Looking For Clan..

GishGish Join Date: 2005-07-05 Member: 55295Members
edited July 2005 in Clan Recruitment
Heya.. I am looking for a clan, with a lot of teamwork and is active, and have weekly practicing/events/fun/something..

Info about me:

I play atleast (If I have the time) 2+ hours everyday (if not, it's because of something very important), I think I could use some training/practice "outside" the public..

I have never played competive gameplay (but always wanted to).. And just now thought of trying.. And also thought of joining a clan, because of the teamwork/social/fun involved in a clan, and because I want to work together, and..

Well.. If any clan is interested, they can send me an e-mail at nicolajgm@hotmail.com (subject must be called something like "clan recruiting")..

I live in Denmark (Doesn't matter to me where the clan is located), am 15 years old (most clans doesn't like players under 17 years, because we are not "mature".. Oh well...)..


Marine: I aren't good as comm, because I suck at RTS games (where I have to give orders and stuff).. In the field I can do excellent (If I have a team that does some good work elsewhere, or I am in a squad).. I can go by myself as a scout, and sneak and that stuff.. I can get from pint A to point B very fast (but depends on map, wp and obstacles)..

My fav weap is Shotgun, which is the weap I am best at.. I have good accuracy, and am good at evading oncomming enemy's and their attacks <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->..

Alien: In almost every game as Aline, I start as gestating to Gorge, and make some buildings (I have a "pattern" as to which goes first, and which as the last, that serves the team the best).. I am also almost all the time, the one who get's the 2nd Hive up and secured.. I am good as a Skulk if I get a SC first (most of the time everyone wants MC first), but I can also start with an MC upgrade.. I only go Fade if no one else has thought of that, and if the team is in trouble.. I do best as Lerk, when the 3rd hive is up.. If there is an onos or Fade, I support it/them the best way I can (lure marines, being bait, spore/umbrea/primal).. Onos is not me.. I never go Onos, if I have above 75res, I go spend them on a RT, or a Hive (if all 3 isn't up) and secure it..

That should be it.. I may have forgotten to tell something.. But.. Then.. Just ask me in the e-mail.. Also if you want more info..
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