
the_x5the_x5 the Xzianthian Join Date: 2004-03-02 Member: 27041Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">backstory for my map</div> More full explaination here: <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=76200&hl=ns_invasion' target='_blank'>http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/in...&hl=ns_invasion</a>

<span style='font-family:Courier'><span style='color:yellow'>The plot premise:</span> </span>
A lone Kharaa gorge had escaped on a TSA ship that was returning after a secussful round of elimination infestation form another facility. It evaded detection thanks to the SC and DC chamber this little gorgy had hidden arround himself. When he arrived at this human town deep within the human's territory the TSA he went to the nutrient rich sewage facility and began to build. This went largely unnoticed, as no one suspected hive was growing in their own home while the battle was raging onthe frontier. It was unthinkable and the hive & gorgy who were building the hive knew that they were in a precarious situation. Stealth was paramount and something new evolved in these Kharaa. They adapted the ability to learn how to used human technology.
Evenything was going fine until one day while the gorgy came up from the sewers to grab food from a school's cafeteria ran into a bunch of boys who mistook him for some sort of lizard thing. They tried to be all macho liek the TSA heros and slay the poor gorge who was just trying to get away. As they repeatedly stabbed the gorge over and over the boys hear some pitter pat tapping noises behind them in the dark.
first: "Did you hear something?"
second: "Aww are you afraid ***?"
thrid: "Shut up seriously I thought I head something too"
second: "What are you going to do about it? huh?"
*Chuckling noises*
second spinning angrily arround at the first kid (direction of sound) "Oh you think it's funny ****! I bet you won't think it's funny when--"
*Skulks attack.*
The screaming alerts adults who comming running to the alert see the skulks and the news spreads like wildfire. There is mass panic with everyone screaming "Skulks!" or "Kharaa!". The local authorities move quicky to the control room but find a group a skulks waiting there for them. Pwned by the careful preparations of the original gorge. From a remote alternate control room the city officials attempt to lock down the industrial facility but the aliens have learned how to override the commands from the main control room. Brave civilains desperately hold the alternate bulkhead door in place from the rammins of an onos. Those few seconds allow the comunity to send out a distress signal. Which goes rapidly to the headquaters of the TSA. The entire human sector is in perile and the nearest military ship is 6 days away at maximum velocity. In that time the Kharaa ont he planet could establish a devestatingly secure grip and worse with the news of the Kharaa being able to use human technology this mean they could find a way to leave the planet and use the recent star maps to go to other systems. <i>This is truely a worst case scenerio. </i>

<!--emo&::tsa::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tsa.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tsa.gif' /><!--endemo--> <span style='color:blue'>Marines mission:</span> You are a group of simple law enforcement officers on an industrial transport colony on the other side of the small planet. You use your minning explosives to bombard the surface buildings according to the TSA orders and are now ordered to go down and secure the mine underneath. Failure to defeat the Kharaa today could mean they could spread and take over a whole new sector in space. You are also fighting for your own survival and that of your families as the Kharaa are already making preperations to take over the rest of the planet. Stop the Kharaa invasion at all costs or loose everything. Weld things to fix the broken stuff and fix the other things so the Kharaa can't keep using them.

<!--emo&::hive::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/hive5.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='hive5.gif' /><!--endemo--> <span style='color:green'>Aliens mission:</span> You must survive the assault and secure this planet. You underestimated when the marines. With restriced paths in the underground facility you will have a hard time using onos if you are not on the surface. Do NOT be a redeem onos on this map, you will get stuck in the hive rooms!!! There are many good reasons for this intentioanl design. If you gorge the map up quickly you can win. Skulks and fades pwn here due to the diverse number of paths you can take through pipes. Lerks and fades and marines with jetpacks will enjoy the surface ruins. And don't forget to use the environment to your advantage. Aliens, move fast and secure the map and then finish the marines or just rush them. If the marine stay by the starting helicopters the whole game you should win and there is one surface rez nozzle.


  • Commander_JAGCommander_JAG Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6956Members
    I dont know whether to feel sorry for the gorge, or the kids. <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/sad-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    Map sounds great and I cant wait to play it!!!!
  • the_x5the_x5 the Xzianthian Join Date: 2004-03-02 Member: 27041Members, Constellation
    I've written a 4 page story of how the Kharaa began and focusing of a different point of view. I'm making it decked out in the details and as logical as much as possible so we can make it official.

    I want to point out the horrible things humans have done to the Kharaa in this miniseries.

    PS: If I write it could I have some one animate my story? It would make for some excellent animation.

    Anyways my main goal is the war is a two-way street. Humans abuse the Kharaa and try to kill them and the Kharaa will to survive takes over and they slaughter the humans.

    The Kharaa are a sort of collective. The hivemind is one perfectly united conciousness so you can interchangeably say they or it in reference to the hivemind. Even when the spawn are seperated (skulks, gorges, fades, lerks, onos, and hive) the little aliens have some independant thinking but are there to serve the hivemind. The indpendent unit adaptation was done in respond to human attack. While this provide the hive with an powerful individuality tool it also has a tendency to counter react where the independent aren't as smart or as skilled as the hivemind itself. To counter act this, the hive makes it so that all of the independent specemines are expendable and are there to serve the collective as a whole. The Kharaa is unique because the units are fully okay with their expendable function. Humans can't comprehend this. The Kharaa all think in very black-and-white terms. There is no squabbling abotu whether something is wrong or right. It just is. The one thing ingrained in the hivemind and all Kharaa is their collective survival. Humans present a threat that wants to drive them to extinction and they will fight back. For this reason it is perfectly reasonable to assume that the Kharaa are in harmony with most other lifeforms. A plant isn't a threat so they won't bother it, but if somethings started killing part of the hive network then the hivemind would not hesitate to stop the cause of the pain at it's source. The Kharaa are much like your immune system. If a foriegn pathogen is detected or something is hurting you, it defends the body. In this case the humans are the foriegn pathogens. Coming in and burning, shooting, killing the body. So it defend itself.

    Note in the following quote "I" is interchangeable with "we" and the Kharaa have no concept of plurality when it comes to the collective consciousness.
    <!--QuoteBegin-thoughts of the hivemind when it became sentient at the Project Origin facility+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (thoughts of the hivemind when it became sentient at the Project Origin facility)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I live, therefore I am.
    I am therefore we must endure.
    I am threatened therefore I must survive.
    I will survive, or I will die.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    And from that moment on the hivemind has always viewed humans and a threat to be killed on sight. (there are other events leading up to this but I don’t have time to put the whole story in for you, I want to do it all at once)
  • talkknotalkkno Join Date: 2004-07-31 Member: 30278Members
    Sooo do we start now [i new to here i dont wht i should post first]
  • the_x5the_x5 the Xzianthian Join Date: 2004-03-02 Member: 27041Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin-talkkno+Sep 8 2004, 10:30 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (talkkno @ Sep 8 2004, 10:30 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Sooo do we start now [i new to here i dont wht i should post first] <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    uh................ What?

    Um new people post and say hi in new players forum and we are all like hello and welcome and such not posting random things in an otherwise serious thread of mine?

    <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/confused-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> one word: eh?
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