Steam Wad Issues Or Something

JopsJops Join Date: 2002-09-13 Member: 1312Members
<div class="IPBDescription">o</div> I feel like Im posting something really obvious but I'll do it anyway, be forewarned I am a completely new at mapping and this is my first day to which I have been struggling for hours. Heres what I've done thus far:

Got hammer 3.4, followed setup tutorials and experimented with room making in half-life, set it up for Natural selection and did the same. Thing is I got all the configuration stuff seemingly correct but there seems to be an issue with the wads, whenever I try and run a map (trying sample maps off the net too) I get the message that "FATAL ERROR, could not open steama.wad" Now I realise this must be because I do not have steama selected but the truth is I can not find it anywhere when opening resource files containing wads. Im lost. I've been reading tutorial after tutorial and Im at my wits end here, if I do everything (to which I am positive something must be going over my head) and it still does not work it all just comes back to this wad error.

I apologize if this may seem out of place in the forum but I am mapping while learning with NS and I think this qualifies.

Help please?




  • menohackmenohack Join Date: 2004-02-29 Member: 26995Members
    Did you add steama.wad to your wad list in worldcraft?

    I normally get that error when i have a wad in a different directory than the half-life/ns directory, but I dunno about you.

    Try this:

    Make a new map, just a box and put in an info_player_start, an info_team_start, a team_hive, and a team_command (i think that's what it's called). Go to options > textures and remove them all. Then add the ones called ns.wad and ns2.wad from you half-life/ns directory. Don't even texture anything. To make sure you aren't using any textures (other than the ones from ns.wad and ns2.wad), close hammer and open it again. then compile and run and see what happens.

    If that doesn't work then you're screwed...
  • K2BoarderK2Boarder Join Date: 2004-01-29 Member: 25699Members
    One thing that usually causes that problem is if you are using too many wad. files. If you are using more than about 10, which is probably more than you need anyways, you will get an error of that type. You should also double check your configs to make sure you didn't mess anything up accidentally.
  • JopsJops Join Date: 2002-09-13 Member: 1312Members
    Thanks K2boarder I had a whole crapload of wads up, I was looking at all the NS textures so I loaded all the maps up in the NS folder to see them all- no wonder it didn't work.

    Thanks again guys,

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