I Need To Learn Java
title = name(self, handle) Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13597Members, Constellation

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<div class="IPBDescription">Help me please!</div> Well, stupidly, I signed up for a Java programming class at my school, with permission from the Comp Sci teacher, who thought I could learn it really fast because I set up the webserver for the class and was his teacher assistant last semester and what not.
I took Computer Science sophomore year (talkng HS here) and dropped out after about 2 weeks because I had finished 2 months worth of work apparently and didn't think I was being challanged enough.
Well anyway, back on topic, I need to learn Java. Is there any books that you could recomend?
I've been using <a href='http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/index.html' target='_blank'>this</a> but I was wondering if you know of any better places.
I hope I didn't get myself in too deep over my head...
I took Computer Science sophomore year (talkng HS here) and dropped out after about 2 weeks because I had finished 2 months worth of work apparently and didn't think I was being challanged enough.
Well anyway, back on topic, I need to learn Java. Is there any books that you could recomend?
I've been using <a href='http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/index.html' target='_blank'>this</a> but I was wondering if you know of any better places.
I hope I didn't get myself in too deep over my head...
If this is for high school, then it doesn't matter. Do whatever you want.
If this is a college class, follow DOOMeh's advice. Unless it's AP; in that case just make sure you learn it by the end of the semester so you can test out of stuff.
<i> NB: If I got the ISBN number wrong, it's because my eyes are full of pus, making it hard to read small writing. ):</i>
Then again, back when I was in high school, all they had in my high school for Computer Science classes was Pascal and Pascal for Geeks. Do they teach Java in high school now?
That's a little cold, though. D&D never really explained that goddamn GridBagLayout thoroughly enough for my liking. (: