Sometimes, these noobs just don't understand...

EggHedEggHed Join Date: 2002-09-30 Member: 1388Members
<div class="IPBDescription">It's sad.</div>I can't believe it. It is absolutely amazing. Some of these guys think they are playing counter-strike. They honestly do. I have tried being comander. 4 times on my count. I believe i'm not too bad at it. I play rts's and fps heavily. Well, the 1st time i commanded, was to laggy, so i got out. The second time on the other hand I was on a team of 5 people. They listened to me, though i had to leave early, before we won. It was a fun game. 3rd time, the people didn't listen. But after a while, i managed to get them to follow orders, we won. But the fourth time... it was a fairly large server, with alot of people. Some of the marines listened. The others?... well... they bitched for armor, hmg, nade launchers, resource towers, turrets, jetpacks, more hmg blah blah blah. They beleived they were playing counter-strike. They beleived that the commander was supposed to cater to there very needs. WTF??? It's the other way around. You follow the commanders orders and he will reward you with health and ammo, and if he has the resources, then he will maybe give you heavy armor, but only if you need it.

When i'm concentrating on a vital seige attack on the enemy hive, the LAST thing i wana hear is some noob bitching for a hmg. If you want a weapon, right click, go orders, then need orders. The game will notify me that you have no job. I will then give you a job, and if the job requires a nade launcher, THEN i'll give you a nade launcher.

I was trying to take down a hive so the aliens could not get ONOS, but these CS players were bitching at me to build a resource tower when we didn't need one. We needed to take down the hive. NOT build a resource tower, we had enough for now. The current problem was that the aliens had 3 hives. These friggin Newbs don't understand that commander knows best. He is the all-seeing eye, Your god during gamplay. Follow his orders, and you will be rewarded. damn, it sounds like i'm teaching dogs...

If you follow your commanders orders, and stay with the team inastead of being all cool and going solo, then you will win.

That means follow HIS orders. Don't give him orders.

And btw, does anyone here know why i can't use my mic in the cc? i can use it outside, but not in...


  • SlycasterSlycaster Limited Edition Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 24Members, NS1 Playtester
    There will always be incompetent people like that.  You just need to tell them that you do what i say, and you'll get your item.  If they still don't listen, just ignore them or quit.  I know what your saying.

    To the second part of your topic, what is your voicecom key binded too?  They only work on the actual keyboard letters.  Mouse3 and etc don't work for voicecom, so you have to use A-Z as your second bind.
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