hud sounds

scratchiescratchie Join Date: 2006-11-01 Member: 58167Members
edited November 2006 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">an advanced menu for sounds</div>Hai,

I havent read through all idea & suggestions but when i saw some topics i didnt see anything famillar. You can delete this if I double post, i'm sry.
EDIT* (Could be done in 3.2?)
Current situation:
A couple sounds that can be bounded to hotkeys and some more sounds in the menu.
I never use my menu anymore besides co marine upgrades, because it simply takes to long to get to any sound. I bounded some custom to my needs but i dont feel its enaugh.
New situation:
A more CS-like menu which gets you a sound in 2 buttons, which gives the opportunity for more sounds.
There not enaugh keys for covering you and stuff, besides why not a < Cover me > sound, which is more logical to have. Someone walking by a marine building a RT simply doesnt always care for his death or isnt aware of skulk the rt building has heard before. So you give the < Cover me > sound to get his attention.
Some more hud-sounds that could be nice to have:
- Negative
- Need backup
And maybe more typical ns sounds ( cover me , planted bomb in cs )
- OC's dropped need assistance
- RT's dropped ......
- Hive dropped ......

Its a very simple upgrade that can make the game feel more complete.
Youre thoughts and ideas are welcome.


  • TalnoyTalnoy Join Date: 2003-01-04 Member: 11779Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    (trying to be as nice as possible)

    This is not CS - the reason being that the devs didn't want to end up with another CS clone. Go take a read of the top 4 mistakes by mod teams on

    The thing I DO agree with though, the the addition of commands like OC dropped, RT dropped, Hive Dropped, etc

    These commands could be integrated into the pop up menu, but might cause clutter.
  • MuzzzyMuzzzy Join Date: 2005-07-20 Member: 56360Members
    edited November 2006
    You don't need sounds. Bind "key" "say ---HIVE DROPPED---" . Or something like that. It's not that hard. Or just use a mic. Noone in CS even uses those sound things; proving they are useless.
  • scratchiescratchie Join Date: 2006-11-01 Member: 58167Members
    It adds something to it, you can make it totally not connected to CS , those were just examples of a menu that works fast and good. Something I cant say about the the ns menu. Youre mouse gets stuck in it, makes you a easy target. A simple menu with nice sounds is what i'm asking for. And like i said, there not enaugh binds for all sounds like ---HIVE DOPPED-- spammage.

    So my request is a simple sound menu that works quick and good. ( You can then fill it up with more sounds. )
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