It come down to two things...

Ben128Ben128 Join Date: 2002-06-21 Member: 808Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Resourse gather rate/autobalancing teams</div>That is really it. Once those are changed around.(the resourse gather rate is server based, correct?) The game will be perfect.

darn, got a CGI error for a second. Anyway, the resources need to be lessened to make them matter alot more. Right now people complain about HA owning everyone. Well, there was never ment for every single marine to have HA. That stuff is darn expensive. Its an investment, and a risk. If he dies, that is supposed to be a very nasty blow to your team. Same goes for the Onos. And the whole turret thing would be countered by that as well, turrets are not cheap to mass, its  risk to spend that much. Less resourse, and equal teams. Thats all we need.
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