Hardrive Switch
Custim tital Join Date: 2003-10-29 Member: 22097Members

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<div class="IPBDescription">Hmmmmm....</div> So I builded myself a new computer one day, and I decided I was going to recycle alot of parts... Most of these parts worked fine (monitor, mouse, keyboard) but I also decided I wanted to recycle my 80gig hardrive, since its still pretty new and it has alot of datas on it I don't want to lose yet. So I plug everything in and install windows (ME if its relevent... I know, I shuddered too) now I have a new computer that is telling it has 8 gig in it. I can only assume that it has repartitioned the new windows install to the blank space and is only representing that space, and that the reason it did this is becuase my new CPU (athy xp 3000) can't figure out what the heck the old CPU (I don't know, lets say celleron something or other) was doing in terms of marking file storage. Is there any way to get the datas off the old partition and onto the new partition that doesn't involve a new harddrive and networking?
(data is plural, datum is singular)
There is a limit, I think its somewhere around that area.
Try googling and reading up on it on the MS Knowledge Base
(data is plural, datum is singular) <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
no kidding, I never knew that or anything *coughcough<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>GRAMMaRNAZI</span>coughcough*
Sorry, I had some sort of sarcasm frog caught in my throat or something I think...
There is a limit, I think its somewhere around that area.
Try googling and reading up on it on the MS Knowledge Base <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I used to run a 120gig drive on FAT32 in ME before I switched to XP on my personal PC in fact I still am running a 120gig drive in FAT32 as my boot drive for windows XP just to point out that storage really has no obvios conventional limits. both times I had peaked the drive over 90 gigs of space full so that is definately not the problem.
Networking is a problem because I'm not acctually there to do the networking, and even if I was there we don't have any of the stuff neccicary for networking, and the only other computer that I could network too is the old one, which doesen't have a HDD if the new computer does. Buying another HDD is really not an option, and I don't have any spare ones laying around > 10 gig.
Networking is a problem because I'm not acctually there to do the networking, and even if I was there we don't have any of the stuff neccicary for networking, and the only other computer that I could network too is the old one, which doesen't have a HDD if the new computer does. Buying another HDD is really not an option, and I don't have any spare ones laying around > 10 gig. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
So you have one that is less than 10 gig? So you could just reinstal windows on it and plug that into the old comp and network using that? Cuz judging from the response that could be your only option.
Windows ME is your problem. Upgrade or I will kill you myself.
Networking is a problem because I'm not acctually there to do the networking, and even if I was there we don't have any of the stuff neccicary for networking, and the only other computer that I could network too is the old one, which doesen't have a HDD if the new computer does. Buying another HDD is really not an option, and I don't have any spare ones laying around > 10 gig. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
So you have one that is less than 10 gig? So you could just reinstal windows on it and plug that into the old comp and network using that? Cuz judging from the response that could be your only option. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I have data ON the 80 gig drive that my new processor can't read. I would like to be able to get that data back intact. Networking doesn't help me because it would require a new drive with at least 80 gig of data space that I do not have. The drive isn't damaged or broken, I am just trying to figure out a way to extract the data off the drive to a new partition that the AMD CPU can read.
[edit] Narfwark, rest assured I would never run ME on a computer of my own, but I am not there and I have my copy of XP with me, so this computer which my dad is building is going to have to run ME. (it shouldn't be an issue anyways, because the comp that is being upgraded from ran ME too)
So do i understand this correctly:
You have a 80gig HD which you want to use in the new pc, and you installed winME on this HD?
If yes, can you give us some partition info (how many, size) before and after the winME installation?
So do i understand this correctly:
You have a 80gig HD which you want to use in the new pc, and you installed winME on this HD?
If yes, can you give us some partition info (how many, size) before and after the winME installation? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
It would have been only one partition before it was put into the new computer, now its probably two, I know that the second partition is 8 gigs of FAT32 and thus I can only assume the original partition is aproxiamtely 72 gigs of FAT32. Problem is the new computer can't see the new HDD at all. I'm sorry, my theory was that it was the CPU registry locations it was calling for on the harddrive being different, and that was causing problems, but it was just my theory and I didn't mean to confuse you.
Just so its compleatly straigt forward and simple
<u>Old computer</u>:
80 gig harddrive
80 gigs all on one partition
lots of data
windows ME
[Here the harddrive is taken out]
[Hard drive is put in new computer]
<u>New Computer</u>:
8 gigs in one patition (72 gigs in invisable partition?)
only ME installed data
windows ME
Was the hard drive partitioned at all in the old computer?
Was the hard drive formatted at all before being put into the new computer?
The problem you have is that if the drive wasn't formatted Windows, and especially windows ME doesn't like suddenly waking up in a completely new environment, so it will have gone through and installed everything again including IDE controllers and the basic stuff to run your hard drive. What windows doesn't do is remove any of the old stuff and we end up with conflicts.
If you did format between computers than we know where your datas is gone....
Was the hard drive partitioned at all in the old computer?
Was the hard drive formatted at all before being put into the new computer?
The problem you have is that if the drive wasn't formatted Windows, and especially windows ME doesn't like suddenly waking up in a completely new environment, so it will have gone through and installed everything again including IDE controllers and the basic stuff to run your hard drive. What windows doesn't do is remove any of the old stuff and we end up with conflicts.
If you did format between computers than we know where your datas is gone.... <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'm trying to recover data off the drive, it has not been formatted. I need the new computer to see the old data, but I have no idea how to do it. I'm not acctually there, I'm want the information so I can pass it on to someone I am helping build a computer via email, thus I can't go and play with things in the disk manager and see if it works otherwize I would have already done so before posting. If someone can tell me for a fact that there is a way to make it work I can relay the information and get my buddy to play with it, but I already know he won't be able to figure out what is going on unless I can at very least point him in the right direction.
1. Did this HDD have the same copy of ME on it with the previous machine?
2. Did you run the ME installation completely or did you run the installation repair?
1. Did this HDD have the same copy of ME on it with the previous machine?
2. Did you run the ME installation completely or did you run the installation repair? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
1. Yes
2. I don't know the difference off the top of my head
Try answering these questions to help me narrow down the problem.
1. Were you able to access all 80 gigs on the old computer/installation?
2. Was the original drive in 1 partition?
3. When moving the HD to the new computer and reinstalling windows did it ask you which HD to install to?
4. Did you reinstall windows or just plug the HD into the new computer?
5. Did any formatting/partitioning take place during the new installation of windows?
I belive the answers would be:
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes? (there is only one HDD in the new machine)
4. Reinstall
5. I don't know, I think so considering that I now have an 8 gig partition that I've never seen before.
[edit] in relation to 5) I know the original data was not formatted off the drive (I can still pull the drive out, plug it into the old computer, and access the data), but I am assuming that windows partitioned on to free space a fresh install.