Refreshing Serverlist(s)

OZZ1EOZZ1E Join Date: 2004-07-24 Member: 30087Members
When I try to refresh serverlist for ns in steam (not running hl) it either doesn't find ANY servers or find just some.
Game: [ns]
Map: ns
Latency: <50
Server not full.
Has users playing.
Is not password protected.

However, if I start ns (hl) and refresh serverlist it works fine. (With same filters)

Why is this?


  • Lt_PatchLt_Patch Join Date: 2005-02-07 Member: 40286Members
    The most obvious thing here, is that you've answered your own question.

    Let's go through the vital filters that are affecting this...

    Latency <50

    This will only show servers with a net latency of less than 50 milliseconds. Not too many if you're on a low DSL/cable connection, many if you're on a high DSL/cable connection.

    Server Not Full

    Has users playing

    Those 2 are self-explanatory.

    What you've got there, is a filterlist that is suitable for someone on a High DSL/Cable connection, classed as 2Mb/s ONLY. If you're on any other connection speed, even 1.5Mb/s, then the <50 latency will affect the numbers greatest. As you're only getting a few servers, then it would suggest that only those few fulfil the requirements of your filters.

    Change the settings to Latency <100, which is a general DSL/Cable setting, and you'll find more servers will be listed.

    Just because the ping isn't less than 50, doesn't mean the game is unplayable, I still have to put up with a ping of 200, but only for 10 more days...
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