Damage Control: Derelict

Mr_HeadcrabMr_Headcrab Squee!~ Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9392Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">i have a new target of hatred</div> As a few of you know, i've been trying to rebuild my good PC for nearly two months now. After numerous attempts, a mystery bug wouldnt stop killing the system. Turns out the site i bought it off of, www.compuvest.com, sent me one with a defective disk controller. I tried contacting them to get an Return Murchandise auth or some other bullcrap, only to never hear from them. So im getting fed up, The parts are taking way too long to show up (SO long in fact, i couldnt get into college, so im screwed, No chance of that Graphic Design job... Do not pass GO!, Do not collect 200 Dollars...) Im stuck with 3 desisions:

1 Wait for the Asshelmets to send me the parts i need
+ wont cost me a cent
- Better chance of me getting a girlfriend and getting married before then

2 Go to a local shop and buy a new Motherboard
+ Faster
+ Someone i can yell at when it doesnt work
- they're "Low low price" of $159.99 is obliterated by Newegg's $86

3 Order on Newegg.com
+ Cheap, but not Free
- Parents are paranoid about Online Transactions now (Except Ebay for some reason

So im stuck between a rock and living the rest of my days on a CRAPTASTIC HP PAVILLION! Anyone have any experence on Newegg? any good things i can tell the folks to calm them down? Thanks.

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  • GundamCLGundamCL Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18786Members
    Superior service and great prices. I once had to return a broken refurbished vid card and they were good about it, and no the broken card was not newegg's fault but the manufacter's fault.

    I use newegg all the time because they have cheap and usually free shipping.
  • CommunistWithAGunCommunistWithAGun Local Propaganda Guy Join Date: 2003-04-30 Member: 15953Members
    Neweggs shipping is strangely awesome. The default shipping is FREE 2 DAY GROUND WTH MEIGHT
  • Mr_HeadcrabMr_Headcrab Squee&#33;~ Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9392Members, Constellation
  • SwiftspearSwiftspear Custim tital Join Date: 2003-10-29 Member: 22097Members
    Never shipped new egg before, but I would do it in a sec if I ever felt it neccisary.
  • SpoogeSpooge Thunderbolt missile in your cheerios Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 67Members
    I've made multiple purchases from NewEgg.

    1. All the parts for my current machine including some extra fans I ordered later.
    2. Ram and WinXP for a friends laptop.
    3. Ram and WinXP for a friends desktop.
    4. A network card and some round IDE cables to clean up a friends desktop.
    5. Many others I don't remember.

    I've never had a part fail and I've never been overcharged or spammed. NewEgg is as legit as any walk-in retail store. And, you don't have to leave your house.
  • taboofirestaboofires Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9853Members
    Didn't NewEgg actually used to be a walk-in store (Babbages?) but change their name?

    I've also had a lot of luck ordering directly from reputable manufacturers, but that takes some research.

    If you check a computer specialty store (often repair places), sometimes you can get prices less than 10% higher than newegg but definately pay no shipping, as opposed to a CompUSA or something where you will get raped. If you really want somebody to yell at in person, that could work out.
  • DefianceDefiance Join Date: 2003-12-01 Member: 23847Members
    Newegg's prices and customer service are nearly unmatched. Just remember this one thing...

    You're buying computer parts over the Internet, and from a warehouse retailer. I've bought every single computer componet I own from newegg, and for the most part, every thing has worked flawlessly, but I have had some bad parts come, most recently, my first case I ordered from them for my new gaming PC - the PSU was completly shot.

    You never really know "what" you're getting in terms of working or defective hardware regardless of where and how you purchase it (retail store ie - Best Buy) or (Newegg - Online), and you won't know if it's going to work until you try it out. The one thing I absoultly dread about buying computer parts over the Internet is how my goods are handled... computer componets are just like glass in a sense - very breakable. I'd rather not have some jackass of a shipping employee manhandle my merchandise, but I suppose it's a chance I'm willing to take.

    My advice, bite the bullet, wait for the parts. =\
  • Soylent_greenSoylent_green Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11220Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/sad-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->. Lets see if <a href='http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=17958' target='_blank'>this</a> cheers you up a little bit.
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