo, he felt his leg go on fire and that is when his screamed joined his fellow veterans as he was overwhelmed, bites to the legs, and the death blow of a bite to the back of the throat.

    Kalar quietly walked into the mere moments ago guns blazing death corridor, since his former plan failed due to the gorge's mysterious death to an automated machine Kalar simply swarmed the marines with about 100 skulks, though the death toll was devastating, 62 skulks laid scattered across the corridor, but they did their job.

    Kalar then chuckled as several of the Khaara began pouring into the corridor and to the end of it. . . Kalar would enjoy killing his second commander, he just hoped that the man wouldn't give in so easily as the last cowardly commander did*; thusly Kalar walked down the corridor with his bretheren to the final dead end.

    *The commander of the ill fated Ecilpse Space Station, he was disbowled by Kalar after a swift interrogration for the master password.
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