Screen Error Plz Help

vbsbbvbsbb Join Date: 2005-03-14 Member: 45319Members
hey yah i jux DL 3.o client and wen i join in a server white words pop up n said "downloadable game cant not b supported" or some thing like that and wen ni click on the "~"(console) "gfx\vgui\fonts\640_OverwatchScheme.tga" this pop up

and the problem is my screen is black i cant see a thing but black ness ... i cant hear the sound and all but no vision ... plz help


  • im_lostim_lost TWG Rule Guru Join Date: 2003-04-26 Member: 15861Members
    You are probably in Software mode, which NS doesn't support. To check, start up NS, then go to Options. Under the video tab, see what is selected under Renderer. It needs to be OpenGL or D3D (as far as I know, it doesn't really matter which). Software won't work.
  • Lt_PatchLt_Patch Join Date: 2005-02-07 Member: 40286Members
    To clarify what Im Lost just said, Natural Selection doesn't support Software Rendering mode. This is a low drain graphics engine, designed when Half-Life 1 was first released, nearly 6 or 7 years ago. OpenGL, and Direct3D render engines are higher performance, and therefore need more from your hardware. These extra requirements are listed as the Recommended spec for Half-Life 1. Something along the lines of a Pentium 266 MMX, 32MB RAM, and a 4MB graphics accelerator. Seeing as Steam checks everyone's systems as it goes, then your system will run OpenGL and Direct3D modes. Here's the difference.

    Direct3D - Able to produce render effects like advanced anti-aliasing, and the Quincunx ansiotropic filtering methods, but only ever used as a last resort.
    OpenGL- Rendering method of choice for most Half-Life 1 Mod players, this mode can support rudimentary anti-aliasing effects, and anisotropics, up to 2x per pass. The OpenGL render also has greater support for decals on the fly, for example, OpenGL can insert sudden decals into it's workload, like bullet holes, and blood effects.

    I'd say use OpenGL mode.
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