[Work In Progress]Zenzou's Dream NS:S
Join Date: 2005-01-07 Member: 33462Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">A Complete Personal Visualization of what NS:S should be like</div><!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->Crap could a mod please move this thread to the ideas section Dx Thanx... or you can delete it if you want I have a back-up copy of this thread. Thanx again!<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/asrifle.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::asrifle::" border="0" alt="asrifle.gif" />
Well I started to post in the NS:S Wishlist thread, but I have so many ideas that I'm going to make my own thread and edit it with more info as I go along. Feel free to comment about specific things. I tend to get a little hyper late at night when I'm very tired and all the ideas just kinda flood outta my noggin'...
I do have a basic understanding of the limitations of the Source engine and what a coder can or cannot do. I'm sure that I can find a way to do all of this with work-arounds or little tricks. Plus on stuff I've seen in other mods that can be harnessed. I hope you read everything and can give some opinions on this stuff.
Everything is thought up on the spot.
Version 0.1 - 20/7/06
- Start of thread
- Initial ideas
- Psychic system started
- Marine units almost done
- Some alien ideas
- Some marine building ideas put forth
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tsa.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::tsa::" border="0" alt="tsa.gif" /> <b>Marine ideas</b>
Although the youtube link doesn't work for me I know that he's talking about Valve's new portal system. So we know source can do it and we know the Doom3 engine can do it also (look at Prey). So perhaps construction can not only occur on the floor but on ceilings and walls as well. This goes for both aliens and marines. The marine's Phasegate will be like a gateway except it will have an "alien detection system" which will put up a bio-shield up that will prevent aliens from entering. Thus the marines will be able to see what's on the other side of the PG and see if there's a camping onos or w/e waiting for them there.
There should be visible upgrades to player models when something is purchased or picked up. You can basically see better armour components on the marine's armour or bullet/ammo flare colours when shooting for damage upgrades (i.e. yellow (normal bullets)-blue(phaser)-red(photon)-green(plasma)). Also working laz0rs would rock! Not the red ones, but the green ones that can't be picked up by the alien's vision (ala AvP).
Better types of traps other than just tripmines would be great. Perhaps a flash-freeze mine that cryo-freezes the alien in place for a small amount of time (depending on the size of the lifeform) which enables the marines time to take aim and fire (but the trade-off of this is that the higher the damage upgrade the lower the damage given to a frozen alien, because of a weird chemical mixture between the DNA of the alien and the cryogen chemicals).
Please no flamethrowers, although much talked about the idea is totally over-used, same with rocket launchers. Instead we should go back to our primal roots as hunters and think of more melee-based weaponry. Or perhaps more weapons that require more brains to use effectively than just skill in aiming and shooting.
<b><i>Unit Classes</i></b>
<b>Marine Recruit/Grunt</b>
These fresh out of the meat-grinder skulk-fodder recruits are the most basic of grunts. All new players have only this class available to them at the start.
- Light armour (starting)
- Recon and point-man duties
- Basic squad duties
Primary - Light Machine Gun (LMG) Fires up to phaser-blue damage ammo. LAM upgrade and 2x scope upgrades available.
Secondary - Photon-Flare Gun (PFG) Fires special photon flares which the Kharra cannot see, but significantly lights up dark areas. Does a small amount of damage over a short period of burn time to target.
Melee - Standard-Issue Kabar-27 Marine tactical knife. Laser-cut edge perfect for cutting through alien walls, structures and units.
Item - Personal Catalyst Pack (PCP) Is a small dosage of Catalyst-5 drug used to enhance combat performance. Performance level dependant on amount of current psychic threashold. (The higher the better)
Every classic space-marine game's gotta have a guy named "Sarge". He's the guy who's job it is to first follow the commander and second spare as many skulk-fodder grunts as he can while directing them in advanced tactical strats. This class becomes available when enough combat experience is gained by the player.
- Medium armour (starting)
- Squad command
- Relays commands from commander
- Can request more reinforcements
Primary - Flak Combat K11 Gun (FCKG) Instead of the standard shoot and spread damage gun that a normal shotgun gives, this flak gun instead fires a small grenade that shoots razor shrapnel in a small radius when impacted. Used mainly for close-quartered combat but with the appropriate upgrade can become a miniature RPG of sorts. Plasma upgrade. Miniature rocket-propelled upgrade (shot does not arc, but goes in a straight line).
Secondary - Heavy-Caliber Pistol (HCP) Small clip big handgun. Shoots a high-caliber bullet at a rapid rate of fire. Unfortunatly the gun has a small clip. Clip size upgrade. Damage upgrades.
Melee - Personal Defence Blade (PDB) This sword-type weapon unfolds from a handle into a short plasma-tempered alloy sword that can cut through many things including Kharra vermin.
Item - Comset HUD (CHUD) A heads-up display in the Sarge's helmet visor can show a miniature view of what the commander is seeing plus he can toggle what the soldiers under his command are seeing also (think of Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter). The CHUD also enables the Sarge to see armor, health and mental levels (based on heartrate, pupil dialation, breathing, etc) and can order another unit of the squad to attend to them.
<b>Warfare Air Suit Personnel <i>(WASPs)</i></b>
These guys can sting more than once! Also known as JPers, these are the next gen of the ever-annoying Jetpack Troopers. Instead of jet thrusters, these guys are equipped with miniature personal anti-grav suits that are armoured. When activated energy is consumed everytime an action is performed. This enables users to not only go up and around, but upside-down or sideways too! Special boot treads enable an artificial gravity well to be activated so that the user may attach to the ceiling or walls and walk on them (this also takes up juice).
- Light Armour
- Moderate Psychic threashold
- Can place building gravity-well foundations on the walls or ceiling so that buildings may be built in hard-to-reach places.
Primary - Photon Machine Gun (PMG) Due to the anti-grav abilities of the WASP, any type of weapon with recoil will effect the manuverability of the WASP. So this light-based weapon does the job.
Secondary - Anti-Grav Tag Gun (ATG) Shoots a non-lethal dart that when attached to an object will center the gravity on it. i.e. a box tagged will make it act like it's in zero-G, or if a xenoform is tagged it will float helplessly unless if it has an ability that counters it.
Melee - Phase-Welder An advanced marine welder used to repair the new equipment in NS:S. This enables the WASP to repair or weld things in otherwise un-reachable spots.
Item - Gravity Flux Pulse (GFP) Shoots out a short beam of anti-grav energy in the facing direction which will push a non-friendly away in that direction violently. This can also be used to push heavy objects over or damage enemy buildings in close-range. When used while in flight, it will also push away the WASP from the direction they fire the GFP. This consumes a lot of energy and must only be used in emergencies.
<b><i>New Unit Classes</i></b>
<b>Hybrid Huntsman</b>
The scientists have managed to merge humans with Kharra abilities in the labs resulting in this hybrid. Unfortunately they were unable to remove the psychic-like traits of the Kharra from the DNA and these Huntsmen are rather unpredictable...
- little armour but high amount of HP
- melee-only
- has the ability to cloak from the aliens in dark enough places
- because of their hybrid state, if enough psychic-class aliens can mentally attack the huntsman then he will temporarilly switch alligances resulting in the hunter who worked for the hunted now hunting the hunted (say that five times fast <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />)
<b>Scientist Survivor</b>
Having survived the initial attack on the marine outpost/base/planet/station/etc. this hardy human has been recruited on-the-fly to help with the counter-attack on the alien threat. Having survived for so long alone, they were aided by their main medical tool used to analyze compounds, elements and the insides of either patients or test materials. Now it's time for some payback!
- has armour resembling a futuristic advanced HEV suit that enables the scientist to run fast in bursts
- can repair and heal marine units
- has a traquilizer-dart gun that can sedate smaller alien lifeforms or can be upgraded to induce severe psychic-shock to alien lifeforms in a big enough dosage.
- has a Perfect Dark-like Farsight-like x-ray finder gizmo that detects lifeforms like Spock (a radial fan that shows the********
- can help speed-up research
- high-resistance to psychic attacks
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/hive5.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::hive::" border="0" alt="hive5.gif" /> <b>Alien ideas</b>
As for the Fade's blink effect, perhaps we can take the idea of BF2:Special forces where some classes have a crossbow used to create a zip line and the player can alt-fie to check to see if the surface they're aiming at is in-range or viable.
Perhaps an upgrade for all aliens (including skulks) could be the surface-walking effect. Which would let any lifeform walk on the ceiling or walls like a skulk. Perhaps some sort of gravitational chamber that covers a certain radius would enable this ability for anything in the vicinity.
(Sorry for all the "Prey-like" ideas, I just got the game today and finished it and I still have it in my blood <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />)
<b><u>Psychic System</u></b>
All classes for both teams will have a psychic threashold or limit. When this limit is reached different effects will take place. Basically the objective of this psychic system is to create more of an immersive environment for the player.
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tsa.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::tsa::" border="0" alt="tsa.gif" /> <b>Marines</b>
- Huntsmen will go berserk and turn on allies (in-order to ensure player turns on allies, he must kill as many teammates as possible otherwise risk either a point penalty or die).
- Scientists when having reached their limit will totally break-down and the player will sit down and cower on the ground for a period of time.
- Soldiers will end up panic-firing (force player to fire their current un-holstered weapon) and damaging friendlies (individual FF enabled). Soldier will blindly flee in random direction if weapon is holstered (Yes there should be weapon holstering, which is more like those movies where the soldiers pull out their big guns when they hear something).
- Heavy soldiers have the same threashold as huntsmen (which is higher than scientists) and when their limit is reached their vision becomes clouded and they start to hear and see things.
- The psychic-buffer can be built to ensure a safe-haven from psychic attacks. The Huntsman's cloaking is in-effective within the range of this building (to ensure both balance and the fact that the fade DNA in the huntsman is effected by the buffer)
- The psychic-buffer enables research of anti-fear drugs (which boost troop morale and psyche) and a psychic-pulse which really messes with aliens in the blast radius.
- A fully-upgraded psychic-buffer can be used in conjunction with a beacon to make certain aliens implode upon themselves. While draining the energies of other alien lifeforms.
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/hive5.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::hive::" border="0" alt="hive5.gif" /> <b>Aliens</b>
- (To Be Continued)
Well I started to post in the NS:S Wishlist thread, but I have so many ideas that I'm going to make my own thread and edit it with more info as I go along. Feel free to comment about specific things. I tend to get a little hyper late at night when I'm very tired and all the ideas just kinda flood outta my noggin'...
I do have a basic understanding of the limitations of the Source engine and what a coder can or cannot do. I'm sure that I can find a way to do all of this with work-arounds or little tricks. Plus on stuff I've seen in other mods that can be harnessed. I hope you read everything and can give some opinions on this stuff.
Everything is thought up on the spot.
Version 0.1 - 20/7/06
- Start of thread
- Initial ideas
- Psychic system started
- Marine units almost done
- Some alien ideas
- Some marine building ideas put forth
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tsa.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::tsa::" border="0" alt="tsa.gif" /> <b>Marine ideas</b>
Although the youtube link doesn't work for me I know that he's talking about Valve's new portal system. So we know source can do it and we know the Doom3 engine can do it also (look at Prey). So perhaps construction can not only occur on the floor but on ceilings and walls as well. This goes for both aliens and marines. The marine's Phasegate will be like a gateway except it will have an "alien detection system" which will put up a bio-shield up that will prevent aliens from entering. Thus the marines will be able to see what's on the other side of the PG and see if there's a camping onos or w/e waiting for them there.
There should be visible upgrades to player models when something is purchased or picked up. You can basically see better armour components on the marine's armour or bullet/ammo flare colours when shooting for damage upgrades (i.e. yellow (normal bullets)-blue(phaser)-red(photon)-green(plasma)). Also working laz0rs would rock! Not the red ones, but the green ones that can't be picked up by the alien's vision (ala AvP).
Better types of traps other than just tripmines would be great. Perhaps a flash-freeze mine that cryo-freezes the alien in place for a small amount of time (depending on the size of the lifeform) which enables the marines time to take aim and fire (but the trade-off of this is that the higher the damage upgrade the lower the damage given to a frozen alien, because of a weird chemical mixture between the DNA of the alien and the cryogen chemicals).
Please no flamethrowers, although much talked about the idea is totally over-used, same with rocket launchers. Instead we should go back to our primal roots as hunters and think of more melee-based weaponry. Or perhaps more weapons that require more brains to use effectively than just skill in aiming and shooting.
<b><i>Unit Classes</i></b>
<b>Marine Recruit/Grunt</b>
These fresh out of the meat-grinder skulk-fodder recruits are the most basic of grunts. All new players have only this class available to them at the start.
- Light armour (starting)
- Recon and point-man duties
- Basic squad duties
Primary - Light Machine Gun (LMG) Fires up to phaser-blue damage ammo. LAM upgrade and 2x scope upgrades available.
Secondary - Photon-Flare Gun (PFG) Fires special photon flares which the Kharra cannot see, but significantly lights up dark areas. Does a small amount of damage over a short period of burn time to target.
Melee - Standard-Issue Kabar-27 Marine tactical knife. Laser-cut edge perfect for cutting through alien walls, structures and units.
Item - Personal Catalyst Pack (PCP) Is a small dosage of Catalyst-5 drug used to enhance combat performance. Performance level dependant on amount of current psychic threashold. (The higher the better)
Every classic space-marine game's gotta have a guy named "Sarge". He's the guy who's job it is to first follow the commander and second spare as many skulk-fodder grunts as he can while directing them in advanced tactical strats. This class becomes available when enough combat experience is gained by the player.
- Medium armour (starting)
- Squad command
- Relays commands from commander
- Can request more reinforcements
Primary - Flak Combat K11 Gun (FCKG) Instead of the standard shoot and spread damage gun that a normal shotgun gives, this flak gun instead fires a small grenade that shoots razor shrapnel in a small radius when impacted. Used mainly for close-quartered combat but with the appropriate upgrade can become a miniature RPG of sorts. Plasma upgrade. Miniature rocket-propelled upgrade (shot does not arc, but goes in a straight line).
Secondary - Heavy-Caliber Pistol (HCP) Small clip big handgun. Shoots a high-caliber bullet at a rapid rate of fire. Unfortunatly the gun has a small clip. Clip size upgrade. Damage upgrades.
Melee - Personal Defence Blade (PDB) This sword-type weapon unfolds from a handle into a short plasma-tempered alloy sword that can cut through many things including Kharra vermin.
Item - Comset HUD (CHUD) A heads-up display in the Sarge's helmet visor can show a miniature view of what the commander is seeing plus he can toggle what the soldiers under his command are seeing also (think of Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter). The CHUD also enables the Sarge to see armor, health and mental levels (based on heartrate, pupil dialation, breathing, etc) and can order another unit of the squad to attend to them.
<b>Warfare Air Suit Personnel <i>(WASPs)</i></b>
These guys can sting more than once! Also known as JPers, these are the next gen of the ever-annoying Jetpack Troopers. Instead of jet thrusters, these guys are equipped with miniature personal anti-grav suits that are armoured. When activated energy is consumed everytime an action is performed. This enables users to not only go up and around, but upside-down or sideways too! Special boot treads enable an artificial gravity well to be activated so that the user may attach to the ceiling or walls and walk on them (this also takes up juice).
- Light Armour
- Moderate Psychic threashold
- Can place building gravity-well foundations on the walls or ceiling so that buildings may be built in hard-to-reach places.
Primary - Photon Machine Gun (PMG) Due to the anti-grav abilities of the WASP, any type of weapon with recoil will effect the manuverability of the WASP. So this light-based weapon does the job.
Secondary - Anti-Grav Tag Gun (ATG) Shoots a non-lethal dart that when attached to an object will center the gravity on it. i.e. a box tagged will make it act like it's in zero-G, or if a xenoform is tagged it will float helplessly unless if it has an ability that counters it.
Melee - Phase-Welder An advanced marine welder used to repair the new equipment in NS:S. This enables the WASP to repair or weld things in otherwise un-reachable spots.
Item - Gravity Flux Pulse (GFP) Shoots out a short beam of anti-grav energy in the facing direction which will push a non-friendly away in that direction violently. This can also be used to push heavy objects over or damage enemy buildings in close-range. When used while in flight, it will also push away the WASP from the direction they fire the GFP. This consumes a lot of energy and must only be used in emergencies.
<b><i>New Unit Classes</i></b>
<b>Hybrid Huntsman</b>
The scientists have managed to merge humans with Kharra abilities in the labs resulting in this hybrid. Unfortunately they were unable to remove the psychic-like traits of the Kharra from the DNA and these Huntsmen are rather unpredictable...
- little armour but high amount of HP
- melee-only
- has the ability to cloak from the aliens in dark enough places
- because of their hybrid state, if enough psychic-class aliens can mentally attack the huntsman then he will temporarilly switch alligances resulting in the hunter who worked for the hunted now hunting the hunted (say that five times fast <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />)
<b>Scientist Survivor</b>
Having survived the initial attack on the marine outpost/base/planet/station/etc. this hardy human has been recruited on-the-fly to help with the counter-attack on the alien threat. Having survived for so long alone, they were aided by their main medical tool used to analyze compounds, elements and the insides of either patients or test materials. Now it's time for some payback!
- has armour resembling a futuristic advanced HEV suit that enables the scientist to run fast in bursts
- can repair and heal marine units
- has a traquilizer-dart gun that can sedate smaller alien lifeforms or can be upgraded to induce severe psychic-shock to alien lifeforms in a big enough dosage.
- has a Perfect Dark-like Farsight-like x-ray finder gizmo that detects lifeforms like Spock (a radial fan that shows the********
- can help speed-up research
- high-resistance to psychic attacks
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/hive5.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::hive::" border="0" alt="hive5.gif" /> <b>Alien ideas</b>
As for the Fade's blink effect, perhaps we can take the idea of BF2:Special forces where some classes have a crossbow used to create a zip line and the player can alt-fie to check to see if the surface they're aiming at is in-range or viable.
Perhaps an upgrade for all aliens (including skulks) could be the surface-walking effect. Which would let any lifeform walk on the ceiling or walls like a skulk. Perhaps some sort of gravitational chamber that covers a certain radius would enable this ability for anything in the vicinity.
(Sorry for all the "Prey-like" ideas, I just got the game today and finished it and I still have it in my blood <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />)
<b><u>Psychic System</u></b>
All classes for both teams will have a psychic threashold or limit. When this limit is reached different effects will take place. Basically the objective of this psychic system is to create more of an immersive environment for the player.
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tsa.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::tsa::" border="0" alt="tsa.gif" /> <b>Marines</b>
- Huntsmen will go berserk and turn on allies (in-order to ensure player turns on allies, he must kill as many teammates as possible otherwise risk either a point penalty or die).
- Scientists when having reached their limit will totally break-down and the player will sit down and cower on the ground for a period of time.
- Soldiers will end up panic-firing (force player to fire their current un-holstered weapon) and damaging friendlies (individual FF enabled). Soldier will blindly flee in random direction if weapon is holstered (Yes there should be weapon holstering, which is more like those movies where the soldiers pull out their big guns when they hear something).
- Heavy soldiers have the same threashold as huntsmen (which is higher than scientists) and when their limit is reached their vision becomes clouded and they start to hear and see things.
- The psychic-buffer can be built to ensure a safe-haven from psychic attacks. The Huntsman's cloaking is in-effective within the range of this building (to ensure both balance and the fact that the fade DNA in the huntsman is effected by the buffer)
- The psychic-buffer enables research of anti-fear drugs (which boost troop morale and psyche) and a psychic-pulse which really messes with aliens in the blast radius.
- A fully-upgraded psychic-buffer can be used in conjunction with a beacon to make certain aliens implode upon themselves. While draining the energies of other alien lifeforms.
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/hive5.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::hive::" border="0" alt="hive5.gif" /> <b>Aliens</b>
- (To Be Continued)
I'd like to remind you that we have staff who look through I&S for ideas and select individual ones to pass on to devs as being good...but your ideas have a much greater chance of being selected if you make individual threads for each one. Check the I&S FAQ for more info.
I'm not going to update this since it's too many ideas... I might just make up some new threads for some of the ideas in this one...
-Infantry portal upgrading :
--increase spawning rate
-electric wall
--something like Unreal2 laser wall it's low-helth structur but do damage on alien and stop progress of all player if he isn't a marins. need two wall-generator for make a "shield" beetwen them with three it's make 2 wall. marin or commander can move a generator-plot on a restriced area (or the wall not work)
ReadyRoom :
Add a 'commander' way it's an acces to a spawn near CC. That's a possibility for know who will com this game and stop the 'no com' game on first 5 minutes
Alien idea :
able guest at any point, fix a point throw a specific web-line the Kharaa follow it and make eggs at the end point. So that's possible to envolve on the ceil .. and fall on marins. With physique damage I means an onos envoling look crazy <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" />
let's eggs of their position until next one of the same player.
shoot hive make toxic spore on large radius (self defense) with umbra+healspray
the spore attack of lerk blur the view of marins
the hive spawn egg's on random way, this one move with the physic velocity. When a player die he come in an egg's (already spawned) they are more egg's ready to spawn a player than a player ... So it's possible to have Hive spawning alien effect and reduce spawn camp because marin don't know what egg will be spawn an alien... The hive egg's can be destroyed it's an impressive physique resistance