Things You And I Worry About
What do you worry about? Not little things, like where you'll go to college, et cetera, but improbable or illogical things.
I worry about the technological ceiling in which computer will reach a point where their power is so great, that simply by being on, artificial intelligences are spontaneously created and, subsequently destroyed, in such a way that to build and maintain a computer of that magnitude would constitute an act of mass murder.
I worry about the technological ceiling in which computer will reach a point where their power is so great, that simply by being on, artificial intelligences are spontaneously created and, subsequently destroyed, in such a way that to build and maintain a computer of that magnitude would constitute an act of mass murder.
Sounds nice hey? The problem is <i>why</i> do I like her? Is it because she likes me and so she is... accessible? Is it because I'm very horny and haven't seen any action recently? (Been too busy for a girl to be honest and when ever I've been out recently I just get drunk and dance).
On the other hand, I work with her and I've tried not to be attracted to her so... if the situation was different would I be attracted even more to her? Maybe my confusion stems from my hesitance to date someone from work?
Okay, so I'm worried about a little thing, I just thought I'd share it because a) Haven't told anyone in RL as I wanna sort it out in my head first and b) because I'm overanalysing and turning it from a 'boy meets girl' situation into some deep theory about the subconcious and stuff.
Oh and I'm an atheist and yet it occurred to me suddenly... why do humans naturally personify their environment? Is it because we 'need' a god figure? If so then what does that mean? We evolved to need air because it exists, everything we need is right there for us, does that mean we need a god because there is one for us to need?
I say no and I've actually come up with some good arguments against it but it still doesn't answer why we personify things, create spirits etc.
That one big enough for you?
Oh, and Indonesia. Having a bunch of crazy military powers that close next to me is kind of scary. Who knows when they'll just flip out and start sending rafts of indonesian soldiers over.
Also my incredible laziness.
Don't worry about it, I hear a lot of people have this condition. You can read more at <a href='' target='_blank'>this website</a>. If you're worried about it, the best solution is to try and stay awake for several weeks at a time, it'll do wonders for your body and your condition will clear right up.
If you write a journal you can go back in time and change the future. Stop when you are rich and famous.