The 49th Campaign
Join Date: 2004-07-29 Member: 30231Banned

I lost count of the days since I had been recruited. So many battles have been waged with the Kharra. We were on our 49th campaign against them. We were eager to finish this mission because after our 50th campaign we would be able to return home to our native world called jkl;asdgs. (To pronounce it, you must rip out your tounge.) But few platoons make it past campaign 50. It was supposed to be a routine sardine can buster (clean out) on tanith, a few skulks, perhaps a fade lifeform and then the HIVE. When we first landed on the base, I notice several new recruits, to name a few the main group of cadets we recieved NSPlayer(0), NSPlayer(1), NSPlayer(2), NSPlayer(3), exi . Nadagast, NSPlayer(4). Myself being a cal-i veteren was happy to see Nadagast, and NSPlayer(4). He seemed to know how to build. As we landed in the start area and recieved the chair, NSPlayer(2) hopped in and proceeded to drop 6 TFs, and 5 medpacks, then we vote kicked him out of the chair, Nadagast was forced to hop in and command our stout but stupid team. After laying down our base and giving our first orders, NSPlayer(0) proceeded to drown himself in Reactor Room. It took me 10 minutes to describe to NSPlayer(0) before he died that sitting under water would eventually kill you. After his unfortunate death, it was at this point that I noticed that NSPlayer(4) was asking where the buy zone was, to quote him: "omgz!11!1 wher is t3h buy z0nezz?11? u guyz r t3h nubz." I replied "NSPlayer(4), there is no buy zone here, we are not fighting terrorists right now." he replied, "l0l u r t3h nub, cal-o is u." While I argued with NSPlayer(4), NSPlayer(2) and NSPlayer (1) decided to go and hunt down "t3h l33t cr3w" about 2 minutes after they left I heard a bunch of mangled screams, among the screams I managed to hear: "OMG U R TEH N00B, I SAV FER TEH AWP!!11!" At this point I realized that we should have built base when it was dropped. As most of our team was now dead. Through quick thinking Nadagast dropped a chair in an unpopulated area and told us to build it. NSPlayer(4) pulled out his knife and ran in the opposite direction given to him, occasionally knifing the wall showing he wanted a "challenge" Through some skilled kills and a little luck, Nadagast and I managed to relocate the base. NSPlayer(0) finally respawned and asked for a shield, and nightvision for it was too dark on Tanith for him to see. At this point I realized it would be better to kill off the NSPlayer recruits and use their ammo for it would be a much better use of TSA equipment. But before I could begin the murders, 4 skulks and a lerk came into our new base. NSPlayer(0) turned around and shot me to death, when I died he said "omg!11!!1 s0rriez!!1 i byz gun n3xt r0undz.!11!" I did not have a clue what he meant. In the time it took NSPlayer(0) to say that line, he was mauled to death by the skulks, proclaiming that they were all noobs he sat in the respawn line. NSPlayers 1,2, and 4 fought valiently against the enemy, though they bursted and missed most of the time. Only 1 skulk died between the 3 of them. Nadagast hopped out, ran across the map to our base, and killed them all. NSPlayer(1) laughed and proclaimed once again that all the aliens were "n00bs" and that they could not aim. All the aliens went onos and ate all of the NSPlayers, Nadagast and myself suicided and recycled base.
STAY TUNED FOR PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STAY TUNED FOR PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW, When do we get part 2? LMAO
i 0wnZ j00 w17h 4 5kulk b173 gun j00 nUbz0R!!!1!!11!
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