
RacoonRacoon Join Date: 2003-06-24 Member: 17660Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">from 85 to 30</div> Hi guys,

I recently noticed a dramatic fps drop ingame since ns3.0 I use to play at 85 constant and now i drop to 30 when in fight. Here's my spec
Windows xp pro sp2
Geforce fx5900
p4 3gig
1 gig or corsair ram
i use the latest official nvidia driver : 71.84

Windows force my game to runs at 60 fps so i use nvrefresh to to set up my resolution 1280-1024 to 85mhz so the game runs at 85 fps (when i look at a wall)

I dont want to turn off the vsync because it look choppy and it tears my eyes appart
i turned off all the antialiasion -antitropic or whatever its called,
I tried to run at a lower resolution and it doesnt help
I runned norton antivirus, adaware and spybot to see if there is background crap

thx for the help



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